Tag Archives: cry me a river

Ground Zino: Benzino Kicked Off Airplane, Calls Flight Staff “Racist Mother-Fawkers” [VIDEO]

Rough couple of months for ‘Zino… Benzino Ordered To Exit Flight, Curses At Flight Crew After getting blessed with a bullet at his mother’s funeral, and catching residual fade in the now-infamous Mayweather/Harris match , the Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star was ejected from his flight earlier today for unclear reasons and went on a profane rant against everyone in his line of sight — and it was all caught on video. The passenger who shot the footage is clearly amazed by Zino’s profanity-laden tirade, while Benzino’s boo-thang Althea seems pretty unfazed by the incident as she calmly gathers her things and exits the plane. Peep the video: Via TMZ : The mayhem didn’t end in Vegas — days after Floyd Mayweather locked horns with T.I., Floyd’s friend Benzino got kicked off an airplane in Chicago … and in the process, the “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” star unleashed the loudest torrent of f-bombs we’ve ever heard. It’s all on video — Benzino (the same guy who was partying with Floyd at the strip club early Sunday morning) goes OFF … calling a flight attendant “a racist motherf*****” and a “racist bastard.” Eyewitnesses tell TMZ, Benzino was asked to leave the plane during a stopover in Chicago on his flight from Vegas to ATL. The details surrounding the blowup are hazy — we’re told the flight attendant questioned Benzino about his seat and next thing everyone knew … Benzino was screaming. We’re told Benzino left the plane without further incident and police were not called to the scene. Calls to Benzino and the airline were not returned. Damn…he mad or nah? What do you think really happened to get him kicked off the plane in the first place?

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Ground Zino: Benzino Kicked Off Airplane, Calls Flight Staff “Racist Mother-Fawkers” [VIDEO]

Extra-Round Rob Kardashian Calls Lamar Odom After Fleeing Florence To Skip KimYe Wedding

Is this a breach of loyalty? Rob Kardashian Calls Lamar Odom, Clears Twitter After Skipping KimYe Wedding The Pillsbury Kardashian doesn’t seem to be handling media attention or relating to his family members very well these days. After storming out of Europe just hours before the big KimYe nuptials, Brother Rob apparently reached out to Khloe Kardashian’s estranged husband, Lamar Odom. He and Lamar always referred to one another as brothers…perhaps he feels that he’ll get more support from Khloe’s ex than from his own family? MailOnline reports: As well as skipping his big sister’s wedding on Saturday, Rob Kardashian, 27, has now deleted all of his tweets on Twitter – some that included messages about Kim – and appears to be making a fresh start. A source has also revealed to MailOnline that Rob has reached out to none other than Lamar Odom, 34, the estranged husband of his sister Khloe, 29. ‘Rob really misses Lamar, he was like a big brother to him,’ we’re told. ‘Lamar really helped Rob with his problems when it came to wanting to lose weight, and they’ve never lost touch.’ However, what may be more shocking to his selfie-loving siblings, is that he is scaling back on social media. His official Twitter account now features just a handful of posts, and a new profile picture wearing a hoodie. The reality star’s confidence has been knocked since he started piling on the pounds and he is said to have felt so ‘insecure and depressed’ that he shunned his older sister’s star-studded ceremony at Forte di Belvedere in Florence, Italy, just to avoid being in the family photos. This report comes after the 27-year-old star – whose problems started following his bitter break-up with Rita Ora in 2013 – allegedly got into an argument with Kim over her lavish wedding extravaganza, which he branded ‘superficial bulls**t’. Things kicked off between the siblings during a lunch at designer Valentino’s Château de Wideville in Crespières, France, and Rob headed for the airport shortly afterwards. An insider told HollywoodLife.com: ‘Rob is not in a good place right now at all and his family should be very worried about him. He was embarrassed to go to the wedding in the first place because of his weight gain and to be ridiculed by Kim and basically rejected has put him over the edge.’ Poor Rob! What kind of cold-blooded things could Kim & crew have said to Rob to make him just decide to leave altogether? We’re inclined to say “at least he has someone to reach out to”…but with all Lamar’s reported issues, who knows if that connection will be of much help to him? Hopefully he can work things out with his family (and his trainer, and his dietician) in the very near future.

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Extra-Round Rob Kardashian Calls Lamar Odom After Fleeing Florence To Skip KimYe Wedding

Mo Money Mo Problems: $27 Million Dollar Powerball Winner Passes Away Dead Broke In Hospice

So sad… $27 Million Dollar Powerball Winner Passes Away Dead Broke David Lee Edwards, the ex-felon from Kentucky who won the $27 million Powerball in 2001 , has died broke, and in hospice. Via Broward Palm Beach reports: As reported by New Times in 2007, Edwards had managed to blow his entire fortune within just five years. He and his wife Shawna went from living in a lavish Florida mansion decorated with medieval armor, to a Kentucky storage unit container filled with human feces. See also: Powerfall: For David Lee Edwards, winning the lottery was a wild rocket ride And now, just 12 years after striking it rich, Edwards has died penniless, and alone, at age 58. Edwards was a convicted felon who had spent a third of his life behind bars when he walked into a Kentucky convenient store and bought $7 worth of lottery tickets. When he won, he opted for the one-time payout, rather than the annual payments. And within a year of being an instant millionaire, Edwards went on a spending spree. He threw down $12 million in that first year alone, buying himself and Shawna a 6,000-square-foot mansion in Palm Beach with a private tennis court for $1.6 million, dozens of expensive cars, and a LearJet with a personal pilot worth $600,000. His Palm Beach neighbors complained that Edwards had so many cars in his driveway, that it looked like a car dealership. He also spent on three losing racehorses, a limo business, and a fiber optics installation company. He also spent lavishly on medieval armor and swords to decorate his mansion — most of it cheap knock offs of originals. But Edwards also had a drug problem. He and Shawna contracted hepatitis from sharing tainted needles, while she had an Oxycontin addiction. The two had multiple run-ins with authorities. Within five years, he was broke. And once the money dried up, Shawna left him and remarried. Edwards tried to do right by his winnings. Shortly after falling into his fortune, he had vowed to spend it right, to make it last for Shawna and his daughter. He even hired a financial adviser, James Gibbs. Gibbs invested some of the winnings in stocks and bonds. But Edwards sold them all off. “If he followed my advice,” Gibbs told New Times in 2007, “he’d be pulling in about $85,000 a month for the rest of his life.” On Tuesday, Edwards’ daughter, Tiffani Lee Edwards, said that her father had died penniless and alone. And that he had left her nothing, not even a life insurance policy. “There is NO MONEY anywhere!!!!” she wrote on Facebook. A very sad story. The poor guy had a very troubled life before winning the Lottery but it seemed the money only slowed and lengthened the tragic inevitable. Do you feel bad for the man?

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Mo Money Mo Problems: $27 Million Dollar Powerball Winner Passes Away Dead Broke In Hospice

Poor Thang: Vivica Fox Cries Over Breakup With Her Young Tender Club Promoter Slimm [Video]

Damn, Slimm must have some good D the way he got ol’ Viv in tears even after all this time! After recently revealing that she’s done with young tenderonis Vivica Fox had an emotional moment on the “Bethenny” show after she was asked about the relationship. video platform video management video solutions video player She better go ahead and have them kids if she wants them…

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Poor Thang: Vivica Fox Cries Over Breakup With Her Young Tender Club Promoter Slimm [Video]

Poor Thang: Vivica Fox Cries Over Breakup With Her Young Tender Club Promoter Slimm [Video]

Damn, Slimm must have some good D the way he got ol’ Viv in tears even after all this time! After recently revealing that she’s done with young tenderonis Vivica Fox had an emotional moment on the “Bethenny” show after she was asked about the relationship. video platform video management video solutions video player She better go ahead and have them kids if she wants them…

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Poor Thang: Vivica Fox Cries Over Breakup With Her Young Tender Club Promoter Slimm [Video]

Racist Or Nah? AIG Insurance CEO Compares Outrage Over Poooor Rich Wall Street Execs Accepting Big Bonuses To Slave Lynchings In The South

Cry us a fawking river… AIG CEO Compares Wall Street Exec Bonus Outrage To Slave Lynchings Another day, another filthy rich right-winger putting his foot in his mouth. This time the foolery comes courtesy of AIG Insurance CEO Bob Benmosche. via Think Progress In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, AIG CEO Bob Benmosche came out with the worst analogy for the 2009 financial crisis. Benmosche compared public outrage over AIG’s bonuses to the Deep South lynching African-Americans. “It was just as bad and just as wrong,” he said, because employees were used to a certain way of living: “Now you have these bright young people [in the financial-products unit] who had nothing to do with [the bad bets that hurt the company.] … They understand the derivatives very well; they understand the complexity. … They’re all scared. They [had made] good livings. They probably lived beyond their means. …They aren’t going to stay there for nothing. The uproar over bonuses “was intended to stir public anger, to get everybody out there with their pitch forks and their hangman nooses, and all that–sort of like what we did in the Deep South [decades ago]. And I think it was just as bad and just as wrong.” The nerve of this dude to compare the “struggle” that his already-privileged staff is going through to that of slaves in the south who LOST THEIR LIVES. Sounds to us like he deserves all the backlash he gets. Continue reading

Foxy Brown Breaks Down Crying In Interview “Haters… Just Let Me Live!” [Video]

MTV Rapfix.com Continue reading

Ho Sit Down: Alleged Baller-Killer Aaron Hernandez Denied Bail! Prosecution Seeks Life Sentence Without Parole For Murder!

It’s a wrap! Aaron Hernandez Denied Bail, Charged With Murder And 5 Gun-Related Charges According to TMZ reports : NFL star and murder suspect Aaron Hernandez has just been denied bail … meaning he’ll rot behind bars until his trial … and that could take forever. Hernandez was present in court today for a bail review hearing, where his lawyer begged the judge to release Hernandez from custody while he awaits trial. But the judge wasn’t moved by his arguments — that Hernandez is an upstanding citizen and family man with no flight risk — claiming the prosecution already had very strong evidence that Hernandez had committed the crime. As for the evidence … the prosecutor went through the entire timeline leading up to the murder of Odin Lloyd earlier this month, including matching shell casings found at the murder scene and inside Hernandez’ rental car. He also mentioned the photo TMZ posted last night — showing Hernandez brandishing a glock in the mirror 4 years ago — claiming it’s possible the murder weapon was also a glock. The prosecutor said they’d be seeking the max sentence for Hernandez … life without parole. Hernandez’ fiancee — who was also present in court — was inconsolable when the judge issued her decision to keep the NFL star behind bars. As we reported, Hernandez was remanded into custody yesterday following his arraignment and was ordered to be held WITHOUT bail. Hernandez has been charged with murder in the death of 27-year-old Odin Lloyd. He’s also been hit with 5 gun-related charges. It could be months — even a year — before Hernandez gets his trial. Welp, there you have it. Peace, playa, it’s been real.

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Ho Sit Down: Alleged Baller-Killer Aaron Hernandez Denied Bail! Prosecution Seeks Life Sentence Without Parole For Murder!

Kelly Rowland Bursts Into Tears While Performing Her Beyonce-Shading New Tune “Dirty Laundry” [Video]

Cry me a river… Kelly Rowland Weeps While Performing “Dirty Laundry” Last night during her show at The Fillmore in Washington, D.C. Kelly Rowland had herself a little breakdown on stage, guess “Dirty Laundry” got a little too real for her… The Beyhive is gonna have a field day with this one… Image via YouTube

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Kelly Rowland Bursts Into Tears While Performing Her Beyonce-Shading New Tune “Dirty Laundry” [Video]

White Girl Lost: Amanda Bynes Spotted Wandering The Skreets Aimlessly, Threatens To Sue Over Stories About Being Booted From “Twerk Out” Sessions

This chick makes Lindsay Blohan look like child’s play. Poor Amanda Bynes is having such a rough life right now — good thing she has her Twitter riiiiight? WRONG. Just when we thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse, she’s been ranting incessantly on her social media in a weak attempt to “right” all of the tabloids’ wrongs. Yesterday she posted this after a story emerged claiming she’s been ejected from gym classes for her scanty wardrobe choices and poor behavior. Here’s the story, via Page Six reports : Amanda Bynes was asked to leave a gymnastics class after further episodes of bizarre behavior, witnesses exclusively tell Page Six. The former Nickelodeon child star stunned fellow athletes at the Adult Gymnastics class at Chelsea Piers when she “showed up in fishnets and a leotard that looked like lingerie.” Onlookers said the staff became concerned about Bynes, who was “muttering to herself” and then “burst into tears when she attempted a cartwheel and her dark-colored wig fell off.” One witness told us Bynes first turned up at the class alone about a month ago. “She immediately started acting strangely,” our source said. “She lined up with the other gymnasts, and each took their turn to perform a roll. But Amanda just walked out on the mat, was spinning around in circles and mumbling to herself.” Later, when the others were performing cartwheels, Amanda “did a cartwheel, but her wig fell off, and she sat down and cried.” The source added that after a number of other incidents where she was heard mumbling to herself or walking in front of others performing exercises, she was asked to leave. The source said, “She went two weeks in a row, but the second time, she was escorted out. Staff were concerned about her manner and worried she might be a hazard to other people in the class.” Bynes has been exhibiting some odd behavior recently, including writing some unusual things on Twitter. “I have an eating disorder, so I have a hard time staying thin,” she posted on her Twitter feed Thursday. Bynes appears to have a serious desire to lose weight. Last month, the retired 27-year-old actress called herself “pudgy” in a self-portrait. She also told Us Weekly in February, “I moved to New York City, and I love it! I lost four pounds since I moved. I’m 121 pounds — my goal is 100 pounds.” That would be unhealthy for Bynes, who stands 5-foot-7. We’re definitely concerned about her potential eating disorder as well. SMH. Hit the flip to see who we think Amanda’s been taking style cues from, and to see more from her Twitter timeline.

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White Girl Lost: Amanda Bynes Spotted Wandering The Skreets Aimlessly, Threatens To Sue Over Stories About Being Booted From “Twerk Out” Sessions