George Will on Sunday used a Barack Obama quote to smack down a predictable attack on Sarah Palin made by the Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus. As the Roundtable discussion of ABC’s “This Week” moved to the former Alaska governor’s “Mama Grizzlies” video, Marcus voiced her unsurprising displeasure. “I think it’s the same, old, vapid, platitudinous Sarah Palin,” said Marcus. “There is not a shred, not a shred of substance in this ad.” When he got his turn, Will tore Marcus apart, “On the vapidness meter, that ranks nowhere near, ‘We are the ones we have been waiting for,’ which was Obama’s way of flattering the self-esteem of his supporters” (video follows with transcript and commentary): JAKE TAPPER, HOST: There was an interesting political development this week here domestically in the United States with former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin rearing her head and releasing this Web video for her PAC. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SARAH PALIN: Moms kind of just know when something’s wrong. There in Alaska, I always think of the mama grizzly bears that rise up on their hind legs when somebody’s coming to attack their cubs, to do something adverse toward their cubs. If you thought pit bulls were tough, well, you don’t want to mess with the mama grizzlies. (END VIDEO CLIP) TAPPER: So, Ruth, you’re the actual only mama grizzly at the table. What’s your take on this? RON BROWNSTEIN, NATIONAL JOURNAL: Rear. Rear for us. RUTH MARCUS, WASHINGTON POST: Well, yes, I think I’ll withhold my rearing, unless there’s an adverse event towards one of my cubs. BROWNSTEIN: Yes. MARCUS: I — there’s been a lot of talk about this video as signaling a kind of new, kinder, gentler Sarah Palin, trying to broaden her appeal beyond the kind of Tea Party base. I don’t get it. I think it’s the same, old, vapid, platitudinous Sarah Palin, not to put too fine a point on it. There is not a shred, not a shred of substance in this ad. What are the adverse events and what do you intend to do about them? TAPPER: Reihan’s shaking his head. You liked it. REIHAN SALAM, NATIONAL REVIEW: I thought it was an outstanding ad, very impressive, and I’ve got to say, quite a lot of issue — non-issue issue ads from the Obama campaign during the 2008 that proved very successful. Basically, Republicans have a problem. TAPPER: Yes, we can. MARCUS: “We’re for vapidity.” SALAM: They have a problem. They have a problem, which is the gender problem. They have a huge problem with connecting with upper-middle-class women. And, you know, Sarah Palin might not be able to do that, but working-class women are huge. They’re very important. Get them out there. Get them energized. Get them active. And if you look at Hillary Clinton circa this time in the cycle, she had very high negatives. And I don’t think that issue ads were going to help her with those high negatives. Similarly, Sarah Palin has sky-high negatives. So I think that that’s something she has to manage, something she has to work on, and this is a kind of plucky Sarah Palin that I think really appeals to people, that’s not as hard-edged, not as polarizing, and I think that it was really impressive, far more impressive than anything I’ve seen from her in a long time. BROWNSTEIN: You know, Sarah Palin as a political figure is much more of a cultural statement than she is a policy agenda, and she really does divide the electorate along cultural lines. If there is an audience for Sarah Palin, as Reihan suggests, it is a blue-collar female audience, which does relate to her in some ways, but she is an enormously polarizing figure with a real low ceiling. If she runs in 2012, I believe you would see the Republican Party divide along the same class and cultural lines that the Democrats did in ’08 between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. TAPPER: But, quickly, are mama grizzlies, as she predicts, going to be a force this November? BROWNSTEIN: I know about the lower 48, how many grizzlies there are. But yes. Yes. You know, blue-collar — if she is referring there to culturally conservative, working-class white women, they have moved away from the Democrats pretty sharply under Obama. There’s a lot more erosion there than there is the upper-middle-class, where he’s still pretty strong. So in that sense, she is speaking to a constituency. Whether she is the voice that you want to ultimately be defining your party, that’s another question. TAPPER: George? GEORGE WILL: She’s trying to get — flatter people by telling them — they may be grandmothers — but telling them they’re grizzly bears, and it makes them feel good. On the vapidness meter, that ranks nowhere near, “We are the ones we have been waiting for,” which was Obama’s way of flattering the self-esteem of his supporters. Bravo! In the end, despite what his fawning press think, some of the most vapid comments in presidential history have come from Barack Obama. It is therefore marvelous that ABC has Will around to point this out when some liberal media member is predictably bashing a conservative. Exit question: Would “This Week” be worth watching if Will wasn’t a Roundtable panelist?

Read more from the original source:
George Will Quotes Obama To Smack Down Liberal’s Attack On Sarah Palin