Kailyn Lowry is obviously done putting up with Chris Lopez’s BS. Lowry and Lopez welcomed a son together back last year, and at first, it looked as though Chris would step up and fulfill his fatherly duties. While he was nowhere to be seen throughout the pregnancy, Lopez made a surprise appearance in the delivery room and even drove Kailyn and baby Lux home once they left the hospital. Despite frequent rumors that Lopez wanted nothing to do with his son, Kail remained hopeful that he would experience a change of heart once the baby arrived. And she was right … for a while. Unfortunately, it seems that Chris’ flood of fatherly feelings was short-lived. According to Kailyn, Lopez is a deadbeat dad these days and has little to do with the life of his infant son. But as you can see, that doesn’t stop him from posturing on Instagram. Lopez posted the above photo of himself with Lux earlier this week. So, it seems he does spend some time with the boy – but according to Kail, it’s not nearly enough. “Don’t be an Instagram parent,” Lowry tweeted in response to Lopez’s pic. Not surprisingly, Chris took issue with her comment, and he immediately fired back: “Buuuut a person who literally made a living off of putting their kids on tv and social media but hey who am I to talk,” he replied. “Honestly not worth my time lol,” he continued, later adding: “I might have to violate someone today.” Needless to say, Lopez-Lowry relations aren’t exactly going smoothly these days. And sadly, poor Lux is caught in the middle. Obviously, at this point, Kail has proven herself a committed parent, so we’re inclined to side with her in a dispute like this one. Still, hammering her baby’s father for the benefit of her millions of social media followers isn’t a great look. Worse, all of this is now a matter of public record. Even if Kail deletes the tweet, she’s famous to the point that – once they’re old enough – her kids will likely have no trouble finding an archive of everything she said online. And that’ll likely lead to lots of awkward conversations about their fathers. Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the tumultuous love life of Ms. Lowry. View Slideshow: Lux Lowry: All the ADORABLE Photos of Kailyn’s Third Baby So Far
Oh dear. Lamar Odom is reportedly back at it again, making the rounds and indulging himself in Las Vegas. What happens in Vegas does not, in fact, stay there, and multiple witnesses are describing exactly what they saw go down. Is he spiraling out of control again? The world remembers how, just a few years ago, Lamar Odom suffered a horrifying medical crisis that many feared would claim his life. He was rushed from the Vegas brothel to the hospital. By mistake, Khloe was initially told that he had died . The situation was so dire that Khloe asked a judge to bring their divorce to a grinding halt so that she could make any medical decisions necessary. And so that she could supervise his recovery — which she eventually did, practically nursing him back to health. Between that and major health scares like Lamar’s collapse at a night club late last year, you’d think that he’d be being careful. Unfortunately, it sounds like he’s putting himself at risk again. RadarOnline reports that, per multiple eyewitnesses who spilled everything to them, Lamar Odom is back in Vegas . And it doesn’t sound like a social visit. They report that Lamar returned to Vegas for gambling last week, and that his indulgence lasted multiple days and spanned two different casinos. One was the Wynn Hotel and the other was SLS. And they describe the reports of eyewitnesses. The first, who saw him on March 4th, describes spotting him nearby. “He was right at the table next to me gambling.” They went on, saying how casually they were able to engage with him. “He was very easy to approach.” Another who saw him on March 5th. “I was kind of surprised to see him in Vegas after the events of his last foray out there that nearly cost him his life.” This isn’t the first time that Khloe’s ex has been spotted tempting fate. Reportedly, Lamar was drinking on New Year’s . Drinking alcohol can be fun, but surely it’s not worth risking your life. But it is his life to throw away. Recently, he appeared to throw shade at Khloe over her pregnancy. That did not go over well, and prompted Kim Kardashian to slam Lamar by reminding him of his brush with death in Vegas. One might wonder if Lamar is in Vegas purely to defy the Kardashians. But it’s important to note that Lamar was, per the reports, just gambling. The former NBA player wasn’t accused of drinking or anything else here. And while Lamar did have a health crisis in Vegas, it was not because he was gambling. It’s possible that some fans are overreacting because they worry about his health. But … someone has to worry about his health, right? And since Khloe Kardashian is happily with Tristan Thompson and eagerly expecting the birth of their daughter and being a happy family together, we’d say that she has her hands a little too full. She can’t babysit Lamar anymore. He needs to look after himself. View Slideshow: Lamar Odom: A Timeline of Tragedy, Love, Loss … and Redemption?!
It’s been a rough few months for Derick Dillard. The troubles started when Derick got fired by TLC after launching an unprovoked social media attack on fellow network star Jazz Jennings. In the months since, things have only gotten worse for poor Der. It’s almost like costing his family their only source of income in order to settle some petty social media score wasn’t the smartest move. This week has been a particularly hard one on Derick, as he was torn to shreds for complaining that TLC refused to pay his son’s medical bills . (As many followers pointed out, employers give you money in exchange for labor, so that you can pay for unexpected expenses yourself .) But it’s Friday, and it’s Derick’s 29th birthday, so right about now he probably just wants to kick back with a spicy Virgin Mary and forget about the online world for a bit. Unfortunately for Big D, the internet doesn’t take days off. Earlier today, Derick’s wife, Jill Duggar, posted the above photo along with a heartfelt birthday message: “Happy birthday My Love! You’re the best hubby and father! I’m so in love with you! I hope this last birthday in your 20s is a good one,” Jill captioned the pic. Unfortunately, the last year of Der’s twenties isn’t off to the greatest start, as Jill’s followers took the opportunity to roast the controversial house husband within an inch of his life: “Derick, happy birthday. As you blow out your candles, you should wish forgiveness from God for the things that come out of you mouth,” wrote one follower. “May Derick learn the true meaning of being a Christian for his 29th year,” another commented. “Wow! 29 and still doesn’t have a real paying job! How very sad,” another roast-master remarked. “I don’t think this year will be a good birthday. After all, he posted on Twitter yesterday he seems really emotional and upset. I have a feeling Derick will be on Twitter again all day complaining how life isn’t fair.” Needless to say, there’s not a lot of birthday love out there for Der today. Maybe he should flip the script and give Twitter a present by deleting his account. Watch Counting On online to relive the days before Derick got himself and his wife canned from the world’s cushiest gig. View Slideshow: Derick Dillard Labels Transgender Movement as Form of Child Abuse
If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then you’re probably already aware that Derick Dillard has been fired from Counting On as a result of his decision to berate and harass fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings. Back in November, Dillard directed an unprovoked social media tirade at Jennings, a transgender teen who also stars in a reality show on the network. In the months since, neither Derick nor his wife, Jill Duggar, has filmed any scenes for her family’s popular series, and it doesn’t look as though they’ll be returning to the spotlight anytime soon. These days, it seems that Derick is trying his best to make amends, but as usual, he’s just digging himself a deeper hole. The latest Derick dust-up has had to do with the former reality star’s views on the national gun control debate. Last week, Dillard attacked the survivors of the Parkland school shooting for behaving in a “ridiculous” fashion. Needless to say, his comments were not well-received. Yesterday, he tweeted a link to an article in which he was criticized for being critical of traumatized teens. “No, I criticized the media’s use of kids again…like @TLC uses Jazz,” Derick tweeted in his own defense. “My heart goes out to the victims, but all ideas should be heard, and subjected to criticism.” He probably would’ve been better off not bringing up Jazz up again, but ultimately it was a pretty tame comment by Derick standards. Unfortunately, when fans responded to the tweet, Derick chose to engage with them in offensive fashion: When one Twitter user accused Derick of bullying Jazz, Dillard responded: “Hi, please realize that I never said anything against him. “If you read that in a tabloid, I encourage you to be extremely skeptical of anything put out by any opinion or gossip publication.” Yes, while claiming that he can’t understand why people think he’s being unkind to Jazz, Derick once again misgendered the girl. Not surprisingly, fans weren’t having it: “If you are uncomfortable or against using the pronoun ‘her’ you could just use the name ‘Jazz’,” wrote one follower. “You don’t have to go out of your way with the ‘he’ and ‘him.’ It would be the kind thing to do. Just sayin.” “You are a hypocrite and a child abuser and a bully,” tweeted another. A third slammed Derick as an “ignorant piece of sh-t.” Dillard has yet to respond to the latest round of criticism against him. As for the Parkland issue, however, Dillard is sticking to his guns – literally. He recently tweeted a link to a post about a conspiracy theories and alleged anti-gun media biases with this description: “True; I think it’s pretty obvious. My wife has over 200,000 followers and still hasn’t been verified.” Well Der, if it’s any consolation, now that you’ve gotten her kicked off her show, Jill probably won’t have that many followers for long! Watch Counting On online to relive better times for the Dillards. View Slideshow: Derick Dillard Labels Transgender Movement as Form of Child Abuse
Derick Dillard must be going for some kind of world record lately. If there’s a world record for “most poorly timed, poorly worded, horrifically offensive tweets,” that is. And hey, if there’s not, maybe Guinness can make a special new category, just for him. Because seriously, the things he’s been thinking up in his little head and then typing up on Twitter are that bad . He’s been doing this for a long, long time now: he’ll hop on Twitter, say something super ignorant and/or offensive, act like he said it from a place of love, then tweet some bible verses to get some easy likes. It’s never really worked out all that well for him — TLC did fire him from Counting On for his tweets about Jazz Jennings (more on that in a bit). He also made himself extremely unlikable, to the point that even some actual Duggar fans can’t stand him. But, wouldn’t you know it, he still hasn’t learned. A few days ago, Derick got quite a bit of criticism for a tweet he made about the Parkland shooting survivors . As you surely know, 17 people were killed in a school shooting last month in Parkland, Florida, and many of the survivors have been speaking out about the need for stricter gun control laws. Derick retweeted a story about the subject, writing “This has gotten a little ridiculous; at least 2 networks are now using kids to push their liberal agendas.” “It’s obviously not all about the kids when voices like @KylieKashuv aren’t as elevated. Liberal Media… at least be consistent so you can hide your biased tactics better.” It wasn’t great. He apparently can’t consider the idea that the survivors aren’t kids being used to “push liberal agendas,” they’re people who have their own ideas and who have been through something that he couldn’t imagine. There have been many, many survivors sharing the same ideas and voicing the same opinions about gun control, because that’s what they believe — why wouldn’t a media outlet cover such a huge story? After that tweet, Derick got quite a bit of attention, and tried to defend himself, but, well … It didn’t go as well as he may think it did. For example, he actually wrote “My heart goes out to the victims, but how does being a victim of a tragedy suddenly make you an expert on how to solve the problem of stopping mass shootings?!” Because you have to be an expert to believe in something and to voice those beliefs you formed based on a significant experience you had, right? Someone made an excellent point by responding to his nonsense with “Doesn’t your family use children to push your conservative agenda as well?” She even added that alarming old photo of a bunch of Duggar kids posing together with t-shirts that read “I Survived Roe Vs. Wade.” “No,” Derick argued, “because we couldn’t wear those while filming. I’m talking about what the media allows and doesn’t allow.” Sure, but he’s also talking about using kids to push agendas, which the Duggars have obviously done. At one point, he even shared a story about his tweet with a headline about how he slammed the survivors — which he definitely did, even if he doesn’t think so. He tried to correct the headline by explaining “No, I criticized the media’s use of kids again…like @TLC uses Jazz. My heart goes out to the victims, but all ideas should be heard, and subjected to criticism.” For one, that’s twice that Derick used the phrase “My heart goes out to the victims, but …”, and that’s two times too many. For two … is he seriously bringing Jazz up AGAIN?! He first started attacking Jazz , a 17-year-old transgender girl with her own show on TLC, last year, saying that he pitied her “4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda.” Oh, and he called her a “him” because “‘transgender’ is a myth,” apparently. Since then, he’s brought her up again and again, out of nowhere, really, and it really does seem like he has some kind of bizarre fixation on her . In his own defense, when someone advised him to get over the Jazz thing already, he wrote “I was only addressing it because it was brought up again in the article, and I wanted to clarify so people aren’t misled.” “I agree, I wish people would get over that already.” Later, he wrote “I seek to live in a way that pleases Jesus Christ. I realize that some people will be turned off by that, but it is actually the norm throughout history.” “I only want to reflect Christ, and I don’t apologize for that.” You don’t apologize for anything, huh, Derick? Even though you really, really should. View Slideshow: Derick Dillard Labels Transgender Movement as Form of Child Abuse
You might know Brie Bella from Total Divas or from WWE or you might not know her at all. It happens. But you’re going to want to see her absolutely incredible post-baby body. Suffice it to say that most people don’t have this kind of figure ever in their lives. The Bella Twins are pretty darn famous within the world of professional wrestling. They’re a wrestling tag team, made up of Brie Bella and Nikki Bella. What’s more, Nikki Bella is in a relationship with wrestling superstar, actor, and living meme John Cena. (In fact, fans saw Nikki and John Cena’s Wrestlemania proposal just last year) Brie Bella, in the mean time, is married to Daniel Bryan (real name Bryan Lloyd Danielson), who’s retired from wrestling but is currently the on-screen General Manager of SmackDown Live . Nine months ago, Brie Bella gave birth to her child with Daniel Bryan. The sweet baby girl, named Birdie Joe Danielson, is absolutely adorable and photogenic. (In fact, as you’ll see in some photos below, Birdie almost looks like a Pixar creation rather than a Brie and Brian creation — and to be clear, we mean that in a she-looks-too-cute-to-be-real way) We’ve seen a few celebrity moms lose their baby weight almost immediately. But most people aren’t Kim Kardashian. Most are, you know, humans. We’ve recently seen Katherine Heigl’s weight-loss journey after giving birth for the first time, and though she looks incredible, her 14-month journey to getting back into acting shape is a more realistic time frame. So look at how Brie Bella looks, nine months after giving birth: She. Looks. Stunning. Not only do her abs look rock-hard while her entire figure looks trim … (Though that is certainly the case) … But Brie had another hurdle to cross as she recovered from Birdie’s birth. Her sweet daughter entered this world via emergency C-Section in May of 2017. For months, doctor’s orders prevented Brie from exercising as she is accustomed to doing. Her road to recovery was longer than most. (Take a look at this mother and daughter — aren’t they the cutest?!) Fans commented under the pic of Brie Bella’s incredible post-baby bod. “Beautiful picture!!” Very true. “Thank You for being real.” Not everyone shows their journey like this, but Brie’s opened up about how she felt out of shape in the first few months after delivery. “Thanku for showing the struggle of real post baby body. We don’t all snap back the day after delivery. U r looking fab!” Such a nice message. “Isn’t it amazing what the female body can do,” There are people who would criticize Brie Bella for sharing this image at all — because not everyone regains their pre-baby body. Ever. Hips are rearranged, hormones change how fat is stored. Sometimes hair color even changes (weird, I know). But honestly, telling Brie to cover up is just another form of body-shaming, and that’s not acceptable. She’s free to show as much or little of her body as she sees fit, whether it’s to showcase weight loss or admit how long it took her to get back to where she had been. Good for her. View Slideshow: 10 Celebrities Proud of Their Post-Baby Bodies
It’s been quite an interesting few months in the life of Derick Dillard. It all started, of course, when Derick got fired by TLC after harassing transgender teen and fellow network star Jazz Jennings in a bizarre Twitter tirade. Derick issued an explanation for his remarks that he probably thinks qualifies as an apology, but fans weren’t buying it, and most seemed happy to see him go. Earlier this week, Derick doubled down on his homophobia by promoting a speaking engagement by a pastor who became famous for his support of the abhorrent practice of conversion therapy. It briefly seemed that Derick had taken an “in for a penny, in for a pound” approach to his own bigotry and decided that since he’d already been fired from TLC, the time was right to rebrand himself as a far-right firebrand. Today, however, something interesting occurred on Derick’s Twitter page. “I want to personally invite any LGBTQ person & anyone else who would like to come with my family and me to church next Sunday. See you there!” Derick tweeted. These days, it seems that Derick is supporting his family almost entirely through monetary donations from fans , so many were suspicious that the tweet was simply a publicity stunt or part of an effort to rebuild his image. But some expressed an interest in taking him up on the invitation. One woman identified herself as an atheist and asked if it was okay for her to attend services with Derick and his family. The former reality star astonished many Duggar fans when he responded, “Absolutely!” Some expressed outright shock that Derick would invite someone whose beliefs are so different from his own into his house of worship. The mini-controversy comes on the heels of reports that Derick’s wife, Jill Duggar, had turned her back on her beliefs due to an Instagram post in which she revealed that she’s reading a book with sections addressed to those who are questioning their faith in God. In the end, however, it turned out there was really nothing to either scandal. Jill was simply offering support to those whose belief had wavered, while Derick is apparently hoping to convert some non-believers, which is actually one of the expressed duties of Independent Baptists. Oh, well. We’re sure a legitimate Derick scandal will pop up soon enough. In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. View Slideshow: Derick Dillard Labels Transgender Movement as Form of Child Abuse
Essentially, the Duggars are famous for two things – being very fertile and being very religious. The two conditions are inextricably linked, of course, as only people who believe they’ll go to eternal hell if they use condoms would subject themselves to the temporary hell of raising 19 children. Just kidding, Duggars! Anyway, it seems Jill Duggar is proving to be an unexpected rebel in more ways than one. Not only has she yet to sire an entire baseball team’s worth of children (complete with full pitching staff and designated hitters), but fans think she might be turning her back on her faith. In a recent Instagram post, Jill revealed that she’s currently reading a book with the rather ambitious title of The Story of Reality . “Wow! I’m not even finished with this book yet and it’s so good! Just read chapters 13-15 today. If you’ve ever wondered #whydoesgodallowsuffering or you’ve stopped believing in God then you’ve gotta read this book!” Jill wrote. “I could never give up on God, our father,” one user wrote, apparently under the impression that Jill was questioning her faith. “He is the reason we are all here, on the earth he made. You just need to remember to believe in him.” At one point a user who identified herself as an atheist congratulated Jill on opening herself up to new ideas. Needless to say, the situation threw some of Jill’s more pious followers for a loop. “This is a Christian book and how everything in the world ties in with God. People are making ignorant assumptions and haven’t even bothered to learn what this book is about,” one user argued. Indeed, according to a description on the book’s Amazon page, The Story of Reality makes an argument for “Christianity as a true story of how the world began.” So relax, folks – it appears that Jill has no intention of deviating from the belief system she was raised with. But that’s not stopping the debate from raging on Jill’s Instagram page. For some of her followers, the most interesting part of Jill’s latest post has nothing to do with her beliefs, and everything to do with to do the most compelling word in the book’s title – reality. When Derick Dillard attacked Jazz Jennings on Twitter, he launched his tirade by accusing the teen of starring in “a reality show that promotes an unreality.” Derick was fired by TLC for his harassment, and some former fans couldn’t resist the opportunity to remind Jill of her family’s latest scandal: “The Reality is that your homophobic husband got fired from the show! Perfect outcome!” wrote one IG user. Watch Counting On online for more of the Duggars’ take on reality. View Slideshow: Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Photos
Jill Duggar just can’t seem to catch a break these days. As if it’s not bad enough that her husband, Derick Dillard, has been fired by TLC after bullying a transgender teen on Twitter, now it looks like Jill might soon be jobless as well. Yes, Derick says his wife will be joining him in stepping away from the spotlight, and while that might mean things are soon to get a little leaner around the Dillard household, there may be some benefits to the new arrangement. For instance, perhaps Jill’s parenting won’t be subject to quite as much scrutiny now that her family is no longer on TV. Ha! Just kidding! As long as she continues posting on Instagram, new Jill Duggar parenting controversy will continue to pop up at the rate of about one per week. The latest might not be as scandalous as the time Jill put a tortilla on her son’s head , but it’s still got Duggar obsessives all worked up. A photo from Thanksgiving has once again caught the attention of the internet’s finest mommy-shamers, and again, they’re filled with seething rage. Yes, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, the issue of Jill putting her kid on the floor is once again being raised. Some fans seem to not realize the pic is several months old. Others are just leaping at the chance to once again look down their nose at Jill. In both cases, the argument remains pretty much the same: Jill is terrible for leaving her kid on the floor while the rest of the family eats dinner. It’s a bit of reach, considering we know nothing about the context of the pic, but that hasn’t stopped fans from really going off on the mother of two. “Jill enjoys procreating, but once the baby is born, she’s not interested in the least in the actual parenting,” one person wrote on Facebook over the weekend. “How about a carrier or swing — something besides the dirty floor? I would have never done that to either of my children.” Is the floor actually dirty? Who knows. Does it matter? Obviously not. Look, we’re not ones to jump to the Duggars’ defense, but it does seem like Jill’s not really getting a fair shake here. And it’s important to save your outrage, because we’re really due for a legitimate Duggar scandal any day now. Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. View Slideshow: Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Photos
The Dillards have gone and done it again! And by “it,” of course we mean make offensive, horrific statements like it’s totally normal and not at all a problem. It’s like they’re making a career out of being awful, which is convenient, considering that Derick caused the family their sweet, sweet reality show gig with his bizarre habit of making bigoted remarks about a teenage girl . In addition to Derick’s continued harassment of Jazz Jennings, he’s been making hateful comments about the transgender community in general. He’s also still begging Duggar fans for money , and then there’s more general weirdness, like the way he tried to announce that he hadn’t been fired from Counting On a month after the news broke that he had in fact been fired. It’s all bad. Very bad. And with this new update he and Jill shared on their blog … well, they’re not making things better. The blog was a little update on their family, just in time for Christmas. They opened things up with “We have had the privilege over the last few months to have many interactions with international students and their families!” If you’re familiar with these people, you can probably tell where this is going already. They wrote that they helped their church organize a “Thanksgiving dinner in an American home” event where different families welcomed a student from the University of Arkansas into their homes — the students were from “mostly Muslim families.” “One of the Ph.D students from an Arab country brought her husband and child,” they recounted. “Her husband seems very open to the gospel and even said if they were going to be in the area he would’ve loved to visit our church!’ “We are praying for him as Derick and others continue to befriend him that God will save his soul.” But Derick isn’t the only one working on converting the Muslim masses — “Jill and the boys have been able to be part of a weekly Arab ladies English class, with Muslim ladies from several different countries.” “Every week the ladies meet at a friend’s home where they learn to make an American dish, eat together, then read a Bible story and discuss the English language.” Sounds super. Their adventures aren’t over yet though — they also wrote that while shopping on Black Friday, they “saw a couple ladies wearing burkas, so Jill stopped to ask them where they were from and invited them to the Bible study.” “They came that week, and one of the ladies brought some traditional tea and treats to share. When asked if they had ever read a story from the Bible, both ladies said they had not.” “We are praying that they will return to more Bible studies.” As always, Jill promoted the blog post on her Instagram, and judging by the comments, the post was not well received. “Wonderful,” one person commented. “I’m sure you’ve welcomed your new Muslim friends to share the Quran with you.” “That comment about the Muslim families seems like more of a ‘look we are accepting people please donate ‘ comment than a comment about loving everyone and accepting people from different faiths,” another speculated. “People don’t need to be saved,” a commenter explained, “they need their beliefs to be respected. Approaching people while they are living their daily lives to try to convert them is deeply wrong.” “Respect is a two way thing, Jill, and asking someone who is wearing a burka about the Bible is not respect and showing understanding, it’s moral imperialism.” Someone called it “disgusting” that they “can’t just do a nice thing for people,” they “have to use it as an opportunity to convert them,” and another person told them “No one needs to be ‘saved’ but you two.” And those are all very, very valid points. View Slideshow: Derick Dillard Firing Prompts Applause, Outrage: Read the Responses! How about this: in 2018, why don’t we just promise to do a little better, OK, Dillards? Just a little bit? It would be hard to do any worse, that’s for sure.