Tag Archives: donald

Kanye West: Did He FORCE Kim Kardashian to Meet With Donald Trump?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Kim Kardashian met with Donald Trump this week, and the internet simply doesn’t know how to feel about it. Some have praised Kim for putting her reputation on the line for a worthy cause. Others have condemned her for providing a photo op to a president she’s been highly critical of in the past. And then there are those who feel it’s inappropriate for the president to meet with a reality star, because apparently those folks just emerged from a three-year coma, and no one has brought them up to speed on the news yet. Anyway, this certainly isn’t the first time that Kim’s feelings toward 45 have been the subject of intense public scrutiny in recent weeks. Kanye West’s love of Trump has alienated many of his fans and earned him the admiration of people who usually just call the cops when they hear hip-hop. And there are those who feel its no coincidence that Kim met with Trump so soon after her husband sang the man’s praises on Twitter. According to Radar Online, the situation has resulted in a familial rift, as Kim feels she’s being pulled in opposite directions by her MAGA hat-wearing husband and her more liberal mother and sisters. “Kanye is so proud of Kim for meeting with the Trump, who he openly supports,” an insider tells the site. “But Kris and her sisters do not agree with her decision and feel that she is being incredibly selfish by ignoring her own true beliefs to follow Kanye’s political agenda.” The political divide within the Kard clan has reportedly deepened to the point that Kris, Khloe and Kourtney are no longer speaking with Kanye. Last night, the rapper hosted a listening party for his new album in Wyoming. Sources say the more left-leaning side of Kim’s family opted to stay home as a form of protest. “Kim’s family were all invited and many of them were planning on going before Kim’s meeting with Trump,” the insider said, adding: “The worst part is that Kim has no idea her sisters and furious.” While it wasn’t all that long ago that Kim considered leaving Kanye (a rough patch he alludes to in the lyrics to one of his new songs), these days it seems Yeezy very much has the upper hand in the relationship. “Kim is being obedient to Kanye now and the power shift has changed dramatically,” the source told Radar. Apparently the rapper is on quite a roll these days. In fact, Kanye might be the only Trump supporter who’s legitimately tired of winning. View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Meets with Donald Trump (And Twitter Can’t Handle It)

Continued here:
Kanye West: Did He FORCE Kim Kardashian to Meet With Donald Trump?!

Kim Kardashian to Donald Trump: Do the Right Thing For Once!

Back in 2016,  Kanye West met with Donald Trump during the then-president-elect’s fraught transition from reality TV blowhard to leader of the free world. Fans of West’s were surprised, but not terribly stunned, as the visit seemed to have less to do with politics than with the shared worldview of two of America’s most infamous egomaniacs. In recent weeks, Kanye has doubled-down on his support of Trump , alienating many of his fans in the process. West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, has hinted that she’s not fully on board with her husband’s politics (Kim supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign), but she’s steadfastly stood by Kanye and his right to self-expression. Yes, it seems Kim is a firm believer that there are some things that are bigger than politics. Which is why she’s setting aside her differences with the Donald in service of an important cause. It’s been confirmed that Kim will pay a visit to the White House today in hopes of securing a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson, a 62-year-old great-grandmother who’s currently serving a life sentence at the Aliceville Correctional Facility in Alabama. Johnson — a first-time, non-violent offender — was sentenced in 1997 on money laundering and drug conspiracy charges. Normally, appealing to Trump for clemency would be the ultimate long-shot, but those who are well-acquainted with the case say there’s a good chance that Kim’s plea might be successful. Ivanka Trump has expressed her belief that Johnson should be pardoned, and Kanye’s support of the president has reportedly put Kim in good standing with Trump. Along with attorney Shawn Holley, Kim has been campaigning for Johnson’s release for quite some time. Holley has stated that she believes today’s sit-down with Trump represents Johnson’s best chance yet at being pardoned. Last year, Marie wrote a heartfelt thank you note to Kim, in which she stated her belief that the two of them are part of “a defining moment in history.” “THE BATTLE IS ON!” her missive concluded. Difficult as it is to believe, it seems Ivanka is not Kim’s only ally within the White House, as Jared Kushner has been quietly working toward more lenient sentencing and improved prison conditions, citing America’s sky-high incarceration rate as one of its greatest shames. We’d credit Kush for breaking with the rest of the administration by demonstrating an ounce of human compassion, but he may have been acting out of semi-selfish motives. Jared’s father, Charles Kushner, was released from prison in 2006 after serving a two-year sentence for tax evasion, witness tampering, and making illegal campaign donations. And let’s face it — Jared might soon be following in the elder Kush’s footsteps. But the important thing today is that Kim is dedicating her time to a truly worthy cause, thus adding to the list of charitable deeds that are consistently ignored by her haters. View Slideshow: 19 Times Kim Kardashian Made It Impossible to Hate Her

Continued here:
Kim Kardashian to Donald Trump: Do the Right Thing For Once!

Black Excellence: Solange Is Being Honored as Harvard’s 2018 Artist of the Year

Rick Kern/WireImage Solange Is Being Honored By Harvard Solange has truly had the career of a lifetime, especially in these past few years. Not only did her most recent album,  A Seat at the Table, reach number one, but she’s been making her mark with a string of powerful performances at places like the Guggenheim Museum and the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas. Her latest achievement is a big one, too, as it’s been announced that Knowles has been named the 2018 Harvard Artist of the Year. Harvard University chose to honor the artist for using “her platform to advocate for representation and justice while providing constructive and empowering political messages,” which was announced via a press release from the institution. To date, this is the third major award Solange has received for her work. She was previously named Glamour Woman of the Year and before that received the Billboard Impact Award. Solange is set to be recognized and presented with the award at a ceremony on next month, on March 3. The award comes from the Harvard Foundation for intercultural and race relations, which is the university’s office for inter-racial, inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations; They honor the nation’s most acclaimed artists and scientists each year. Previous artists of the year have included names like Denzel Washington, Halle Berry, Will Smith, Jackie Chan, Viola Davis, Salma Hayek and John Legend. Continue reading

Retweet This, Comrade: Nicki Minaj, Trevor Noah, Donald Trump And More Engaged With Russian Twitter Bots

Image via Getty Celebs Interacted With Russian Social Media Sites Earlier we reported on the indictment of 13 Russians as a result of Robert Mueller’s investigation into election tampering back in 2016. Based on the indictment paperwork, several social media outlets have been outed as Russian propaganda, and many of the most famous Americans citizens unknowingly helped their reach. For example, take this tweet that Nicki Minaj sent the day the harrowing live-stream murders happened in Cleveland: The video u posted is so disturbing. Be safe in CLEVELAND today everyone. He just killed this old man live on social media. Jesus have mercy https://t.co/mYmpPvBBXl — NICKI MINAJ (@NICKIMINAJ) April 16, 2017 Or Donald Trump replying to some of that wet and sloppy boot-licking that he enjoys so much: So nice, thank you! https://t.co/Cg4dzHhbrv — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 20, 2017 According to NBC , these two were FAR from the only celebrities to get caught up by the Ruskis, they have an EXTENSIVE list of influential tweeters who unwittingly (in Trump’s case, he probably knew they were Russian, but we digress) engaged in one form or another (reply, retweet, like) with Russian propaganda pages: Jake Tapper (CNN) Sarah Silverman Trevor Noah Ann Coulter Sean Hannity Donald Trump Jr. The list goes on and on and on. Trump haters engaged usually to push back against a claim, while MAGA brand mayo jars engaged to show support or as evidence of their misguided beliefs. We’ve all gotta be more conscious of which things we let get us riled up online. You might just be aiding the enemy. Continue reading

Eminem SLAMS Donald Trump: Actual Poop Would Make a Better President!

If you thought that maybe Eminem was going to ease up on his anti-Trump views … come on, why would you think that? You’re really just setting yourself up for failure with nonsense like this. For a good long while now, Eminem has been very outspoken about his disdain for our president, from the diss track he released in 2016 to his freestyle at October’s BET Hip Hop Awards. In the latter performance, he even spoke out against his fans who were also Trump supporters , saying that “any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing a line in the sand.” “You’re either for or against, and if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this.” At this point, things got a little more visual — he simply flipped off the camera, making it clear that he’s not interested in sharing fans with Trump. Eminem Utterly Destroys Donald Trump in This Freestyle Rap He continued his tirade on his new album , Revival, which contains several verses with similar themes. And in a new interview with Billboard, he’s lashing out yet again. “I know I say a lot of f-cked-up sh-t,” he says at one point. “But a lot of sh-t is said in jest, it’s tongue-in-cheek, and it has always been that way through my whole career — saying sh-t to get a reaction out of people.” “It’s my artistic license to express myself.” However, he adds, “Last time I checked, Trump isn’t an artist and doesn’t have an artistic license. I’m not the f-ckin’ president.” He makes a fair point. Later he was asked what he was doing on election night — he recalls that he was “watching the TV in f-cking disbelief,” and that he was “on the phone back and forth with friends, like, ‘He’s going to f-cking win.'” “I called it just from the rallies he was having when he first started running,” he continues. “Because just watching the impact he has, they were fanatics.” “There is something to be said about the person who really felt like he might do something for them — and he just f-cking duped everybody.” He says that he thinks Hillary Clinton “had her flaws,” but that “anything would have been better” than Trump. He actually says that “A f-cking turd would have been better as president.” We’ll never truly know, of course, or at least we probably won’t — at this point, who really knows? — but that sounds plausible, right? “It’s just so f-cking disgusting how divisive his language is, the rhetoric, the Charlottesville sh-t, just watching it, going ‘I can’t believe he’s saying this,'” he says. He also admits that after Trump’s statement on John McCain , he thought he was “done,” because “you’re f-cking with military veterans, you’re talking about a military war hero who was captured and tortured.” “It just didn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. And that’s some scary sh-t to me.” Us too, pal. Eminem even says that while he may not have “hatred in my heart for him,” he does have “serious contempt.” “I do not like the guy.” As for his earlier remarks about not wanting to share fans with Trump, he says “At the end of the day, if I did lose half my fan base, then so be it, because I feel like I stood up for what was right and I’m on the right side of this.” “I don’t see how somebody could be middle class, busting their ass every single day, paycheck to paycheck, who thinks that that f-cking billionaire is going to help you.” Do you think Eminem is being too political, or is he on point with all of this?

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Eminem SLAMS Donald Trump: Actual Poop Would Make a Better President!

Jets Player Robby Anderson Arrested, Threatens to Nut in Eye of Cop’s Wife

Early Friday morning, Robby Anderson, wide receiver for the New York Jets (a football team), was arrested. The charges include reckless driving, resisting arrest, evading police, and threatening a public servant. But those charges barely scratch the surface. Among other things … he threatened to “nut” in a police officer’s wife’s eye. His words, not ours. It started off on what we assume to be a pretty run-of-the-mill morning in Florida, based upon everything that we’ve heard about Florida Man over the years. In South Florida, police detected a vehicle driving 105 miles per hour in a 45 mph zone. That’s … not great. This time, the celebrity speeder wasn’t Justin Bieber, but Robby Anderson. Who, as we mentioned, is a professional athlete. Maybe he was somehow not paying attention, maybe he was thinking of crossing over into another sport — race car driving. Who knows? Whatever the reason, he was allegedly traveling more than twice the legal speed limit. Based upon police descriptions, Robby Anderson noticed when police were trying to pull him over. Instead of finding a safe place to pull over and slowing his vehicle, he allegedly doubled down on reckless driving, running multiple red lights. Per police reports, he was also swerving from one lane into another while attempting to evade police. Folks, please don’t try those sorts of maneuvers at home. Or anyone. Eventually, Robby Anderson did stop his vehicle. But when he did, the police say that they had a new ordeal to face — Robby’s reluctance to allow them to place him in the back of a police car. According to the police report, obtained by NJ.com , Robby Anderson’s bad behavior still wasn’t over. “While in the back of my patrol vehicle, Robert stated that when he got out he was going to find my wife, f–k her, and nut in her eye.” He said WHAT ?!  (In case you’re unfamiliar with the term and the context doesn’t clear, nut means orgasm or, in this case, ejaculate) “He continued to make other verbal threats toward my family.” Vague but still not good. “Based on his statements it was clear that he intended to sexually assault my wife.” We imagine that Robby Anderson’s attorney may argue that Robby was simply threatening to seduce the officer’s wife. “He also began to brag about how much money he has and how all I was doing was trying to ‘Ruin his fun.'” Classy. Based upon Robby Anderson’s social media activity from Thursday, we can infer that he was grieving a lost relationship. (He may have just had a breakup) If so, perhaps he was not handling his sense of loss very well. We don’t mean to suggest that he was using any illicit substances, but it’s possible that he had been too upset to go to sleep. It’s also possible that he was just not in a great mood and that this led him to make some terrible choices. None of that is an excuse for literally anything for which he is accused.  But it might, at least, be an explanation. Pro-tip: don’t do the things of which Robby Anderson is accused. Especially not making threats against a police officer’s family. Police don’t like it. Fans don’t like it. And prosecutors, courts, and judges really don’t like it. This isn’t Robby’s first brush with the law in Florida. Last year, he was arrested at a Miami music festival. That time, he was also charged with resisting arrest. And also with obstruction of justice. Robby might need to make some better choices.

Original post:
Jets Player Robby Anderson Arrested, Threatens to Nut in Eye of Cop’s Wife

Stormy Daniels: I Know ALL About Donald Trump’s Penis!

When it comes to mediocre sex with Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels claims to have all the receipts. As previously reported in TMI-laden detail, the porn star reportedly carried on a lengthy affair with Donald Trump back in 2006. Investigative reporting by The Wall Street Journal and other outlets have uncovered a $130,000 payment that was made to Daniels just prior to the 2016 Presidential election. Daniels allegedly accepted this payout in exchange for keeping quiet about her pervasive banging of the current President, which took place just after Melania Trump gave birth to the couple’s son, Barron. However, In Touch Weekly actually spoke to Daniels in 2011 and has now released the entire transcript of its chat with the adult entertainer. Earlier excerpts revealed that Trump isn’t anything special in bed . “[The sex] was textbook generic,” Daniels told the tabloid. (And this is a woman who has been around the bedpost, if you know what we mean. No judgment.) Now, as mentioned above, In Touch has made public its full chat with Daniels … and it sure is a doozy! Among the tidbits relayed to the magazine by Daniels: The pair met at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. Daniels gave Trump her phone number, but only ever communication with him through a bodyguard named Keith. She met Trump in his hotel room several weeks after their introduction and had dinner with him there. She wasn’t so much attracted to Trump as she was “fascinated,” saying: Would you be? “I was definitely stimulated. We had a really good banter. Good conversation for a couple hours. I could tell he was nice, intelligent in conversation.” Trump never really mentioned Melania and never really told Daniels to keep their sex a secret. As for the intercourse… “The sex was nothing crazy. He wasn’t like, chain me to the bed or anything. It was one position,” she said in 2011, adding: ” I can definitely describe his junk perfectly , if I ever have to. He definitely seemed smitten after that. He was like, “I wanna see you again, when can I see you again?” Daniels went on to say that Trump held the possibility of her appearing on The Apprentice over her head for about a year. He insisted her could get her a role on the reality show, which she says is why she kept sleeping with him for so long. She also said the stars did NOT use protection, continuing of the intercourse: “It was one position, what you would expect someone his age to do. It wasn’t bad. Don’t get me wrong.” Through his personal attorney, Michael Cohen, Trump has “vehemently” denied accusations that he slept with Daniels and that he paid her to keep quiet about it. We suggest you pick up the latest copy of In Touch Weekly and decide for yourself whether you believe all Daniels has to say. Either that, or you can just believe Donald Trump… because he’s been nothing but a sincere teller of truths throughout his public life, right? No? He hasn’t been? Like we said, you can make up your own mind about this story. For now, though, we need to go throw up a lot due to all the references here to Trump’s penis.

Stormy Daniels: I Know ALL About Donald Trump’s Penis!

The Daily Show: Trevor Noah Talks Cory Booker’s Undressing Of Trump Boot-Licker Kirstjen Nielsen [Video]

Image via Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Bob Woodruff Foundation Trevor Noah Talks Cory Booker’s Rant Against Kirstjen Nielsen Earlier this week Cory Booker went AWF on bigot-complicit becky Kirstjen Nielsen for acting like she couldn’t remember if Donald Trump call Africa and Haiti “sh!thole countries” (Africa is a continent). Trevor Noah wasn’t about to miss a piece of THAT action. LMAO Continue reading

Gross: Joy Villa Says She Held Back Lewandowski Accusations To Spare Trump Bad Press

Image via Splash Joy Villa Says Bad Press For Trump Stifled Her Lewandowski Accusations Ew. As if it weren’t bad enough that this broad licks Cheeto’s boots , but now Joy Villa is telling GMA that she didn’t immediately come forth with accusations against former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski because, among other reasons, she didn’t want to sully the good name of Donald J. Trump… . @Joy_Villa after accusing Corey Lewandowski of sexual assault: “I really want an apology…I don't want to keep dragging his name through the mud.” pic.twitter.com/4gb0Y6vCsz — Good Morning America (@GMA) December 29, 2017 Listen, we TOTALLY understand the numerous reasons women don’t immediately come forward following sexual abuse, but come ON! Bad press for Donald Trump being one of those reasons is pretty disgusting.

Read more:
Gross: Joy Villa Says She Held Back Lewandowski Accusations To Spare Trump Bad Press

Chance the Director? Read About The Rapper’s Bonkers New Movie Idea

Chance the Rapper took to Twitter to brainstorm a movie idea with fans, and it involved Donald Trump and an iPod.

Excerpt from:
Chance the Director? Read About The Rapper’s Bonkers New Movie Idea