Bishop T.D. Jakes recently responded to the Eddie Long’s settlement in his sexual misconduct case, saying that Christians should still pray for Long’s church because they have no authority to say anything else. When the allegations against Long became public, Jakes publicly addressed the case before his own congregation, The Potter’s House in Dallas, saying, “Christians should just pray.” He also told his flock during the Sunday service, “When all this is over, one thing is for sure – somebody, if not everybody in it, is going to need the blood [of Jesus Christ].” Speaking in a recent interview with The Christian Post, Jakes reiterated that “we should still pray” for New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. “We have no other authority but to pray,” said the prominent megachurch pastor before he took the stage at McDonald’s Gospelfest event Saturday in Newark, N.J You may read the rest of this interesting interview here. Creflo Dollar Called Out For His Support Of Eddie Long The 3 Craziest Eddie Long Stories Of The Week Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet
When I’m thinking about what to write, I often find myself thinking of the small moments in life that tend to make me smile and reflect on the most. I tend to get my best musings when I least expect it, such as during my daily coffee run or while maneuvering down a busy walkway on my way to work. To put the reader in my shoes, you might be waiting in line at your local coffee shop and suddenly feel the hustle and bustle of the morning seemingly slow down as the cashier makes a mistake with the register. That moment of the day might make you stop for a second and begin to realize that the urgency of your surroundings could be internalized stress rather than the actual reality. On a completely different topic, perhaps you’re checking your phone and find yourself smiling from ear to ear due to an unexpected text message. While you feel your day brighten, the other person might not even realize that what they said left you beaming. It’s usually these situations that tend to have the most impact on every day life, despite the fact that they might be quite small in the scheme of events. It truly is the meaning you add to these events that gives them their authenticity and reverence. 5 Ways To Find Inspiration From Within Observing the people around you and enjoying life moment by moment is definitely the better way to be, as you gain perspective from positioning yourself as a moment-maker in the scheme of a big world. Time isn’t infinite and shouldn’t be wasted by letting larger events obscure your view of the smaller, more intimate moments in life. Even just initiating lunch with someone new at work or calling up an old friend can be small gestures that add happiness and fulfillment to your life. If you think of each moment as a movie trailer, the big picture is the product you are generating through the choices you make. By making sure each snippet of your life counts, you have to be present and willing to put yourself out there. This means being aware of the good points of every day and keeping your glass half full, even when you feel like it is empty! Don’t let opportunities pass you by, as taking risks, within reason, is an important part of living your life to its fullest potential. Take pride in each moment, as every second has the ability to change your life! Optimism is a bit part of this, so keep your head facing the future and your eyes open to the details! What small moments stand out to you when you look back on your day-to-day memories? 5 Ways To See Beyond Expectations & Embrace The Unknown Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet