Gabourey Sidibe sat down with Conan O’Brien to talk about having a dressing room full of people who would “do” Conan, molesting Joey Fatone’s hand, and more. They seem to be having a lot of fun but did I hear someone do a Urkel snork? I am sure it was Gabourey. Check out the video below! Recent Post: Gabourey Sidibe Loses 50 Pounds? Gabourey Sidibe Spotted Out With Her Boyfriend Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet
As text messaging slowly takes the place of face-to-face conversations, I’ve noticed how easy it has become to avoid actual confrontation . You can express how you’re feeling using a few simple keyboard symbols and the rest is up to your imagination. The other morning my friend woke up and decided she was too hungover to go to work. I told her that she better think of a good excuse, call her boss, and follow up with an apologetic email. Within 2 minutes, she said her problem was solved and I didn’t hear her say one word. As it turns out, she text messaged her boss saying that she wouldn’t be in that day. That’s when I knew that text messaging cop outs are getting out of hand. I’ve never been a huge texter. While it’s definitely convenient to confirm plans at the click of a few buttons, I prefer phone and email conversations over constant texting (it might also be because I am awful at using my new touch screen phone). I did a little investigating and found out what people around the office consider to be the most annoying text message cop outs. 1. Breaking up with someone: Seriously? Grow a pair and call it quits with someone in person. It’s not like you’ll ever have to see them again if you don’t want to. 2. Asking someone out: I’ll be honest. My first “boyfriend” was in 4th grade and he asked me to be his girlfriend by passing me a note in homeroom. While I was flattered back then, it’s a huge cop-out to make the big move through text message past elementary school. 3. Canceling plans: First of all, try not to cancel 5 minutes prior to your plans. If you have to resort to a “Sorry, I can’t make it” text, it’s probably last minute and the person is already waiting for you. Give him/her a call and reschedule. 4. Confronting with a problem: If you’re upset with that guy for that thing he did, he doesn’t want to hear about it in a 4 page text message. It really doesn’t affect him to read that you’re mad at him in a message where half of your feelings are written in short-hand. Make a plan to get coffee and have a civilized, face-to-face conversation about it. If confrontation really isn’t your style, write an email. There’s no 160 character limit and you can get out exactly what you need to without using abbreviations that really don’t make any sense. Do you have any more text message cop out stories? Let’s Text About Sex, Baby Morning After: Follow Through Or Flee? Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet
Love obsessed Kim Kardashian gets around. Her boyfriends have ranged from athletes to musicians to … yeah, that’s about it. Even though she has publicly proclaimed her desire to wed, only two of her significant others have managed to put a ring on it; most recently, New Jersey Nets player Kris Humphries proposed on May 25, 2011. But Humphries is just not the guy I picture Kim saying “I do” to. Here’s my list of Kim’s best boyfriends, from least to greatest. Who do you choose? 11. Damon Thomas : Obviously Kim shouldn’t have married him if their union in 2000 ended in divorce in 2004. 10. Ray J. : The guy who’s partially to blame for her sex tape scandal probably isn’t groom material. 9. Gabriel Aubry : He screwed things up with Halle Berry … just sayin’. 8. Nick Cannon : I can barely take his marriage with Mariah Carey seriously―I’m sure one with Kim would be pure comedy! 7. John Mayer : Kim dumped him after one date, which makes sense―neither of them can maintain a relationship for very long. 6. Shengo Deane : Whitney Houston already proved that falling for your bodyguard is a bad idea. 5. Miles Austin: Distance makes the heart grow fonder. But not in this case. 4. Alecko Eskandarian : Kim’s blind date with this fellow Armenian was super cute … even though he is a former pro athlete. 3. Kris Humphries : Alright, he seems like a nice enough guy. Why not?! 2. Reggie Bush : What can I say? I thought these two had something worth fighting for. I guess Reggie didn’t. 1. Kanye West : Even though these two are ‘just friends’, friendship is the perfect foundation for romance. Plus, their marriage would have been incredibly entertaining! Kim Kardashian Caught On Camera Creeping With Ray J [VIDEO] Kim Kardashian Shops For Wedding [PHOTOS] Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet
If I had to choose which one of the “Basketball Wives” were my favorite “wife,” I’d pick Tami Roman every single time. She real, she’s funny, she’s witty and she just straight up don’t take NO bull. Period! And what’s more is that the other cast members pretty much know not to try her by now, all except for Meeka but she is soon to learn not to go there. In light of all of her hilarious and down to earth quotes, I’ve created a post dedicated to Tami’s top 6 quotables. Check them out below: 6. “This does not define me, I don’t move from one player to the next. What I do is establish my own.” This was Tami’s response to Evelyn at the reunion show for season 2 where Evelyn said Tami knew her and Kenny were together on the low, she just acted as if she didn’t to establish her “spot” on the show. Needless to say Tami, for once, didn’t give into Evelyn’s advances and handled her comment with class. 5. “Let me show you how cheap talk is around this m*therf*cker!” During season 2 when Jennifer tried to act bourgeoisie off the fact that she’d “never seen a food stamp in her life” and tried to get buck with Tami, she was so close to setting it off! 4. “So then I don’t need to tell you that I f*cked Chad.” This was especially hilarious from last year’s reunion show as the person’s face on the receiving end of the comment, Evelyn, was absolutely priceless. 3. “You’re only relevant cause I’m talking to you b*tch!” In the heat of Tami and Meeka’s huge blow up last night, Tami let it be known to Meeka that she tries way too hard and is completely irrelevant. That’s definitely the truth, because no one ever even heard of this kid before the show. 2. “I do not care how Evelyn, Jennifer and Shaunie smile in your face. They do not like you.” This had to be one of the realest things ANY one of the BW’s has said in the history of the show. Evelyn, Jennifer and Shaunie are the fakest people ever, that’s their thing. Smile in your face and snicker at you behind your back. 1. “I don’t give a f*ck if you buy every shoe in Dulce, you ain’t never gonna be Evelyn!” Another shot at Meeka, Tami was full of quotables in that one argument with Meeka alone. It also made me take notice to the fact that Meeka definitely does try to be another Evelyn, as if that’s the person to be or something. I could go on and on with quotes from Tami, but unfortunately I have to stop somewhere, clearly Tami is not to be messed with. Who is your favorite “wife” is and why? Eric Williams Goes In On Ex-Wife Jennifer Williams On Twitter Tami Roman: “You’re Only Relevant Because I’m Talking To You!” “Basketball Wives: Los Angeles” Cast Revealed!
We all know that being liked by your boyfriend’s friends is a plus. What better security is there than knowing that his friends aren’t actively trying to change his mind about you? One of my friends is so used to being invited to her boyfriend’s “guys’ nights”. Whether it’s getting wings at the local dive bar or being rowdy and watching the game on someone’s couch, she’s always been a “guys’ girl”. The guy that she recently started dating, however, likes to separate his “guy time” and “girlfriend time”. BUT, this doesn’t mean that she needs to kick him to the curb and find a more romantic guy. We talked and tried to figure out what the right amount of “bro-mance” time versus “romance” time is. The first thing I did was explain to her the importance of “bro-mances” to men. Just because they’re spending time with their guys does not mean that they are going to break up with you. There’s no need to constantly call and text him asking about his plans. Having time to “bro out” can actually be extremely healthy for relationships. You have more to talk about, and let’s be real- you’d rather him be hanging out with his best guy friends than getting drinks with the new lady at work. But how much “bro-mance” is too much ? When he is choosing to play poker with the guys 5 days out of the week, it’s time to step in and ask for a little more “loving time”. If you can squeeze yourself into a game of black jack with him and the guys, that’s great! But don’t go dealing cards where they don’t belong. You don’t want to start showing up everywhere and have his guys get annoyed of you. When my friend showed up at one of the guys’ golf games, she felt completely out of place and definitely heard the snide comments: “uhh dude, what’s she doing here?” Most importantly, keep in mind what his “bro-mance” time can mean for you. Use this time to pamper yourself or plan a girls’ night out . Just because he wants to hang out with the guys on Friday night doesn’t mean that you need to stay in by yourself. The most healthy relationships have a balance between romantic time and friend time. What are your thoughts on “bro-mances”? How do you stay in a healthy relationship while still giving him room to breathe? How much room is too much room? Fill us in! Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet
We all know that being liked by your boyfriend’s friends is a plus. What better security is there than knowing that his friends aren’t actively trying to change his mind about you? One of my friends is so used to being invited to her boyfriend’s “guys’ nights”. Whether it’s getting wings at the local dive bar or being rowdy and watching the game on someone’s couch, she’s always been a “guys’ girl”. The guy that she recently started dating, however, likes to separate his “guy time” and “girlfriend time”. BUT, this doesn’t mean that she needs to kick him to the curb and find a more romantic guy. We talked and tried to figure out what the right amount of “bro-mance” time versus “romance” time is. The first thing I did was explain to her the importance of “bro-mances” to men. Just because they’re spending time with their guys does not mean that they are going to break up with you. There’s no need to constantly call and text him asking about his plans. Having time to “bro out” can actually be extremely healthy for relationships. You have more to talk about, and let’s be real- you’d rather him be hanging out with his best guy friends than getting drinks with the new lady at work. But how much “bro-mance” is too much ? When he is choosing to play poker with the guys 5 days out of the week, it’s time to step in and ask for a little more “loving time”. If you can squeeze yourself into a game of black jack with him and the guys, that’s great! But don’t go dealing cards where they don’t belong. You don’t want to start showing up everywhere and have his guys get annoyed of you. When my friend showed up at one of the guys’ golf games, she felt completely out of place and definitely heard the snide comments: “uhh dude, what’s she doing here?” Most importantly, keep in mind what his “bro-mance” time can mean for you. Use this time to pamper yourself or plan a girls’ night out . Just because he wants to hang out with the guys on Friday night doesn’t mean that you need to stay in by yourself. The most healthy relationships have a balance between romantic time and friend time. What are your thoughts on “bro-mances”? How do you stay in a healthy relationship while still giving him room to breathe? How much room is too much room? Fill us in! Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet
We all know that being liked by your boyfriend’s friends is a plus. What better security is there than knowing that his friends aren’t actively trying to change his mind about you? One of my friends is so used to being invited to her boyfriend’s “guys’ nights”. Whether it’s getting wings at the local dive bar or being rowdy and watching the game on someone’s couch, she’s always been a “guys’ girl”. The guy that she recently started dating, however, likes to separate his “guy time” and “girlfriend time”. BUT, this doesn’t mean that she needs to kick him to the curb and find a more romantic guy. We talked and tried to figure out what the right amount of “bro-mance” time versus “romance” time is. The first thing I did was explain to her the importance of “bro-mances” to men. Just because they’re spending time with their guys does not mean that they are going to break up with you. There’s no need to constantly call and text him asking about his plans. Having time to “bro out” can actually be extremely healthy for relationships. You have more to talk about, and let’s be real- you’d rather him be hanging out with his best guy friends than getting drinks with the new lady at work. But how much “bro-mance” is too much ? When he is choosing to play poker with the guys 5 days out of the week, it’s time to step in and ask for a little more “loving time”. If you can squeeze yourself into a game of black jack with him and the guys, that’s great! But don’t go dealing cards where they don’t belong. You don’t want to start showing up everywhere and have his guys get annoyed of you. When my friend showed up at one of the guys’ golf games, she felt completely out of place and definitely heard the snide comments: “uhh dude, what’s she doing here?” Most importantly, keep in mind what his “bro-mance” time can mean for you. Use this time to pamper yourself or plan a girls’ night out . Just because he wants to hang out with the guys on Friday night doesn’t mean that you need to stay in by yourself. The most healthy relationships have a balance between romantic time and friend time. What are your thoughts on “bro-mances”? How do you stay in a healthy relationship while still giving him room to breathe? How much room is too much room? Fill us in! Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet
Bishop T.D. Jakes recently responded to the Eddie Long’s settlement in his sexual misconduct case, saying that Christians should still pray for Long’s church because they have no authority to say anything else. When the allegations against Long became public, Jakes publicly addressed the case before his own congregation, The Potter’s House in Dallas, saying, “Christians should just pray.” He also told his flock during the Sunday service, “When all this is over, one thing is for sure – somebody, if not everybody in it, is going to need the blood [of Jesus Christ].” Speaking in a recent interview with The Christian Post, Jakes reiterated that “we should still pray” for New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. “We have no other authority but to pray,” said the prominent megachurch pastor before he took the stage at McDonald’s Gospelfest event Saturday in Newark, N.J You may read the rest of this interesting interview here. Creflo Dollar Called Out For His Support Of Eddie Long The 3 Craziest Eddie Long Stories Of The Week Nicki Minaj & Britney Spears Get Into Altercation At Femme Fatale Tour?! BLACK MUSIC MOMENT #44: Isaac Hayes Wins Academy Award For “Shaft” Score 1972 FACT OF THE DAY: Tupac Shakur Studied Ballet