Tag Archives: ethnic-groups

Race Matters: Judge Edith Jones Under Fire After Saying “Racial Groups Like African-Americans And Hispanics Are Predisposed To Crime”

Is this beyotch serious?? Judge Edith Jones Says Blacks And Hispanics Are Predisposed To Crime Via CNN Civil rights groups filed a complaint this week against a federal judge in Houston after she allegedly said during a lecture that some minorities are prone to violence. Judge Edith Jones, who serves on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and was a Bush-era Supreme Court frontrunner, allegedly made the comment while speaking on the death penalty to The Federalist Society at the University of Pennsylvania in February. The Federalist Society describes itself on its website as “a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of legal order.” In her remarks, Jones also is alleged to have said race plays no role in the administration of the death penalty, but certain ethnic groups commit certain types of crimes more often than others. Civil rights groups, including the J.L. Turner Legal Association, say Jones’ comments reveal a strong ethnic bias. They are pushing for an investigation that could lead to her removal from the bench. The J.L. Turner Legal Association is an African-American bar association in Dallas. Its president, Mandy Price, told CNN that some attendees were shocked at what they heard and later complained. “The reaction in the room when she made these remarks was one of shock, surprise, and offense,” according to one account that the legal association collected from some of the attendees. Take a look at what this broad had the nerve to fix her mouth to say… According to the some of the accounts in the complaint, the judge said, “Racial groups like African- Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime.” They are “‘prone to commit acts of violence,” she said, according to the complaint. When challenges to her comments arose, she allegedly countered them by saying that “blacks and Hispanics” outnumber “Anglos” on death row. 3 words. Ho. Sit. Down. Image via AP

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Race Matters: Judge Edith Jones Under Fire After Saying “Racial Groups Like African-Americans And Hispanics Are Predisposed To Crime”

Mitt Romney: Pumping Gas on Reddit!

Save for a controversial remark about President Obama giving gifts to ethnic groups in return for votes, Mitt Romney has kept a low profile since losing the 2012 election. Monday, a photo of Romney filling up at a gas station in La Jolla, Calif., was posted on Reddit. He appears slightly frazzled … and/or just a little annoyed: “Mitt Romney at my local gas station,” Reddit user mkb95 wrote. “He looks tired and washed up.” We know what you’re thinking … Mitt Romney pumps his own gas? Gone is his familiar, perfectly slicked-back coif from the campaign trail, but the 65-year-old apparently wasn’t as disheveled or upset as the image might suggest. “I talked to him for a good three minutes while he was filling his tank,” the poster added. “I guess he’s moving to one of his houses in the town I live in, La Jolla.” Hey, he doesn’t have much else going on now. Having run for president for the better part of six years, the former Massachusetts Governor and wife Ann Romney can finally look forward to some downtime. In fact, the couple took in a showing of Breaking Dawn Part 2 in Del Mar, Calif., one town north of La Jolla, on Saturday, then hit up a pizza place across the street. He may not be President of the United States, but on the bright side, he can enjoy the palpable on-screen chemistry of Robsten without a Secret Service detail.

The rest is here:
Mitt Romney: Pumping Gas on Reddit!

Genocide charge now possible for Sudan’s al-Bashir

The International Criminal Court will again consider charging Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir with genocide in Darfur, after an appeals panel ruled that judges made an “error in law” when they refused to indict him on that charge last year. “He should get a lawyer,” court prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo said after ruling Wednesday. He accused al-Bashir of keeping 2.5 million refugees from specific ethnic groups in Darfur in camps “under genocide conditions, like a gigantic Auschwitz.” The appeals decision — which said the burden of proof should be lower when prosecutors seek an indictment than when they try to secure a conviction at trial — fueled hopes among human rights activists that prosecutors will indict other leaders around the world for atrocities

The rest is here:
Genocide charge now possible for Sudan’s al-Bashir