Tag Archives: filippa-hamilton

Filippa Hamilton Bikini for Grazia of the Day

Filippa Hamilton is an old french model who has done a lot of work for Ralph Lauren, apparently…he booked her for the first time when she was 16….and that is perverted in America, yet legal in the rest of the world…but still perverted…probably perverted enough for him to keep on booking her so that she keeps silent… But then she was fired from Ralph Lauren for being fat, so I guess that’s what happens when you go at them at 16, before they really fill out to their full potential of big titty….and amazing…and I guess that’s what happens when you didn’t sexually assault them…you fire them guilt free. Fashion has expectations out of their women, and it’s that they don’t eat fucking cheese and bread all day…but rather workout and stay fit…but the people are trying to change that – and let in the fats – the much fatter than this one – who is hardly fat – but got fired for being fat – making her have real fat issues – unlike actual fat girls who can’t be fired for being fat because they are actually fat… So let’s celebrate this fatty, with fat girl problems, by looking at her bikini photoshoot… The post Filippa Hamilton Bikini for Grazia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Filippa Hamilton Bikini for Grazia of the Day

Filippa Hamilton in Bikini of the Day

Filippa Hamilton is a 28 year old french model who has done a lot of work for Ralph Laure apparently…he booked her for the first time when she was 16….and that is perverted in America, yet legal in the rest of the world… She’s worked with the best photographers…and apparently got Fired from Ralph Lauren for being fat, and I guess that’s what happens when you go at them at 16, before they really fill out to their full potential of big titty….and amazing… You see fashion has expectations out of their women, and it’s that they don’t eat fucking cheese and bread all day…but rather workout and stay fit…and I see how she’d be considered plus sized to them…which happens to be perfect for me… Let’s celebrate this fatty, who got fired for being fat, making her a real fatter, even though I feel like Kate Upton would win at a mud wrestle/pie eating/weigh in…but still celebrated…but I guess Kate Upton caters to Bumpkins…while this Euro amazingness is too classy for that…

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Filippa Hamilton in Bikini of the Day

Cindy Berthelot Picture Moment

Cindy Berthelot Picture Moment

Meet Hottie Filippa Hamilton

If you don’t know Filippa Hamilton , you will after these bikini pictures, I can promise you that much. But just to refresh your memory, she’s the Swedish/French model who a few years ago was fired by Ralph Lauren for being “too fat.” Which is insane, if you ask me. Granted, my eyes haven’t made it down to Filippa’s stomach yet, but so far, I think she looks very healthy. » view all 26 photos

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Meet Hottie Filippa Hamilton

Meet Hottie Filippa Hamilton

If you don’t know Filippa Hamilton , you will after these bikini pictures, I can promise you that much. But just to refresh your memory, she’s the Swedish/French model who a few years ago was fired by Ralph Lauren for being “too fat.” Which is insane, if you ask me. Granted, my eyes haven’t made it down to Filippa’s stomach yet, but so far, I think she looks very healthy. » view all 26 photos

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Meet Hottie Filippa Hamilton

More New Moon Stills, Secrets from the Set

The New Moon publicity machine is in overdrive. With a little more than a month to go until the second Twilight Saga film is released on November 20, expect Robert Pattinson , Kristen Stewart and company to pop up on magazine covers, TV shows and radio interviews galore

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More New Moon Stills, Secrets from the Set

Filippa Hamilton: Photoshopped, Fired For Being Fat

Filippa Hamilton is hot. She is also 5-foot-10 and a relatively healthy 120-pounds. But the French model was recently altered dramatically for a Japanese print ad, and claims she was fired by Ralph Lauren because they thought she was too fat .

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Filippa Hamilton: Photoshopped, Fired For Being Fat

Kramer’s Entrances in Chronological Order

I think these kinds of videos might be a new trend . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Filippa Hamilton

STYLE BUZZ : The supermodel recently made infamous by Ralph Lauren's poor Photoshop skills has now been fired. And why? She says it's because they thought she was too fat : “They fired me because they said I was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore.” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment