Tag Archives: freedom-fund

Atlanta NAACP Freedom Fund Awards and Dinner Honoring Dwight Howard, Elisabeth Omilami, Ron Clark, & More.

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This past Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP “Jondelle Johnson Freedom Fund Dinner”. I was very impressed. A very elegant, informative, heartwarming, classy event. They invited prestigious VIPS to honor them for their hard-working community service  which included  NBA star Dwight Howard, well known educator Ron Clark , actor and activist Elisabeth Omilami (Hosea Feed the Hungry) and Maurice “Reec” Swiney. All of the recipients delivered  impressive speeches and positive messages. What a great night. “The Jondelle Johnson Freedom Fund Awards Dinner is one of the most impressive lineups of VIP’s to be held in the social justice arena.  Mrs. Jondelle was affectionately known as “Mrs. NAACP” to many who knew her. She was the epitome of dedication, perseverance, and service. The Jondelle Johnson Legacy Award recognizes those who exemplify these characteristics.”  All the recipients of the Awards gave stellar speeches that were inspiring. The first recipient Elisabeth Omilami recieved the  Legacy Award for her consistent efforts with Hosea Feed the Homeless. Upon the receipt of her award she gave a speech of such magnitude that when Dwight Howard accepted his award he referred to Mrs. Omilami as “Maya Angelou the Second.” Dwight Howard speech was very moving because it was so sincere, affectionate and heartfelt. He has helped so many children in Atlanta, across the U.S and Haiti. He stated that a mentor told him at a very early age “to use basketball as a vehicle to change the world”. Last but not least Ron Clark received the President’s Award for his impact on the students at his academy. He was so happy to receive the award that he didn’t want to give the mic back to the President of the NAACP!  However, his time was well used. Ron Clark charged everyone at the dinner to make a difference in the life of a child. There were many great guests in the building, including the students from the Ron Clark Academy, Emmy Award Winning Poet, Hank Stewart,  and Grammy Award winning Singer Kandi from the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Where else can you get style, fashion, basketball, poetry, volunteerism and education…Only at the Jondelle Johnson Freedom Fund Dinner, I know that Mrs. Jondelle Johnson  was smiling down on the event very proud.” (Yolanda, examiner.com) For information  on how you can make a difference in the world….contact NAACP …email: freedomfund@naacpatlanta.org or call (404) 756-5447. WAKE UP EACH MORNING AND ASK YOURSELF….WHAT AM I DOING TO HELP SOMEONE? HOW CAN I HELP SOMEONE TODAY? IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE ANYTHING EXTRAVAGANT OR COSTLY…YOU CAN MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY BY GIVING A HOT MEAL WHEN THEY DON’T HAVE THE MEANS OF BUYING FOOD ON THEIR OWN..OR SIMPLY VOLUNTEERING AN HOUR OUT OF YOUR DAY TO GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY…IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT PEOPLE. LET’S WAKE UP AND HELP EACH OTHER EACH AND EVERYDAY! ~~JAZZY MCBEE Pictures courtesy of Chanda Scott/Tastemaker Magazine

Atlanta NAACP Freedom Fund Awards and Dinner Honoring Dwight Howard, Elisabeth Omilami, Ron Clark, & More.

Network Morning Shows Ignore Resignation of USDA Official Who Made Racist Comments at NAACP Meeting

On Monday, Andrew Breitbart, on his blog Big Government, revealed video of a Department of Agriculture official making racially charged comments at a 2009 NAACP meeting. While the media were quick to jump on the civil rights organization accusing the tea party of racism last week, they have failed to provide any coverage of this controversy. The comments were made by the USDA’s Georgia Director of Rural Development Shirley Sherrod at a 2009 NAACP Freedom Fund dinner in Georgia. As the video clearly shows, Sherrod’s description of discriminating against white farmers was well received by the audience. The comments, which were reported throughout the day Monday on Fox News, stirred so much controversy that Sherrod resigned Monday night and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was forced to issue a statement on the matter: ““There is zero tolerance for discrimination at USDA, and I strongly condemn any act of discrimination against any person.” As NewsBusters’ Noel Sheppard earlier reported , none of the network evening news broadcasts touched the story on Monday . On Tuesday, the CBS Early Show, NBC’s Today, and ABC’s Good Morning America were all silent on the controversy and resignation. However, all three morning shows did manage to focus on a recent verbal gaffe made by Sarah Palin. —Kyle Drennen is a news analyst at the Media Research Center. You can follow him on Twitter here.

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Network Morning Shows Ignore Resignation of USDA Official Who Made Racist Comments at NAACP Meeting

President Barack Obama addresses the 2009 NAACP Convention

President Barack Obama addresses the 2009 NAACP Convention in New York, New York at the 2009 Freedom Fund/Spingarn Awards. http://www.youtube.com/v/Zv6EAaoFNno&f=standard&app=youtube_gdata Continued here: President Barack Obama addresses the 2009 NAACP Convention

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President Barack Obama addresses the 2009 NAACP Convention