Tag Archives: from-instagram

Jessica Simpson’s in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Jessica Simpson does mom bathing suits right. She got paid a lot of fucking money to lose a lot of weight, even though she has a lot of fucking money. She’s looking good enough to stare at in a bikini….but instead of being a trashy mom in her 30s who doesn’t respect that she is a mom in her 30s…and instead puts on a bikini because she’s been putting in work at the gym…she’s got the one piece on and it actually covers up the nightmare that is having 2 babies…and makes her appealing enough to stare at…it’s like she’s got this…and other moms should take her lead.

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Jessica Simpson’s in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Luci Ford is Amazing in her Sunglasses of the Day

LUCI FORD is a magical creature sent to me from instagram heaven, who I have been following and loving for a pretty long time, because her pictures are all amazing…and she’s fucking hot…so I have no real choice but to post these red sunglass shots of her ass in a skimpy enough one piece…I saw them circulating and with that…I must participate…and hope that any and all endorsing I do for this magical creature sent to me from instagram heaven…leads to her own TV show…I figure if the Kardashians can do it..any retard monkey masturbating in the corner when not flinging it’s own shit can do it…but more importantly…and amazing to look at babe can do it too..let it be Luci….who from my angle…seems pretty tight…

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Luci Ford is Amazing in her Sunglasses of the Day

Luci Ford is Amazing in her Sunglasses of the Day

LUCI FORD is a magical creature sent to me from instagram heaven, who I have been following and loving for a pretty long time, because her pictures are all amazing…and she’s fucking hot…so I have no real choice but to post these red sunglass shots of her ass in a skimpy enough one piece…I saw them circulating and with that…I must participate…and hope that any and all endorsing I do for this magical creature sent to me from instagram heaven…leads to her own TV show…I figure if the Kardashians can do it..any retard monkey masturbating in the corner when not flinging it’s own shit can do it…but more importantly…and amazing to look at babe can do it too..let it be Luci….who from my angle…seems pretty tight…

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Luci Ford is Amazing in her Sunglasses of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Yesterday, my friend posted this TOP 10 KIM KARDASHIAN bullshit set to her in a bikini…I guess that the hired paparazzi took when she was planning her divorce and figuring out her contingency plan for the baby she had for ratings – like she was the Truman Show… I guess her own social media retoucher wasn’t available or had the day off, because she’s putting this sloppy fat ass out there a day late… I am more into HER SEX TAPE being a message to young girls that interracial sex on video can make you rich…than I am into her ass that attracts all that interracial sex. I find her vile and disgusting to look at on all fronts…even if she’s just pranking the fucking world…like a trolling troll… I just don’t like seeing her half naked…unless of course it was her lifeless body being pulled out of the pool she had a massive coronary trying to swim laps in…caused by bad diet and silicon poisoning from her ass injections… I don’t know…but here it is…a whole pile of slop…

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Ass in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Banned University of Warwick Rowing Calendar of the Day

I didn’t read this story…but apparently this UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK ROWING CALENDAR got banned from Facebook and everyone is making a big deal about it. Making me think it didn’t get banned from Facebook at all, but was rather just said to have been banned from Facebook to get assholes like me posting the shit like it was an actual scandal… I mean hell, it’s a bunch of jacked rowing chicks naked and half naked…but not in a good way. I don’t see one labia, I don’t even see a fucking nipple, so I doubt anything was banned… Maybe I am just jealous because in the 6 times I’ve been banned from Facebook and 4 times I’ve been banned from instagram…coupled with being banned 3 times from Myspace before giving up, and 3 times on Friendster because I am old…as well as a few Youtube accounts, one Gmail account, countless other bullshit internet communities I’ve joined…shit never went viral…in fact no one even cared…making me think no one will notice if I banned myself from this site. Here’s the rowers and their boring scandal that’s hardly a scandal…

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Banned University of Warwick Rowing Calendar of the Day

Australia MasterChef Contestant Nude of the Day

Sarah Todd is some low level Australian model who doesn’t matter, who managed to get on some MasterChef Cooking Show…and who was smart enough to use the lessons she learned in her fame whoring, to get some press around the fact that she was some attention seeking titty model, before the casting on the one show that would take her happened…so book the show, send the press release, and here it fucking is….international news, because in case you didn’t know – this site is an international news site…if international news involved nothing but tit pics. You know there’s a lot more of these out there…so start digging.

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Australia MasterChef Contestant Nude of the Day

Jojo in a Bikini of the Day

The fact she calls herself JOJO still is ridiculous… But I guess being a jailbait gutter popstar with zero sex appeal is what made her and her mom enough money so that they could retire and support her black boyfriend for half a decade or more, before realizing that shit, no one gives a fuck about me, in part due to being 18 and not cute, but also because my audience was white grown men, and they hate when girls bang black dudes…so it’s time to get out there and post pics to instagram…because instagram is where

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Jojo in a Bikini of the Day

Cailin Russo for Sir Neave of the Day

Cailin Russo is the daughter of Scott Russo who is in a band called Unwritten Law. It is safe to say that her mom was probably a young punk rock groupie, because punk rock dudes only bang 15 year old girls, since they are the only ones who care about them, not that Unwritten Law was really punk rock, but they were more punk rock than Bieber….Bieber…being the guy she was cast to make out with in a music video – that pretty much made her go viral.. I am on the fence as to whether she’s just a privileged instagram model, or if she’s legitimately a babe…with something to offer…but…when looking at her ass, I don’t seem to care either way… I just think she’s not quite hot enough to be a real model, yet she’s getting paid as a real model, so what the fuck do I know.. These pics are from instagram photographer SIR NEAVE

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Cailin Russo for Sir Neave of the Day

Cailin Russo for Sir Neave of the Day

Cailin Russo is the daughter of Scott Russo who is in a band called Unwritten Law. It is safe to say that her mom was probably a young punk rock groupie, because punk rock dudes only bang 15 year old girls, since they are the only ones who care about them, not that Unwritten Law was really punk rock, but they were more punk rock than Bieber….Bieber…being the guy she was cast to make out with in a music video – that pretty much made her go viral.. I am on the fence as to whether she’s just a privileged instagram model, or if she’s legitimately a babe…with something to offer…but…when looking at her ass, I don’t seem to care either way… I just think she’s not quite hot enough to be a real model, yet she’s getting paid as a real model, so what the fuck do I know.. These pics are from instagram photographer SIR NEAVE

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Cailin Russo for Sir Neave of the Day