Source: Blend Images – REB Images / Getty If you’ve ever had times when you were afraid to check your bank account, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. When you thought you had enough money, then you check your bank account — Sincerely Tumblr (@SincerelyTumblr) January 17, 2018 There’s plenty more where that came from when you hit the flip
Apparently these are Natalie Portman’s mom of two Jewish Goddess that gives Jewish men hope that if they inherit enough money or become strong enough Lawyers, agents, hollywood execs, they will secure a Natalie Portman of their own, without having to make her convert….you know…iconic, beacon of hope, who cares… I don’t know what this is for, but she was in Star Wars, so does it really matter to hr fans, it doesn’t…they’ll watch her do anything.. The post Natalie Portman Possible Nipples of the Day appeared first on .
As you guys know I love supermodels, that said here is Shanina Shaik modelling swimsuits in Miami. Obviously, she’s a hot piece but for a 24-year-old her body is looking a little soft. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be more than happy to wake up next to that, but I think Shanina’s best modelling days are far behind her. Hopefully, she made enough money so that she doesn’t have to work ever again and if not, she’s welcome to move in with me and my mom. I’ll take care of her as long as she doesn’t get any softer than this. » view all 12 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews Continue reading →
We don’t see Katrina Bowden around nearly as much as I’d like, maybe only every couple months or so. So I was pretty psyched to see that she showed up to the Samsung Hope For Children Gala. But forget glitzy charity events, if people really wanted to make this world a better place for children to grow up in, we’d stop the 24/7 coverage on the Kardashians and start seeing a whole lot more of Katrina and her leggy hotness instead. I’ve never donated to charity before (unless bikini car washes count), but I’d be happy to get out my checkbook to help make that happen. » view all 11 photos Photos: Continue reading →
Here’s Playmate of the Month Ana Cheri jumping on a trampoline with thousands of Skittles in slow motion. If you don’t know Ana, she’s an Instagram model who has over 2 million followers, yet this video only has 4000 views in one day since being published. My video of an old lady dancing to a an Elvis impersonator got more, which means being #Instafamous doesn’t make you a real star. However, it will help a hot chick find a rich boyfriend. If this video was meant to be sexy, it failed and wasn’t well executed. It needled more Skittles to have a “WoW” factor and much more #Instabooty. I guess it wasn’t in Playboy’s budget. Amateurs. Anyway, I do like this Ana chick and I hope one day I can make enough money to provide her a level of lifestyle that someone with 2 million Instagram followers deserves. Continue reading →
Laís Ribeiro is one of the new Victoria’s Secret models they’ve abducted from some Brazilian village…who they have living in some model house where they show her pictures of her family and threaten to kill them off if she doesn’t smile for the camera like a dancing monkey who owes her career to them… She’s 24…she’s the new Adriana Lima…she may not actually be human, as Victoria’s Secret does have enough money to create life-like AI, but we’ll just assume she’s real…since you’ve had sex with enough inanimate objects in your life, including girls you’ve jacked up with roofies, so I’ll let you have this one… The post Laís Ribeiro for Elle Italia of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Alessandra Ambrosio is a mom of two, who is born tall and freakishly skinny, and who has a million dollar contract with an evil corporate brand, that is enough money for a modest Brazilian to make sure she maintains her fitness levels, even if it requires starvation, because it pays so fucking well to not be fat…even when she’s probably too old to still be a lingerie model, the public like her, they are comfortable with her, and figure if she’s not spilling out of her thong from every angle thanks to saggy old lady mom ass and saggy old lady mom pussy…keep her working…and here is her skinny little mom ass…that’s hardly even there…in a pair of leggings…confusing me…because Brazilians have big scale booty contests…and this is the era of the ass…and she’s a mom…it’s like there’s nothing here…when there’s supposed to be so much here…and I guess that’s tragic…unless you like millionaire skinny mom ass…then it’s a win…something for everyone or some shit… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
10 years ago, I would’ve had you admitted to the mental ward if you’d told me that Jessica Simpson would own a massive fashion empire one day, but as a professional T&A blogger, I never should’ve underestimated the selling power of a great set of funbags. So here’s Jessica showing off her massive, uh, “business talents” in a new commercial for her latest perfume. And I’m telling you, she’s a marketing genius. This stuff could smell like a tire fire and I guarantee millions of dudes would still buy it for their girlfriends. But hey, who cares, as long as it makes Jessica enough money for her to keep making more commercials like this. Continue reading →
The fact she calls herself JOJO still is ridiculous… But I guess being a jailbait gutter popstar with zero sex appeal is what made her and her mom enough money so that they could retire and support her black boyfriend for half a decade or more, before realizing that shit, no one gives a fuck about me, in part due to being 18 and not cute, but also because my audience was white grown men, and they hate when girls bang black dudes…so it’s time to get out there and post pics to instagram…because instagram is where
The fact she calls herself JOJO still is ridiculous… But I guess being a jailbait gutter popstar with zero sex appeal is what made her and her mom enough money so that they could retire and support her black boyfriend for half a decade or more, before realizing that shit, no one gives a fuck about me, in part due to being 18 and not cute, but also because my audience was white grown men, and they hate when girls bang black dudes…so it’s time to get out there and post pics to instagram…because instagram is where