Shoplifter Bites WalMart Employee’s Finger Off What do you do when your loins are aflame , bae is on the way, but you don’t have the funds or supplies to facilitate Netflix & Chill time? Swipe what you need from the local WalMart, of course. One Myrtle Beach woman did just that last Sunday, however she wasn’t too slick for the security cameras. Once she was caught stuffing merchandise by two store employees…she took things to the next level. Via Mail Online : According to the police report, which was first uncovered by the Smoking Gun, Carolynn Wright, 23, became violent after being discovered stealing from the Walmart in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on Sunday. It states that Walmart loss prevention officers, Candice Lawsom and Suzanne Koseroski, followed Wright out of the store and tried to stop her from taking off with her alleged loot, which included a pack of condoms, lube, a bra and two pairs of panties. A scuffle erupted between the three women, during which Wright allegedly punched Koseroski in the head, causing her to bleed from the ear. Wright then allegedly proceeded to chomp down on Lawsom’s hand. Refusing to let go, Wright bit off a piece of the woman’s finger. The finger tip was later discovered by police. When a customer who witnessed the altercation tried to call 911, Wright grabbed the woman’s phone and then pulled her hair before getting punched in the face. The Walmart employee who had her finger bit off required stitches, and her finger tip was not able to be reattached, police reported. The total value of the items that Wright tried to steal was $40.07. SMH!! On another note…what brand of lube and how many condoms was she buying to drive the value up to $40?? WalMart panties couldn’t possibly cost that much… Facebook
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Ferocious Freaks: Horny Shoplifter Bites Off WalMart Employee’s Finger After Getting Caught Swiping Panties, Condoms, And Lube