Here are some Page 3 girls for this week, so far. We’ve got Rosie Jones on April 22. We’ve got Danni Wells on the 23. We’ve got Rosie Jones again on the 23. We’ve got Emily O’Hara on the 24. We’ve go no one for Monday or Friday. We’ve got an asshole blogger who doesn’t care about these glamour models with daddy issues posing topless for attention to be low level stars in the UK in a shoot that was probably done over the course of a day last year for the year, making these titties not as current as they pretend to be based on the date of the paper, but you know what, they are still tits and for that they deserve our attention, just not our respect.
These Miley Cyrus pics came out yesterday and I haven’t stopped looking at. That’s a lie, I haven’t looked at them at all because I don’t actual care, because I like girls who look like hookers, in fact I like hookers and I know for a fact that she doesn’t look like a hooker or a street walker at all, I mean maybe one in a movie, but not real deal ladies of the night I see, more often than I probably should. They just don’t look anything like this. But I do appreciate her recently single efforts to walk around in heels, short shorts and no bra, even if all the girls dress like this and it is nothing to really celebrate. You see cuz every time you leave your house it is a sexual experience…but I guess Miley is inspiring the youth with her naughty brat who wants male attention behavior and that Works for me, unfortunately, 20 dollars won’t make her actually work for me, if you know what I mean. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK
She’s from the UK, she host some shit called “I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here”….I don’t know shit about her or that show, I just know she’s in a bikini and it’s hardly life changing, it’s just nice that her idea of a bikini is to wear some weird shirt with no bra that from the right angle is see through and she’s bra-less in, exposing more of her tit than if she was in a bikini, but I guess her level of insecurity lies in her gut, or maybe she’s just trying to protect her pale grey skin from the sun, something it may have never seen before, but who really cares. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK
Oliver Stone is certainly not afraid to court controversy. The two-time Oscar winner raised eyebrows with a sympathetic portrayal of Fidel Castro in his 2003 documentary Comandante , a less than sympathetic look at former President George W. Bush in W. and a positive chronicle of Latin America’s left-leaning presidents in 2009’s South of the Border and he’s long been outspoken on issues that win praise from the hard left and venom from the right. On the eve of his latest star-driven bigger budget release, Savages , Stone graced the cover of High Times magazine and over the weekend spoke of his own drug use, how it helped him through Vietnam as a twice-wounded soldier, and about his new movie opening Friday. In an interview with CBS This Morning Stone spoke sympathetically toward marijuana, which is at the center of his latest feature, and which he used while doing two tours of duty during the Vietnam War. “When I was in Vietnam, [pot] made the difference between being human and being a beast,” he said. “There were a lot of guys who were drinking and doing a lot of the killing that was so unnecessary and raping. The guys who did dope were much more conscious of the value of life.” Stone said he had served well, was a “good soldier” and added, “I wasn’t a slouch.” His latest crime-thriller is based on a novel of the same name by Don Winslow. Starring Taylor Kitsch, Aaron Johnson, Blake Lively, Salma Hayek, Benicio del Toro and John Travolta, the story revolves around two California marijuana growers who share a girlfriend who is kidnapped. The pair (Johnson and Kitsch) are then faced with confronting a Mexican drug cartel lead by Elena Sanchez (Hayek) and Miguel (del Toro) to rescue her. “I like power [stories], I like people who do the cat and mouse game,” Stone said. “You never get what you expect and that’s like life.” In order to prep for the film, Stone headed south of the border to get a proper feel for some real-life figures in the drug underworld. “Benicio and I hung out with some pretty heavy people on the other side of the border,” he said. “Don Winslow knows that world because he’s written other books about the subject.” Stone noted that “thank God” the cartels have so far had a limited role in cannabis growing in California since it’s still a comparatively small business vs. their much bigger and violent operations, but added: “Like California wine, the stuff being grown there is very high in its potency.” [Source: CBS This Morning ]
Mindy McCready is an odd one. In her latest eye-opening public statement, she said that her son Zander is really the only thing stopping her from offing herself. In an interview with ABC’s 20/20 , McCready said the boy “saved my life.” “Every time I wanted to let go and give in, I remember what he did for me,” said McCready, who has attempted suicide at least once. “He is my little angel.” McCready’s previous efforts at suicide and substance abuse are the reasons she no longer has custody of Zander – and feuds with her mother, who does. Mindy and Zander were recently the subject of an interstate manhunt after she allegedly took off with him during a visitation. He is now in foster care. The troubled country singer says that her mom, Gayle Inge, believes herself to be a prophet from God – not exactly a good influence on young Zander. Also, “They see dead people in their home all the time – spirits, demons, ghosts,” explained McCready, who is pregnant again with twins as we speak. McCready also contends Inge has spanked Zander with a wooden spoon hard enough to leave scars. Inge denies the allegation. Until Round 293 …
Demi Lovato and Kelly Clarkson took to the stage as a pair last night at Z100’s annual Jingle Ball concert in Madison Square Garden and delivered a heartfelt musical message to fans: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas! Could Demi match the first-ever American Idol note-for-note? Of course not. But who out there can?!? Sit back and let these two artist serenade you with a holiday classic now: Demi Lovato and Kelly Clarkson – Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
For the record, Nicole Scherzinger did not send Rachel Crow home on Thursday night. This X Factor judge instead chose to let America decide between the 13-year old and Marcus Canty, yet Scherzinger is the panelist facing the harshest fan rebuke after Crow’s name was called for elimination . “My heart comes from the right place, so I get really sensitive when people are negative,” the former Pussycat Doll told reporters after the show. “Don’t [critics] know I only want the best for every single person?” Nicole added that she thought Canty would be selected by voters, though they never got a chance to hear Crow’s incredible survival song . “When I saw that look on her face, [I felt] that I had let her down, like I dropped her,” Scherzinger, who shed tears for 30 minutes after the episode, said. “I could have been holding on and I dropped her. She is the sunshine of our show, so it’s hard to see her cry.” Crow, however, has come out and said the public should not blame Nicole , while the young crooner’s fortunes are already looking up: sources say Disney has requested a meeting with Rachel.
For the record, Nicole Scherzinger did not send Rachel Crow home on Thursday night. This X Factor judge instead chose to let America decide between the 13-year old and Marcus Canty, yet Scherzinger is the panelist facing the harshest fan rebuke after Crow’s name was called for elimination . “My heart comes from the right place, so I get really sensitive when people are negative,” the former Pussycat Doll told reporters after the show. “Don’t [critics] know I only want the best for every single person?” Nicole added that she thought Canty would be selected by voters, though they never got a chance to hear Crow’s incredible survival song . “When I saw that look on her face, [I felt] that I had let her down, like I dropped her,” Scherzinger, who shed tears for 30 minutes after the episode, said. “I could have been holding on and I dropped her. She is the sunshine of our show, so it’s hard to see her cry.” Crow, however, has come out and said the public should not blame Nicole , while the young crooner’s fortunes are already looking up: sources say Disney has requested a meeting with Rachel.
Conservative Andrew Breitbart was just gang-rushed by a mob of racist-hurling gay-hating leftists at the Nutroots 2011 Convention. Andrew Breitbart decided to go chat with the enlightened leftists at Nutroots 2011 today. The annual leftist online convention is being held a couple of blocks from the Right Online convention. The leftists immediately swarmed him and attacked Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Big Government Discovery Date : 17/06/2011 21:53 Number of articles : 3