Tag Archives: galore-magazine

Bella Thorne Does Galore Good

Remember those killer Bella Thorne bikini pictures from a few weeks back ? Well, today we finally found out what they were for: a new photoshoot Bella was doing for Galore Magazine . Huh. I always just assumed they were part of Bella’s ongoing quest to make my pants region go supernova. Anyway, here’s the end result, and it’s hands down one of the best photoshoots I’ve seen in weeks. So either way, mission accomplished, Bella. Congrats.

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Bella Thorne Does Galore Good

Heidi Klum for Galore Magazine of the Day

Galore Magazine is a magazine that’s doing the whole throw parties at key events like Art Basel, Fashion Week and Coachella…cast the key instagram models on instagram as part of the magazine….to make sure they go to the parties…do cover photoshoots with people of interest or actual models…like Heidi Klum..have those people of interest also show up at those parties…and you pretty much just secured relevance…without even writing one life changing article..and who really wants to write a fucking article…when you can hang out at parties with models and take pics…as that’s the level of brain power the kids have…clever… I don’t think the pics are that hot, I hate black and white from a digital camera, but I guess they compliment Heidi Klum best, since she’s old as fuck..but she does still have a great body…which is more than I can say about the old people I fuck, all medicated, half dead, and disgusting as I pull their adult diapers to the side… The post Heidi Klum for Galore Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Heidi Klum for Galore Magazine of the Day

Take 2: Khloe Attempts To Clap Her Colossal Cakes Once Again At Kylie’s Galore Magazine Party

Khloe Kardashian Twerks On Camera At Kylie’s Party Khloe Kardashian is making sure to show off her plastic purchase hard work in the gym by gyrating on camera every time an opportunity presents itself. James Harden’s girl once again threw her hips around in a struggly swivel at another one of Kylie’s affairs — this time moving her booty at Kylie’s Galore Magazine cover soiree. As with most things in her life these days, Kylie was right on the spot to catch Khloe’s cakes for her SnapChat : Are Khloe’s skills improving enough to rival some of the other Instagram twerks we’ve seen recently? Hit the flip for more of Khloe’s money dance and flicks from the party… Instagram / SplashNews

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Take 2: Khloe Attempts To Clap Her Colossal Cakes Once Again At Kylie’s Galore Magazine Party

Joanna Halpin Does Galore Magazine

I pride myself on staying up to date on all the latest hottie news, but I’ve gotta admit, I don’t know much about Joanna Halpin here. For instance, until I saw this latest photoshoot that the British hottie did for Galore Magazine , I didn’t even know she was into motorcycles. Which is pretty hot, but if you ask me, she should really consider riding bloggers instead. We’re much safer.

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Joanna Halpin Does Galore Magazine

Jennifer Akerman for Galore of the Day

Jennifer Akerman is Malin Akerman’s sister… I don’t think she really matters because Malin Akerman doesn’t even matter and she’s been in a lot of movies…movies that she’s been hot and funny in….whereas this version of her hasn’t really done shit but THESE NUDE PICS …which I guess in a lot of ways, but mainly not financial ways, that nakedness is good enough….especially when the sister threw in the towel by making babies… Well now she’s topless for my friends over at Galore Magazine, a magazine that’s been doing some serious things lately, things far more important than these pics of Jennifer Akerman nude, you know like shoots with all kind of hotter people, but when it comes to nudity, they are all equally important enough to stare at… Here are the pics. VIA GALORE

Jennifer Akerman for Galore of the Day

Naya Rivera Is Smoking Hot In Galore!

I always forget why Naya Rivera here is famous, although considering how hot this photoshoot she just did for Galore Magazine is, I’m pretty sure it has something to do with her insanely perfect body. But I decided to do a little research anyway, and turns out she’s on Glee , and supposedly her and Lea Michele are “feuding” or some boring gossip rag crap like that. If you ask me, I think the two should just be adults and kiss and make up make out already. Preferably with me and my new camera recording the whole thing. » view all 13 photos

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Naya Rivera Is Smoking Hot In Galore!

Nina Agdal Does Galore Magazine

This photoshoot of Nina Agdal getting all soaped up for Galore Magazine ‘s “Bombshell Edition” might be a little old, but it’s definitely still a goodie. And as awesome as these pictures are, we’ve got an even better video to go along with it, and in glorious slow-motion too. I think this might be the first time I’ve ever been jealous of a bicycle, and not been talking about the seat. Wow.

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Nina Agdal Does Galore Magazine

Candice Swanepoel’s Alright for Instagram of the Day

Candice Swanepoel posted these pics to instagram and they are lovely, even if totally expected, because her body makes her millions, it is totally fucking fit, and why the fuck wouldn’t she be showing it off to people, since it is all we want or expect of her….I mean seeing her fully clothed would be like a chef feeding a dinner party a fucking can of beans for dinner…. I am a fan, it is just unfortunate she’s not the farmer’s daughter in South Africa fucking the hired hands, because when she was, she was probably a hell of a lot easier to have sex with, but also a hell of a lot more at risk for HIV….thanks South Africa AIDS statistics for that….

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Candice Swanepoel’s Alright for Instagram of the Day

Candice Swanepoel’s Alright for Instagram of the Day

Candice Swanepoel posted these pics to instagram and they are lovely, even if totally expected, because her body makes her millions, it is totally fucking fit, and why the fuck wouldn’t she be showing it off to people, since it is all we want or expect of her….I mean seeing her fully clothed would be like a chef feeding a dinner party a fucking can of beans for dinner…. I am a fan, it is just unfortunate she’s not the farmer’s daughter in South Africa fucking the hired hands, because when she was, she was probably a hell of a lot easier to have sex with, but also a hell of a lot more at risk for HIV….thanks South Africa AIDS statistics for that….

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Candice Swanepoel’s Alright for Instagram of the Day

Chanel Iman Gone Wild for Galore Magazine of the Day

This is an awesome video for Galore Magazine…. It is a bit throwback tribute to the early 80s, in what I like to call the glory days of the porn industry and not just because I love bush…but because it wasn’t about throat fucking trailer trash and still had a little eroticism up in it…back when porn wasn’t so saturated throat fucking clips of every girl wanting to make 100 dollars….not that I am against that, but sometimes I like to remember what was… It is also a bit of a snuff film vibe. Either way, it makes me want to rip lines and jerk off, and that’s a good thing….Chanel Iman in lingerie being directed like a little slut…also a good thing… Click More to See the Video on Mobile…


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Chanel Iman Gone Wild for Galore Magazine of the Day