Tag Archives: hadid

Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

Gigi Hadid is one of those people who you hate because they are entitled rich kids, yet life worked out for them thanks to being entitled rich kids, when you prefer your entitled rich kids to be fucking disasters… It’s like this Arab girl said to her dad at a young age that she doesn’t want to work, but that she wants to be famous on the instagram instead…and he gifted it to her like he did a Pony on her 10th birthday and a car on her 16th. His ego, made him go out there and buy press, by coverage and help his girl make it in America…and it worked, people signed on, bought in and made her a model… No struggle, just a fucking gift and she can coast through life thinking how easy it is….with her nipples hard..it helps keep her relevant…even if the fact that she was ever relevant is fucking absurd…not as absurd as her sister being relevant but almost as absurd… Just cuz they are rich kids, doesn’t mean you have to give them brand deals….like who cares about rich kids, other than most of the instagram users….give me more girls who struggle to make it nipples…they are more meaningful and authentic… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

Bella Hadid Still Naked and Annoying of the Day

Bella Hadid posted up a picture of her and the Weekend, a ghetto kid from Toronto, who is now the voice of America….and her caption was “HOME”….because she’s a fucking lame piece of shit, with her hopeless romantic young love, despite me knowing people who have FUCKED the Weekend while he was dating Bella the first time, but I guess she’s just a self involved rich kid with Daddy issues, who is so into herself she doesn’t even care where dude’s putting his dick as long as it ends up in her and she gets to be the public girlfriend…. The point of the story is that I don’t consider Bella Hadid a model, even if the rest of the world and her bank account and portfolio tell a different story. I am a firm believer that she’s just an amateur pretending to be a model, because it’s not that hard to be a model, and she only gets jobs because America is fucked in the head. I don’t care when this fake face, that is still a rat face, gets naked…but I guess other people do..because America likes what they are told to like…it’s what happens when Propaganda in the media has been a thing for 100 fucking years, you eventually don’t have a mind of your own. I do have to post these nudes, because…Bella Hadid….is relevant, unfortunately…Lame, rich, no substance, zero inspiring…but relevant. I blame you. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Hadid Still Naked and Annoying of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Still Naked and Annoying of the Day

Bella Hadid Hard Nipples for Fashion of the Day

Bella Hadid has hard nipples – but not because she is a woman and this is what nipples do… She has hard nipples because she’s a legitimate fashion model, and they are the accessory of the year, you know being on trend or a trendsetter is the most important thing to her life, and all of the world looks onto her to see what she does next. That’s the influencer life…even though she seems like a phony, hack, lie, bullshit, with no soul. She doesn’t seem to have anything interesting or creative or exciting about her. Like all rich girls…she’s just lucky to be rich. It places her in the right place. Her hard nipples are designed solely to show off her tits, because people like her tits, and she aims to please so that no one realizes that she’s scamming and a lie… You know…I KNOW. MORE BELLA HADID CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Hadid Hard Nipples for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Hard Nipples for Fashion of the Day

Bella Thorne Tits out of the Day

Your favorite set of tits you’d probably expect to have an opiate overdose but that are too vanilla and lame despite their trying so hard to be weird hustle …. Straight from Disney and a mom who whored her out to Disney who is clever enough to figure out what the market wants and give the market what they want…which is often times tits…the whole “i don’t give a fuck, this is me, I’m real”…only totally contrived and fake…possible in her tits as much as in her schtick…but kids are idiots and obviously buy into this…because….she exists and is making huge fucking money as she exists… The pop world has always been shit, except now it’s easier to jerk off to as an old pervert who has no real standards but who has all the hate needed to hate everything these losers who win are doing….whether I am too old to even know these people exist or not. To See More Bella Thorne Fake Tits Out at a Premiere CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Thorne Tits out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne Tits out of the Day

Gigi Hadid Durag and Lingerie Featuring Bella Hadid of the Day

In the least important news ever…Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid were hired by Rihanna’s team to promote some lingerie that Rihanna is launching because everything is a share for share, just some share for share is higher profile than the rest… So as much as these two mooch bitches who had their career paid for by their dad, who allowed them to exist, even if they aren’t that hot, especially Bella, in efforts to compete with the Jenners they fake BFFed, in a weird incestuous LA intermarriage connection…..that was really more riding their coattails to build huge audience and to have brands throw money at them to reach that audience…and I guess get celebs like Rihanna to use them to sell product to make them all fucking richer…in what would be far more disgusting, almost as disgusting as Rihanna’s weight gain, but I have a thing for lingerie, even cheap lingerie that gives women yeast infections…that allows me to see past the fact that they are garbage instagram clickbait….overrated and beat looking trash that was never hot, only styled and face filled….to focus on what matters…trying to spot a cunt slip…. And with that…I post the pics of all these inter-groupie-ing Trash… More of her tits at fashion week Bella Hadid was also there… TO SEE THE REST OF BELLA AND GIGI SLUTTY OUT CLICK HERE RIHANNA WAS ALSO THERE – ALL 300 Ponds of her It’s her brand you know… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF RIHANNA CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gigi Hadid Durag and Lingerie Featuring Bella Hadid of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gigi Hadid Durag and Lingerie Featuring Bella Hadid of the Day

Bella Hadid Nude See Through Nipples of the Day

Bella Hadid has this amazing talent of looking like a weathered old granny, all rat faced and filled with too much face filler, because she’s naturally fucking ugly, but has these tits she puts out there with her fit body, that for some reason the industry likes to titty fuck and throw money at like it was a high end stripper they call a “Fashion Model”…and it is all because of social media fame, audience and “relevance” that stems from the Kardashian. I know it’s pretty fucking tedious that the Kardashians are still a thing that touch everything in Pop Culture…it’s offensive that the country is into this kind of thing…it’s some sort of scam or brainwashing or fake news I don’t understand because I have eyes and everything about them or associated with them is fucking vile and needs to be eradicated, but instead is paid well…so that all their dreams come true….like the dancing monkeys they actually are…only their zoo is living the life of Luxury…where they still throw their shit on each other…it’s weird. Point being, Bella Hadid, another LA rich kid, with tits out, getting noticed…..is here for your enjoyment and to perpetuate the lies they’ve all built their empire on. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Hadid Nude See Through Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Nude See Through Nipples of the Day

Bella Hadid Topless for Fashion of the Day

Bella Hadid will not stop the clickbait… When you’re the ugly one in the family and you’ve finally tricked the world thanks to marketing…you do what you can to maintain…to keep thins rolling…because your sister has backed off and finally given you the runway to run with…. So you just post nude on your social media… It’s a good tactic to distract from her troll looking face. I am not a fan of her, and not because she’s an Arab, that would be racist, if anything I like that she’s an Arab knowing that they will possibly honor kill her for humiliating their people…not that it will happen, because she’s rich and rich people get away with everything.. I just find her ugly. I am a fan of anyone getting naked for no reason other than to be naked though….I am a simplistic owner of a penis like that. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Hadid Topless for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Topless for Fashion of the Day

Bella Hadid Topless for Fashion of the Day

Bella Hadid will not stop the clickbait… When you’re the ugly one in the family and you’ve finally tricked the world thanks to marketing…you do what you can to maintain…to keep thins rolling…because your sister has backed off and finally given you the runway to run with…. So you just post nude on your social media… It’s a good tactic to distract from her troll looking face. I am not a fan of her, and not because she’s an Arab, that would be racist, if anything I like that she’s an Arab knowing that they will possibly honor kill her for humiliating their people…not that it will happen, because she’s rich and rich people get away with everything.. I just find her ugly. I am a fan of anyone getting naked for no reason other than to be naked though….I am a simplistic owner of a penis like that. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Hadid Topless for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Topless for Fashion of the Day

Bella Hadid Erotica of the Day

Bella Hadid is a “Top Model”….the most important thing in fashion…who comes from a very rich fucking family…yet still capable of keeping things fucking sex-worker like, clickbait and trashy… It’s like here she is tying up her top, her big, possibly fake, maybe just arab tits, into some kind of harness like they are her baby she’s about to walk through the desert with on some pilgrimage after the Jewish people took her Palestine, forcing her to run to LA to become this fashion icon thanks to having lots of social media followers… I view her as garbage clickbait…and it’s not a racist, she’s a terrorist, I’m siding with the Israelites on this one situation… It’s just that she’s lucky that had rich parents with an ego trying to be the next Kardashian Jenners….and a sister who was properly marketed hard enough to give Bella a chance to jump on the train…..whilst looking all trans, like a dude I saw walking around in a lace sarong this weekend…which is pretty fucking gay…something her Muslim god wouldn’t approve of and that if this was another generation…she’d be honored killed…but instead she’s closing brand deals… Here she is being slutty on social media JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Hadid Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Erotica of the Day

Bella Hadid Pussy Grab of the Day

I just did a post on GIGI HADID’s HARD NIPPLES …so it’s only fair that I give some attention to her coat tail riding mooch sister….since every conversation that ever started with Bella Hadid, started with “She’s Gigi Hadid’s ugly sister people find interesting looking because her dad paid them to”… Well, she’s in a bikini as she does, she’s sexualizing herself far more than the other ones, because I guess you have to when you’re the ugly one….and apparently Bella Hadid has sand in her pussy, or maybe it’s just herpes…these things happen when you’re banging rappers to make yourself relevant, and that shit, when it comes in contact with salt water…fucking burns… That’s how I’ve interpreted this picture and that’s all I’m willing to put into my interpretation of the picture. I mean other than saying I prefer my dyke porn with more dyking in it….if you’re going to be in bikinis together…SCISSOR…or share a double ended dildo… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Bella Hadid Pussy Grab of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Hadid Pussy Grab of the Day