Tag Archives: healthy living

Drug-Free Joseline Hernandez Claps Back At Stevie J’s Cocaine Claims With Test Results

Joseline Hernandes Tests Negative For Drugs Even though Stevie J has been insisting that Joseline has been drinking and drugging hardcore while carrying the unborn baby he denies…Joseline says she has proof that that is NOT the case. According to TMZ , Joseline filed formal court docs and attached 3 the results to three drug tests, proving she was completely negative for various drugs — including the cocaine Stevie says he witnessed her ingest . She’s also free and clear of amphetamines and marijuana and she even attached a note from her doctor stating she’s had a healthy pregnancy this entire time. Joseline says she voluntarily submitted to the drug tests to prove that Stevie’s repeated claims that she’s smoking and snorting while carrying lil baby Bonnie is just is a sick attempt to embarrass her. Meanwhile, Joseline let it be known that Stevie’s $5,000 check for her and the baby’s medical costs bounced. But not so fast — Stevie apparently says that the whole drug test thing is a pile of lies, because the tests weren’t conducted by a medical professional. SMH. This whole pregnancy has just been a big circus between these two (well, three really) . Little Bonnie has been on a roller coaster ride and she hasn’t even exited the womb yet. SMH. Keep this baby in your prayers.

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Drug-Free Joseline Hernandez Claps Back At Stevie J’s Cocaine Claims With Test Results

Health Bloggers Arrested After Their 5 Kids Were Found Malnourished And Living In A Car

“Healthy Living” Bloggers Arrested For Child Neglect A couple that runs a healthy, holistic living blog has been arrested after the five children in their care were found malnourished and dirty , living inside a parked Toyota. Donell Barron, 34, and Rikki Hart, 34, the operators of Holistically Beautiful , are each being held in a Palm Beach County jail while investigators get to the bottom of the situation. Hart describes herself as a “mother of five,” however the formal relationship between Barron, Hart and the children — ages 14, 8, 6, 5 and 4 — is blacked out in the official police report. According to the Palm Beach Post , an officer reportedly found Barron, Hart and the five children inside a Toyota parked outside a local Walmart — an area known for high crime and drug activity. The cop in question noted that as he approached the vehicle, he detected a strong odor “similar to that of homeless camps.” Each of the five children was deemed underweight, but the 14-year-old was so “severely underweight to the point that his bones were clearly visible.” The boy weighed only 5 pounds more than his 8-year-old sibling and had unusually high blood pressure. Deputies discovered that the children ate about once a day and only salad and bread. Barron told deputies that the children bathed irregularly at a local park and had never been enrolled in school. Instead, the children were “home-schooled” inside the Toyota. Meanwhile, as the children reeked like a homeless camp and were visibly malnourished, Barron and Hart appeared to be clean and healthy. SMH! Well, CLEARLY no one needs tips from this blog…

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Health Bloggers Arrested After Their 5 Kids Were Found Malnourished And Living In A Car

Selena Gomez Nipple On Instagram of the Day

Selena Gomez posted what looks like a mesh dress you’d find at the sex shop, or on a Florida wife tanning by the pool, drinking her cocktails after sucking down some valium, because she knows it is the day the Cuban garderner comes by and she really wants to fuck him like she was America during the 1960s…no more Heinz Ketchup for you motherfuckers…but have since redeemed themselves by giving the Cubans Miami… That said, Selena Gomez is a Mexican, and like all Mexicans, she’s had her tits done, so why wouldn’t she show off her nipples, this is a sign of status, like she’s officially made it to her people back home, cuz Mexican know that Mexicns have shitty tits.. If that doesn’t excite you, and it shouldn’t – here she is lip syncing in a car…as girls seem to do these day… A video posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Apr 2, 2015 at 7:47pm PDT The post Selena Gomez Nipple On Instagram of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Nipple On Instagram of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Lives the Fit Life of the Day

When Lindsay Lohan turns to instagram to post gym selfies…you know that everything on the internet may be some kind of elaborate lie…lies fucking everywhere…because Lindsay Lohan is not a representative of healthy living, she’s practically dead and her idea of a workout is her heart rate increasing from being malnourished and high on coke and some uppers…but I guess in turning over a new leaf, a red pubic hair leaf…she figures she can trick us, and more importantly the casting director’s that her life is on track, she’s focused, and she’s in the best shape of her life…so that they hire her…but I’m not buying into this…and I believe all the lies Lohan tells me, but that’s just because she still turns me on. The post Lindsay Lohan Lives the Fit Life of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsay Lohan Lives the Fit Life of the Day

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Flip Out Over Real Estate Possibilities, Konsider New Kareers

One is a rapper. The other is a sex tape star . But a new reports suggests Kim Kardashian and Kanye West may be considering new careers. Inspired by Ellen DeGeneres recently making $15 million on a home sale, TMZ claims that the famous couple may not actually move into the $11 million Bel Air mansion they purchased last year and have been renovating for months. Instead, Kim and Kanye may try to sell the property for a significant profit. And if they succeed? They may do so again and again, going all HGTV on us by getting into the real estate flipping game. Kimye believes it has the kind of real estate connections (from architects to interior designers) to make quite a healthy living in this industry, while they’re in no rush to move out of Kris Jenner’s house any time soon. And why should they be? With all the E! cameramen constantly around, they’re never lacking for a North West babysitter. 31 Kute and Kuddly Kimye Photos 1. Kim and Kanye on a Motorcycle Kim Kardashian sort of gets it on with Kanye West in this music video still. She’s topless!

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Flip Out Over Real Estate Possibilities, Konsider New Kareers

Gwyneth Paltrow topless photoshoot

Gwyneth Paltrow,38-year-old mother of two looked a decade younger as she posed topless wearing just jewellery and a pair of fishnet tights in a revealing photoshoot for Vanity Fair magazine. Her demure pose with her arms across her helped protect her modesty. Her seemingly constant flow of advice to the world on how to copy her wholesome lifestyle may not impress everyone. But you can’t help but be impressed by the effects of healthy living on Gwyneth Paltrow’s body. The pretty blonde had he

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Gwyneth Paltrow topless photoshoot

Adults Find It “Appropriate” To Break Up Via Text, E-Mail [REPORT]

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Yahoo! Mail just conducted a poll of 2,000 people in the U.S, surveying them about their email behavior. One of the very surprising results to come out of the poll, is that 13% of adults think it is acceptable to break up with someone via email, IM, or text . What’s more, the study found that men are more likely than women to end a relationship this way. But that’s not all. The poll found that 1 in 5 people admit to having read their significant other’s email without their knowledge. When I read these stats, I had to go back and make sure that I had read it correctly, and not mistaken ‘adults’ for ‘teenagers’. But alas, I had not. I wasn’t really surprised with the finding that 70% of adults find it acceptable to send thank-you notes or cards via email, as I have already lamented the fact (even though I am guilty of it myself), that a lot of communication these days only happens via the web , but come on now, breaking up with someone over a text message or email! Really? And having no qualms about spying on your partner’s emails? That’s just straight up shady! A quick Google search about breaking up via email further baffled me. I found that there are entire sites dedicated to the online breakup, many of which claim the online breakup is best if you ‘don’t want to hurt the other person’, but really should be tag-lined as best if you ‘can’t stomach doing it in person’. There are convenient ‘how to’ guides , and even email templates for the ‘perfect’ breakup. Because, if it isn’t bad enough to break up with someone online, you can get someone else to write the breakup letter for you. Breaking up with someone using email or text message should never be acceptable. It is the coward’s way out and, in my opinion anyway, says a lot about you as a person (but I guess if you’re hacking into their emails, then I really shouldn’t expect any different). If you really don’t want to do it in person, at least be game enough to call. You’re most likely going to have to speak to them anyway, considering they will probably phone you after opening their email and reading your pathetic Dear John note, and the conversation is going to be a whole lot less pleasant after that than it needed to be. Man up people, sheesh! Research Finds Rejection, Break Ups Cause Physical Pain [REPORT] Lamar Odom’s Ex Finds Out About Marriage Via Text! Study Shows Unhappy Relationships Lead To Obsession Over Material Things Has The Internet Ruined Our Manners?

Adults Find It “Appropriate” To Break Up Via Text, E-Mail [REPORT]

Ways Parents Can Teach Children To Care About Others

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In a world where violence and cruelty seem to be common and almost acceptable, many parents wonder what they can do to help their children to become kinder and gentler—to develop a sense of caring and compassion for others. Raising kids who care isn’t a solution to violence by itself, but it’s reasonable to worry that being exposed to a lot of violence—whether it’s on television or on the streets —could make your children hard and uncaring. People sometimes think that children don’t really see the outside world—or other people—the way adults do, that they only view the world from their own eyes and in their own way. The most important thing you as a parent can do is to let your children know how much it means to you that they behave with kindness and responsibility. When you see your child doing something that you think is thoughtless or cruel, you should let them know right away that you don’t want them doing that. Speak to your child firmly and honestly, and keep your focus on the act, not on the child personally—something along the lines of ‘What you did is not very nice’ rather than ‘YOU are not very nice.’ Be frank, honest and upfront with your kids about what kind of behavior you do and don’t like. Keep your comments short and to the point; the idea is to teach them, not to make them feel guilty. In other words, our actions speak louder than words. If you are consistently caring and compassionate, it’s more likely that your children will be, too. Children watch their parents, and other adults, for clues on how to behave. Related Stories Minute Meditation: Prayer To Remove Negativity Is Working From Home The Best Decision For Moms? Work It Out Wednesday: 8 Steps To Being A Positive Person Minute Meditation: Prayer for Parents

Ways Parents Can Teach Children To Care About Others