Tag Archives: hinduism

Fix It Jesus! Studies Show Major Drop In Christians In The U.S. — Especially Among Millenials

Christianity On The Decline In America It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a lot of folks have lost faith … Via CNN reports : Released Tuesday, the survey of 35,000 American adults shows the Christian percentage of the population dropping precipitously, to 70.6%. In 2007, the last time Pew conducted a similar survey, 78.4% of American adults called themselves Christian. In the meantime, almost every major branch of Christianity in the United States has lost a significant number of members, Pew found, mainly because millennials are leaving the fold. More than one-third of millennials now say they are unaffiliated with any faith, up 10 percentage points since 2007. It’s not just millennials leaving the church. Whether married or single, rich or poor, young or old, living in the West or the Bible Belt, almost every demographic group has seen a significant drop in people who call themselves Christians, Pew found. The drops have been deepest among two of the country’s most formidable faith traditions: Catholics and mainline Protestants, so-called for their prominence in American history. At the same time, Hinduism and Islam, religions tied to recent immigrants, according to Pew, have made small but significant gains. While they have declined as a percentage of the overall population, the number of evangelicals has remained relatively steady in the past seven years. People who profess no faith affiliation — often called “nones,” as in “none of the above” — now form nearly 23% percent of the country’s adult population, according to the Pew study. That puts the unaffiliated nearly on par with evangelicals (25.4%) and ahead of Catholics (about 21%) and mainline Protestants (14.7%). People who profess no faith affiliation — often called “nones,” as in “none of the above” — now form nearly 23% percent of the country’s adult population, according to the Pew study. That puts the unaffiliated nearly on par with evangelicals (25.4%) and ahead of Catholics (about 21%) and mainline Protestants (14.7%). While Pew’s study will likely to cheer the hearts of atheists, the rapid rise of religiously unaffiliated Americans hasn’t necessarily spawned a generation of infidels. Just 3% of the “nones” call themselves atheists, a small bump from 2007, when 1.5% did the same. Four percent say they are agnostic, meaning they don’t know if God exists, a gain of 1.6 percentage points from seven years ago. Do you identify as Christian? Do you think that people are leaving the church because times have gotten so hard with the economy or is it a reflection of the troubled times we’re living in? Shutterstock

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Fix It Jesus! Studies Show Major Drop In Christians In The U.S. — Especially Among Millenials

Selena Gomez Bindi Symbol Prompts Outrage from Hindu Community

Selena Gomez may not be dating Justin Bieber . But she has something in common with her fellow young singer today: both are facing backlash from certain sections of society. While many are upset over comments Bieber made in regard to Anne Frank , Gomez is under fire for donning a Bindi on her forehead during her performance of “Come and Get It” at Sunday’s MTV Movie Awards . Officials at the Universal Society of Hinduism have referred to Selena’s use of the religious symbol as “insensitive,” with statesman Rajan Zed telling WENN: “The bindi on the forehead is an ancient tradition in Hinduism and has religious significance… It is not meant to be thrown around loosely for seductive effects or as a fashion accessory aiming at mercantile greed. “Selena should apologize and then she should get acquainted with the basics of world religions.” Ouch. Slam! In other young singer scandal news, a video has surfaced of Miley Cyrus smoking pot . But back to Selena: Should she apologize for the Bindi decoration?   Yes, how disrespectful! No, who cares?!? View Poll »

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Selena Gomez Bindi Symbol Prompts Outrage from Hindu Community

‘Lost’ Finale: Experts Talk Impact Of Religion On The Island

‘Lost’ dealt intimately with suffering and redemption, concepts central to Christianity, Buddhism and more. By Eric Ditzian Matthew Fox and Terry O’Quinn in the finale of “Lost” Photo: ABC Christian Shephard. The Dharma Initiative. Japanese temples and reproductions of Egyptian statues. The ever-present questions of fate, faith, suffering, atonement and redemption. Over six seasons of “Lost,” religious traditions were a key component of the show, informing characters’ decisions, shedding light on the mysterious and raising new questions about just what the heck is going down on that wacked-out island. The series finale brought these religious elements to the forefront like never before. It turned out that the so-called sideways timeline in which our Losties had been living alternate lives — their plane landing in safety rather than crashing on the island — was really a sort of way station for souls: Jack, Kate, Sawyer and the rest had collectively created this universe as a way to find one another again, experience an awakening about their island lives and ultimately free themselves from it and move forward into the Great Beyond. But how much of that story line actually lined up with identifiable elements from actual religious doctrines and traditions? Quite a bit, it turns out. In creating their mythology, the minds behind “Lost” sampled from Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism and other traditions. “They were drawing on a number of religious traditions,” James McGrath, an associate professor of religion at Butler University and an avid “Lost” fan, told MTV News. “It didn’t closely resemble any one religion, although there were points of similarity. It was like that ‘Coexist’ bumper sticker . “There’s this Hindu idea of passing into one life and remembering another one,” he continued. “There is also the notion of purgatory, which is largely connected with Christian doctrine and tradition — essentially suffering as a way of atoning for sin and wrongdoing. But that didn’t seem to be a part of the sideways universe. If anything, they seemed to be fairly happy,” McGrath said. “And I suppose you could give a Buddhist slant to it, but in Buddhism it’s that our consciousness perceives reality wrongly. The reality that we perceive, we may create it, but that’s a bad thing. In ‘Lost,’ it was a good thing.” Put another way, taking that tack was how “Lost” gave us a happy ending. But this sort of salad bar-like sampling of religious tradition should not be seen as disrespectful to any one faith. Rather, there’s a long history of such storytelling assemblage. “Myths are always mashups, not just in pop culture, but from thousands and thousands of years of traditions,” explained S. Brent Rodriguez Plate, a visiting associate professor of religious studies at Hamilton College and a big fan of the show. Just look at the Losties’ final meeting place in the finale: an interfaith church with iconography from Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and more. McGrath also pointed to Jack’s descent into the bubbling source of the Island’s power — a glowing stone hole whose energy is stoppered by a large stone plug. “The technical description of these artifacts would be a lingam and a yoni,” he said. “It basically is the representation of the male and female aspects of the deity, quite common with Hindu religious iconography and connected with sexuality.” And then there is the fact that the sideways Losties recovered memoirs of their other lives. John Hawley, a professor of religion at Barnard College and a specialist in the devotional traditions of North India, sees a connection to Buddhist and Hindu traditions. “In terms of remembering past lives, some of that comes up with the Buddha, when he is said to have had that night of awakening that made him the Buddha,” Hawley told MTV News. “He is said, in the course of that long night [of meditation], to have gone through a whole series of moments in which he remembers all of his past lives. It is a major feature of Hinduism — one of the accomplishments that can be achieved by someone who takes the time to step aside from ordinary, everyday reality and meditate, think and watch things.” Iconography, purgatory, remembrance of other lives — all this is just scratching the surface of how the show explored various religious practices. “Lost” dealt intimately with the idea of suffering and redemption, concepts that are central, in one way or another, to Christianity, Buddhism and other religions, according to the experts with whom MTV talked. And while “Lost” freely sampled from all the various religious principles, Plate sees a unifying theme connecting it all together. “What the show was ultimately about is the fact that we need each other, we’re a community, and we all die,” Plate said. “The final scene — it doesn’t matter if you’re a Hindu or a Jew or a Buddhist — we all die,” he added. And those are probably the deepest shared ideas across the world and history. No religion can deny that we need each other. No religion can deny that we die. The differences come when you try and explain what happened.” What do you think of how “Lost” used religion to tell stories? Share your thoughts in the comments. Related Videos All About The ‘Lost’ Finale Related Photos The Sexiest Men Of ‘Lost’ Spin-Offs For The Characters Of ‘Lost’

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‘Lost’ Finale: Experts Talk Impact Of Religion On The Island

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George Lopez How to make it in Hollywood

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Emile Hirsch How to make it in Hollywood

Emile Hirsch How to make it in Hollywood


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Emile Hirsch How to make it in Hollywood