Tag Archives: less-revealing

Some Girl in the Saturdays Having a Shitty Upskirt of the Day

I don’t know who The Saturdays are and I really don’t care that they are, or at least one of them is flashing her panties when getting out of a car, because if a no name, even if The Saturdays are an actual name, has an upskirt, she sure as hell better make it pantyless – or sheer, cuz if I can’t see labia, it is like it never happened. It is a Tree Falls in the Woods, only the paparazzi are there to try to monetize it on a slow day, situation that I’m gonna participate in efforts to spread my mission that upskirts need a little more celebrity or a lot more clit to matter, like I need to see some shiny thick looking fabric that is less revealing than a bathing suit, when girl needs press. Bullshit. This cunt is doing it all wrong, literally. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Some Girl in the Saturdays Having a Shitty Upskirt of the Day

Miley Cyrus, Strippers Perform on Stage!

Miley Cyrus took to the stage in Hollywood this weekend and proved once again: she has come a LONG way since the days of Hannah Montana . The 19-year old performed alongside Borgore – with whom she collaborates on ” Decisions ” – as part of that artist’s “Christmas Creampies” concert, donning a cleavage-bearing top… … which was far less revealing than the outfits worn by the many strippers surrounding Miley, dancing their exposed rear ends off and working the poles like professionals. Watch the erotic performance now: Miley Cyrus-Borgore Duet In August 2009, Cyrus got herself in some scolding water for acting like a stripper at the Teen Choice Awards.

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Miley Cyrus, Strippers Perform on Stage!

Rachel Uchitel Lawyers Up, N.Y. Post Stands By 9/11 Quotes

Rachel Uchitel is preparing to file suit against the New York Post for quotes about her dead fiance she says she didn’t make that ran in Page Six Magazine . The paper is standing by its story, however. Uchitel hired Daniel Horowitz and Marty Garbus (known for repping Oksana Grigorieva) to sue the Post for insinuating she’s glad her fiance died during 9/11. An article in the Post’s Page Six Magazine includes alleged statements from Rachel such as “I believe Andy was meant to die because he was too good.” “I’m glad I didn’t get to see any flaws that time brings on everyone. I would [have become] a fat housewife with three kids in Sands Port, Long Island.” In a letter to the Post , Horowitz claims the story conveys “a disastrously false impression” of Rachel and is “degrading and extraordinarily inaccurate.” Rachel Uchitel says it’s a hit piece and the reporter went in not liking her. Horowitz also has words for the author of the piece:”You created a work of miserable and demeaning fiction.

Toddlers & Tiaras Mom Defends Child Hooker Outfit: At Least It Isn’t Sports!

Under fire from the PTC, and most rational human beings, Wendy Dickey is speaking out in defense of her child’s promiscuous beauty pageant outfit. Dickey is the mother of Paisley, a three-year old girl who, in a recent Toddlers & Tiaras promo, donned an outfit similar to the one Julia Roberts wore when portraying a hooker in Pretty Woman . But Wendy doesn’t see the problem because “no harm was done to my child,” she tells TMZ , and, come on, the costume was “less revealing than gymnastics wear and swimsuits.” Toddlers & Tiaras Promo In conclusion, Dickey oddly reasons: “I’m raising my child just as well as any mother does… I take my kid to church every week… at least I’m not forcing them into sports and getting my child injured like some parents. “People need to look at their own family and what they’re doing. I don’t know why people are focusing so much on pageant moms when there’s much more harmful things people are letting their children do!” Yeah! Like tennis or tee ball! What do you think of this scandal and the prostitute outfit donned by a toddler?

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Toddlers & Tiaras Mom Defends Child Hooker Outfit: At Least It Isn’t Sports!

Wong Kar Wai vs. Terrence Malick: Who’s Got the More Inscrutable Trailer?

Like a phoenix rising from the stagnant pre-New Year’s Eve cesspool of news, here comes the teaser for the new Wong Kar Wai martial arts film The Grandmasters , with Tony Leung kicking and punching his way through…what’s that? There’s no kicking or punching in the teaser? Oh. There’s almost no indication of what the film looks like, you say. That seems about right for today. But here at Movieline HQ, this teaser made us wonder: Is this one-minute blast of calligraphy really any less revealing than the unexplained imagery in the much-drooled-over Tree of Life trailer ?

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Wong Kar Wai vs. Terrence Malick: Who’s Got the More Inscrutable Trailer?

Pamela Anderson Forced To Wear Nipple Tape

Pamela Anderson has revealed that TV bosses at Dancing With The Stars make her wear nipple covers, in case she accidentally reveals her famous assets on the US show. The former Baywatch star was a guest on Ryan Seacrest’s US breakfast radio and told the host that “nip-slips” have been ruled out by the ABC network, which doesn’t want a repeat of the infamous Janet Jackson incident at the 2004 Super Bowl. “Everywhere I go [ABC] hands [nipple covers] to me. And they bother me, I don’t like them, I burst through them anyways. [ABC’s] Standards & Practices… they follow me around rigorously, no matter what I do. These outfits I’m wearing are less revealing than the dancers’.” She should be wearing nipple covers every day of her life.

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Pamela Anderson Forced To Wear Nipple Tape

Aubrey O’Day: Heidi Montag Playboy Pics Suck

Earlier this year, Aubrey O’Day bared it all for Playboy . Heidi Montag was recently featured in a less revealing, overrated, weak sauce PG-13 Playboy spread. O’Day, the gold standard of nude photos, is understandably disappointed

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Aubrey O’Day: Heidi Montag Playboy Pics Suck