It’s been quite the week on Bethenny for staged events producers hope will boost the show’s sagging ratings . First, Farrah Abraham got into it with an audience member who questioned her parenting skills. And today, former Apprentice star and current pastor Omarosa stopped by the program because, according to Frankel, she likes “talking to controversial people” and she’s “intrigued by human behavior.” This led to a heated exchange in which Omarosa talked down to Bethenny, told the host to “walk in her own truth,” and questioned whether the talk show would still be around in a year. Even if you believe this was totally a ploy for ratings, it’s rather fascinating/awkward to watch: Bethenny vs. Omarosa! Whose side are you on in the Bethenny vs. Omarosa feud? Team Bethenny! Team Omarosa! Team They Both Suck and This is Clearly a Ratings Ploy! View Poll »
See original here:
Bethenny Versus Omarosa: Totally Fake or Totally Awesome?