Tag Archives: little-piece

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: Let’s Have Another Baby!

It’s only been one month since Scott Disick completed rehab , but “the Lord” has already made massive strides in his efforts to get back together with baby mama Kourtney Kardashian. Sources say Scott started trying to win Kourtney back while he was still in rehab. His efforts seem to have paid off, as it now seems that Scott is living with Kourtney , albeit in a platonic capacity. That may soon change, however, as Scott knows that the way to Kourtney’s heart is through her uterus. “Scott is getting himself back in Kourtney’s arms by his recent change in behavior and by being so great,” an insider tells Hollywood Life. “It has made him confident that things are going to work out. “Add that with all the recent excitement of Saint joining the Kardashian family and it’s shown Scott that he would be happy to have another child with Kourtney.” Yes, it seems Scott may be using the recent birth of Saint West as an opportunity to weasel his way back into Kourtney’s heart. Scott has reportedly told Kourtney that “would be the ultimate promise she could make him that she would take him back for good.” Yeah, because he’s in a position to be making demands. Hilariously, the source adds, “Marriage isn’t on the horizon anytime soon.” Makes sense. These two wouldn’t want to find themselves tied together for life. Best to just stick to having four kids for now. View Slideshow: 14 Photos of Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick That Made Us Question Their Love

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Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: Let’s Have Another Baby!

Kylie Jenner Rocks SUPER Short Dress, Flaunts Thigh Scar

You may have thought you knew everything there was to know about Kylie Jenner, but despite her many, many semi-nude selfies , there are some physical features that even the queen of Instagram usually keeps covered. On the left, we have Kylizzle hanging out at Art Basel in Miami. On the right is a close-up of Kylie’s leg, captioned, “I love my scar.” While Kylie is usually secretive about her physical traits and abnormalities (The girl lied about having lip fillers for years.), she once opened about about her thigh scar in an interview that brings to mind Heath Ledger’s Joker: “When I was about 5 my sister and I were playing hide-and-seek and I hid inside this really tall enclosed gate,” Jenner explained at the time. “After a while when my sister didn’t find me I had to climb up on this sharp pole sticking out from the gate. “I slipped and the pole went into my leg. I tried pulling away to get the pole out but it just tore through my whole leg. It’s smaller now though because I grew!” Pssht…little Kendall was probably off somewhere practicing her runway walk! Look what you’ve done, Kendall! In case you were wondering, Kylie still hasn’t made any mention of the birth of Saint West on her social media pages, which seems a bit odd, but who knows? She might be working under instructions from Kim and Kris. According to early reports, Kim did not deliver the baby through C-section, so unless there are some botched plastic surgeries that have been kept under wraps, we guess Kylie is the only one with any cool scars for now.  View Slideshow: 69 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kylie Jenner

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Kylie Jenner Rocks SUPER Short Dress, Flaunts Thigh Scar

Rob Kardashian: Outrageous Demands Spark War With Kris Jenner!!!

Hokay. The Kardashian Christmas card has most likely been shot and mailed at this point, but stories about Rob Kardashian demanding payment for his appearance are still on the interwebs. Back in November, Life & Style reported that Rob demanded $250,000 to take part in the annual photo, but Kris Jenner gave him the nah-nah. Now, Celebrity Dirty Laundry claims that Rob’s minimum ask is $50,000 (reasonable, given Kim’s fees), and Kris is trying to “keep her feud” with her son “quiet.” CDL also claims that things were fine between Rob and his family until Lamar Odom was hospitalized; Rob accused his mother of capitalizing on Lamar crisis by bringing a camera crew to the hospital. Several reports allege that Rob didn’t spend Thanksgiving with his family, which Kris denied on Maria Menounos’ SiriusXM show December 1st. According to Kris, Rob sat down to dinner at Khloe Kardashian’s home, but left afterwards to hang out with friends.   The family photo that Kylie Jenner posted to Instagram that day happened after Rob was gone. “He lives with Khloe, so he was around and then went over to a buddy’s house,” Kris explained. Rob has distanced himself from the family brand for the past few years, but his mother is hoping for the best. “He’s doing alright, he’s doing his best,” Kris told Menounos.  “He’s gonna be OK.” View Slideshow: 11 Times Kris Jenner Was Completely F—ing Over It

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Rob Kardashian: Outrageous Demands Spark War With Kris Jenner!!!

Newcomer Anna Sophia Berglund’s Sexy Body In A Bikini

According to Wikipedia: Anna Sophia Berglund (born in San Pedro, Los Angeles, California on April 5, 1986), is an American Playboy model, adult model, actress and reality television personality. She was Playboy magazine’s Playmate of the Month for January 2011. Her centerfold was photographed by Stephen Wayda. And now she can add “Hollywood Tuna post for Monday, July 30th, 2012″ to her portfolio. Somebody better update Wiki. If you like this sweet little piece, you can follow her on twitter here .

Ashley Greene Shitty Ass in Tight Pants of the Day

These pics would be better if her ass was actually shitty, you know the covered in shit kind of shitty and not just the no real substance, soul or appeal shitty…cuz at least her ass being covered in feces would give us something to fucking laugh at or at least talk about, like the drunk chick who shit herself outside the club two weeks ago, but instead I’m stuck with this garbage media whore marketing herself shit…..and that’s no fun…cuz I only like an ass when the cheeks make a smile shape where they meet the legs…not this weird deflated garbage…fuck Ashley Greene like you were a Jonas brother who pretended he didn’t fuck Ashley Greene, giving her a complex that she could deal with cuz it meant more teen fans she’s already locked down – thanks Twilight.

Ashley Greene Shitty Ass in Tight Pants of the Day

Sofia Vergara Mom Tits in a T-Shirt of the Day

I’ve probably said this before, because I’m an alocholic and I like to repeat myself without knowing I’m repeating myself, cuz that’s part of the fun of being drunk most of the time, but I’m fascinated by Sofia Vergara, not because of her huge “natural” mom in her 40s tits, but because she was a single mom who came to America from Colombia in her 20s, and instead of becoming a stripper, walmart clerk or waitress at a cuban restaurant, she became all hollywood and that probably took a lot of whoring to a lot of the right people…meaning this pussy has seen its fair share…and that amazes me….

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Sofia Vergara Mom Tits in a T-Shirt of the Day

Mila Kunis’ Exciting Russian Fetish Video of the Day

I’ve seen this video circulating….and I didn’t bother with it because I figure seeing a Ukrainian immigrant speaking Russian when in Russia doing promo for a movie wasn’t all that exciting, you know call me crazy…. If anything I find it irritating when I’m around imported women and I can’t figure out what they are saying, or whether they are plotting my death cuz my threats of sending them back to their war torn countries aren’t going over as well as I hoped….cuz Russian girls are all spoiled brat who don’t remember what communism or the iron curtain is all about…especially since they were raised here… I mean and I also find Russian as erotic a language as German or Arabic, you know all hacking and coughing and violent like I’m gonna get prison raped sounding…. Not to mention, the rumor is she’s defending Justin Timberlake in the interview….cuz she’s probably fucking him….making this even less erotic than it already is…. I think Mila Kunis is just good to look at, or masturbate to in her re-runs of that 70s show… Here she is in LA…probably speaking english…except maybe when she buys her illegal firearms and cocaine….from Dimitry and Vladimir her Russian mobster friends she met when she was a kid at Vodka soaked Russian work camp….

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Mila Kunis’ Exciting Russian Fetish Video of the Day

Melanie Griffith Looks Like a Crackwhore and I Like It of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I like my women to look emaciated, malnourished, drug addicted and like they are eager for their next hit of crack…you know pretty much exactly like Melanie Griffith is looking….cuz they are easy, affordable, too weak to run, and most importantly filled with tastes and smells that take you on a journey cuz they have a story….making her Today’s little piece of heaven…

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Melanie Griffith Looks Like a Crackwhore and I Like It of the Day

Melanie Griffith Looks Like a Crackwhore and I Like It of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I like my women to look emaciated, malnourished, drug addicted and like they are eager for their next hit of crack…you know pretty much exactly like Melanie Griffith is looking….cuz they are easy, affordable, too weak to run, and most importantly filled with tastes and smells that take you on a journey cuz they have a story….making her Today’s little piece of heaven…

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Melanie Griffith Looks Like a Crackwhore and I Like It of the Day

Britney Spears Does the Jon Benet of the Day

I don’t know what these are about, but I do know that they look like they are of Jon Benet Ramsey 20 years later, taken by some Sears caliber photographer….in other words…fuckin awesome…. This is channeling some Courtney Love crackwhore shit that i am sure smells like a little piece of heaven….or what you’d expect it to smell like with your limited budget and the quality of her scabby body… If you know what I mean…pervert.

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Britney Spears Does the Jon Benet of the Day