Tag Archives: looking-at-tila

Kourtney Kardashian Pregnancy Update: Baby Shower Planned


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Kourtney Kardashian Pregnancy Update: Baby Shower Planned

Megan Fox Naked Scene, Sex Tape Dreams: Shattered!

Megan Fox says a lot of silly things. For example, she compared director Michael Bay to Hitler last week. So men around the world can only hope this is just another case of the actress speaking without thinking, as she recently told MTV News that she’d never make a sex tape.

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Megan Fox Naked Scene, Sex Tape Dreams: Shattered!

Unreliable Tabloid Report: Brangelina Separates!

First, Brad Pitt was merely sleeping on the couch . Now, as reported in bold, yellow, capital letters on the cover below, HE ADMITS A SPLIT IS INEVITABLE! Does Pitt ever say this? No.

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Unreliable Tabloid Report: Brangelina Separates!

Michael Jackson Wrongful Death Suit Poses Financial Catch-22

Members of Michael Jackson’s family are already speaking to attorneys who might represent them in a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray. Under normal circumstances, Murray would certainly be found responsible and face consequences – or at least tried in court to see if he should be liable.

See the original post here:
Michael Jackson Wrongful Death Suit Poses Financial Catch-22

Tila Tequila Calls BS on Shawne Merriman

An attorney for Tila Tequila rejected the denials of San Diego Chargers star Shawne Merriman and maintains that the player assaulted the TV personality. The two got into some sort of conflict Sunday morning. Merriman claimed that Tila was drunk and he was keeping her safe by keeping her off the road.

Excerpt from:
Tila Tequila Calls BS on Shawne Merriman