Tag Archives: media-matters

Drive, Fassbender, Serkis Honored at the 2nd Annual YouReviewers Awards

The 2nd Annual YouReviewers Movie Awards aired on YouTube this past weekend, and we’ve got to say, it was quite a show! This year, our friends at ENTV played host as YouTube heavy hitters Jeremy Jahns, The Schmoes, and a host of other notables from the ever-opinionated YouTube film community presented their favorite films, performances and trailers (because, after all, this is YouTube) of 2011. If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the full show below – we think it’s safe to say that in the never-ending glut of awards shows this time of year, there’s nothing else like it. Or you can skip to the full winners list below to see what the small-screen scene picked as the best of the big screen. 2012 YouReviewer Awards Winners List: BEST PICTURE Drive 50/50 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes The Artist Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 2 Hugo The Descendants Midnight in Paris Warrior BEST DIRECTOR Nicolas Winding Refn ( Drive ) David Fincher ( The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo ) Martin Scorsese ( Hugo ) Steven Spielberg ( War Horse ) Michel Hazanavicius ( The Artist ) BEST ACTOR George Clooney ( The Descendants ) Ryan Gosling ( Drive ) Joseph Gordon-Levitt ( 50/50 ) Michael Fassbender ( Shame ) Brad Pitt ( Moneyball ) BEST ACTRESS Rooney Mara ( The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo ) Viola Davis ( The Help ) Emma Stone ( The Help ) Charlize Theron ( Young Adult ) Michelle Williams ( My Week with Marilyn ) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Nick Nolte ( Warrior ) Christopher Plummer ( Beginners ) Albert Brooks ( Drive ) Jonah Hill ( Moneyball ) Andy Serkis ( Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes ) BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Octavia Spencer ( The Help ) Shailene Woodley ( The Descendants ) Elle Fanning ( Super 8 ) Melissa McCarthy ( Bridesmaids ) Carey Mulligan ( Shame ) BREAKTHROUGH ACTOR Joel Courtney Michael Fassbender Ryan Gosling Jean Dujardin John Boyega BREAKTHROUGH ACTRESS Rooney Mara Shailene Woodley Berenice Bejo Jessica Chastain Brit Marling BEST ANIMATED FEATURE The Adventures of Tin Tin Arthur Christmas Rango Puss in Boots Kung Fu Panda BEST VILLAIN Albert Brooks ( Drive ) Voldemort ( Harry Potter ) Kevin Bacon ( X-Men: First Class ) Loki ( Thor ) Bryce Dallas Howard ( The Help ) BEST HERO Rooney Mara ( The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo ) Gosling ( Drive ) Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2) Moses ( Attack the Block ) Caesar ( Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes ) BEST SCORE Drive The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo War Horse The Muppets Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 BEST VISUAL EFFECTS Super 8 Hugo Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Rise of the Planet of the Apes Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon BEST TRAILER The Dark Knight Rises Trailer 2 The Hobbit The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo The Avengers Prometheus MOST UNDERRATED FILM Warrior The Adjustment Bureau Win Win Hanna Attack the Block THE I’M SHOCKED IT DIDN’T SUCK AWARD Real Steel Fast Five (tie) Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (tie) MI:4: Ghost Protocol

Drive, Fassbender, Serkis Honored at the 2nd Annual YouReviewers Awards

Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs Blasts The Lorax for Pushing Left Wing Agenda and Creating ‘Occu-Toddlers’

With Universal’s colorful animated tale The Lorax , “the President’s liberal friends in Hollywood [are] targeting a younger demographic using animated movies to sell their agenda to children,” claimed an outraged Lou Dobbs this week on Fox Business Network. Animated movies ! A liberal agenda! HOW DARE THEY. What’s to blame for allowing this “insidious nonsense” into the vulnerable minds of our nation’s youth? Bad parenting, of course. As conservative radio host Matt Patrick bellowed from the commentator pit, “We are creating Occu-toddlers !” In the classic Seuss story — adapted into a 3-D animated adventure that hits screens next week — a magical creature called The Lorax attempts to intervene as an industrialist, driven by greed, ravages an entire ecosystem. This would seem to make The Lorax even more “dangerous” than previous Fox News target The Muppets , which took as its villain a much broader and clearly unlikeable capitalist; The Lorax is designed to show viewers how much they potentially have in common with the unwitting forest-killer The Once-ler, which is why it’s so powerful to begin with. My favorite part of this insanity is when Patrick advocates intentional littering in movie theaters as a means of protest against the Obama-led agenda espoused by The Lorax (and the Studio Ghibli animated pic The Secret World of Arriety , which could lead youngsters down the slippery slope of sharing things ). Throwing popcorn buckets on the ground would fly in the face of everything Dr. Seuss’s anti-deforestation, pro-environment tale stands for, but it would also make you look ridiculous in front of your own children. I think the Lorax’s face above says it all. Bring on the Occu-toddlers! The Lorax hits theaters on March 2. [ Media Matters via The Film Stage ]

More here:
Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs Blasts The Lorax for Pushing Left Wing Agenda and Creating ‘Occu-Toddlers’

Figures. Dumbest Website on Internet Defends Hoffa’s Violent, Profanity-Laced Threatening Labor Day Speech (Video)


Continued here:

What a shock. The dumbest website on the internet Media Matters defended Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa’s profanity-laced threatening speech against conservatives today. Media Matters insisted that Hoffa’s remarks were taken out of context. Uh-huh. Here is Jimmy Hoffa’s angry violent … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 05/09/2011 20:15 Number of articles : 2

Figures. Dumbest Website on Internet Defends Hoffa’s Violent, Profanity-Laced Threatening Labor Day Speech (Video)

Three Short Films About Media Matters


Here is the original post:

[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan] Media Matters for America is a well funded, well organized and effective truth killing machine. Here are three short films I’ve made in the past few days to expose their techniques. Yesterday, I did a film showing how Media Matters used deceptive editing techniques on the Fox / Bill Sammon Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Patterico’s Pontifications Discovery Date : 31/03/2011 14:30 Number of articles : 2

Three Short Films About Media Matters

Three Short Films About Media Matters



[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan] Media Matters for America is a well funded, well organized and effective truth killing machine. Here are three short films I’ve made in the past few days to expose their techniques. Yesterday, I did a film showing how Media Matters used deceptive editing techniques on the Fox / Bill Sammon Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Patterico’s Pontifications Discovery Date : 31/03/2011 14:30 Number of articles : 2

Three Short Films About Media Matters

Three Short Films About Media Matters


Read this article:

[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan] Media Matters for America is a well funded, well organized and effective truth killing machine. Here are three short films I’ve made in the past few days to expose their techniques. Yesterday, I did a film showing how Media Matters used deceptive editing techniques on the Fox / Bill Sammon Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Patterico’s Pontifications Discovery Date : 31/03/2011 14:30 Number of articles : 2

Three Short Films About Media Matters

Three Short Films About Media Matters


Read the original:

[Guest Post by Lee Stranahan] Media Matters for America is a well funded, well organized and effective truth killing machine. Here are three short films I’ve made in the past few days to expose their techniques. Yesterday, I did a film showing how Media Matters used deceptive editing techniques on the Fox / Bill Sammon Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Patterico’s Pontifications Discovery Date : 31/03/2011 14:30 Number of articles : 2

Three Short Films About Media Matters

Jeremy Schulman: Why Is Live Action Doctoring Its Planned Parenthood Audio?



When the anti-abortion rights propagandists at Live Action began releasing their Planned Parenthood smear videos earlier this week, we explained that their claim that Planned Parenthood was covering-up “child sex trafficking” was clearly a lie. That’s because way back on January 18, Planned Parenthood’s president wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder about the incidents and requested an FBI investigation… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Media Matters for America Discovery Date : 04/02/2011 20:50 Number of articles : 2

Jeremy Schulman: Why Is Live Action Doctoring Its Planned Parenthood Audio?

WaPo Promotes Media Matters War on Fox, Including Charge They’ll Cause the Next OKC Bombing

On the front page of Friday's Style section in the Washington Post is a story on professional Fox News haters . “Outfoxed by Fox News? No way. Liberal group Media Matters relentlessly, obsessively fights conservative network.” The standout paragraph is when media reporter Paul Farhi allows MMFA leader David Brock blame Fox for the next Oklahoma City bombing: “Every sponsor of every Fox show should be put on notice that this insanity is being underwritten by [advertisers],” Brock says. He adds: “If Beck isn't stopped, I think we'll have another Oklahoma City [bombing] in this country.” The Post thought this was worthy enough to highlight in a pull quote — but not the reckless, mudslinging second half. The other bizarre and unproven piece of the story is suggesting liberal Maryland Democrat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (now heading a Democrat ad group with Brock) is somehow a “centrist” that proves Media Matters isn't too liberal: read more

Go here to see the original:
WaPo Promotes Media Matters War on Fox, Including Charge They’ll Cause the Next OKC Bombing

Former White House Correspondents President Denounces ‘Travesty’ of Fox News Getting Front Row Seat

For some in the White House Press Corps, literally thanking God for the existence of a terrorist organization is less controversial than being owned by a company that gives more money to one political party than the other. That, at least, is the standard former WHCA president Edwin Chen has set forth. In an interview with the far-left blog Media Matters, Chen dubbed “a travesty” the WHCA’s decision to award a front-row seat in the briefing room to Fox News. His objection? “The vacancy was created because of an ideological conflict,” and would be filled by “another cloud of ideological conflict.” The first ideological conflict to which Chen referred was Helen Thomas’s retirement, forced by a video showing her making anti-Semitic comments. The second: the political contributions of Fox’s parent company, News Corp. The years of offensive, derogatory, and (to say the least) controversial comments from Thomas – such as “thank God for Hezbollah” and “why does [George W. Bush] want to drop bombs on innocent Iraqis?” – are apparently, in Chen’s mind, not indicative of “ideological conflict” as he uses the phrase in this context. Thomas’s presence in the front row was never an issue of concern for Chen until her final outburst as a White House reporter. In fact, Chen defended Thomas’s record of journalistic fairness even after she retired. “She was a bipartisan inflictor of pain,” he told NPR . But Chen lamented to Media Matters that Thomas retired in the midst of “this conflict over politics and a question of fairness,” and that Fox “drags in all of this controversy” because of its parent company’s political donations. But if the issue is controversy – if Chen believes that White House reporters should not drag controversy into the briefing room – why is this only becoming an issue now? Why is controversy surrounding Fox News any more of a disqualifying factor than controversy surrounding Helen Thomas? Of course Chen and others will note that Thomas is an opinion columnist, not a “straight news” reporter. To which any sensible observer will reply that no one is citing Fox’s coverage of the White House as cause for concern. The controversy has to do not with Fox’s news operation, but rather with its parent company’s political activities. If Fox’s discontents in the WHCA were able to claim that Fox’s news operation is too opinionated, or that its parent company’s political activities are directly affecting its work in the White House press pool, they would do so. Another former WHCA president, former Knight Ridder reporter Ron Hutcheson, takes a similar angle, raising the issue of whether Fox can report fairly without actually citing any of Fox’s reporting. Hutcheson told Media Matters that “a big political contribution by any news organization raises some questions. Clearly the management of Fox has political views.” Since Hutcheson and Chen are so concerned about “political views” staining the WHCA’s reputation for fairness, why are they more concerned with hypothetical bias from reporters who have not themselves demonstrated political favoritism than they are with Helen Thomas, a White House reporter who was open about her political favoritism? Thomas proudly proclaimed her political views on more than one occasion. “I’m a liberal, I was born a liberal, and I will be a liberal ’til the day I die,” she told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “I’d say I’m about as far left as you can go,” she told the Fox Business Network’s Stuart Varney. If the issue is journalistic fairness – whether White House correspondents can give those they are covering a fair shake – you would think that the litany of outrageous statements from Thomas, coupled with her self-proclaimed uber-leftism, would set off more alarms than the fact that the Fox correspondent’s news organization’s parent company gave more to one political party than the other. The real “travesty” is the double standard at play. A couple concluding notes on Chen: the Washington Examiner’s Julie Mason told Media Matters that the WHCA’s decision on the vacant seat came down to one between Fox and Bloomberg, Chen’s former employer. In other words, he’s not exactly a neutral arbiter of this dispute. Chen’s current employer is the Natural Resources Defense Council. If his double standard on controversial White House correspondents did not tip you off to his personal political views, that fact should.

See the rest here:
Former White House Correspondents President Denounces ‘Travesty’ of Fox News Getting Front Row Seat