Tag Archives: national-prayer

Joan Rivers Defends Israel – “The Dead [Palestinians] Have Really Low IQ’s”

SMH…do you agree with her views? Via Business Insider : American actress and comedian Joan Rivers, who in recent weeks has been defending Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in interviews, said in defense of her earlier pro-Israel rants that she didn’t want to hear about civilian casualties in Gaza, because “they started it.” Rivers, who said last month that “you cannot throw rockets and expect people not to defend themselves,” said this week that “you’re dead, you deserve to be be dead. Don’t you dare make me feel bad about that” on camera to a TMZ reporter who told her almost 2,000 Palestinians have been killed in the past month. (Israel says 750-1,000 of the dead are Hamas gunmen.) The reporter, who spoke to Rivers at LAX airport earlier this week about her previous remarks, received another rant in response — more controversial than the last. “Oh my God! Tell that to the people in Hiroshima,” Rivers said with dramatic flair when confronted with the Gaza death toll. “Good. Good. Ask Colin Powell. When you declare war, you declare war. They started it. We now don’t count who’s dead. You’re dead, you deserve to be dead. You started it. You started it. Don’t you dare make me feel bad about that,” she said. She added, “They were told to get out. They didn’t get out. You don’t get out, you are an idiot. At least the ones that were killed were the ones with very low I.Q.s.” Gaza’s Hamas government were “terrorists,” Rivers said, and were elected by a “lot of very stupid people.” She said: “You can’t get rid of Hamas, you have to say you do not recognize them, they are terrorists.” Of course the geriatric shock comedienne later back-tracked… In a statement released Thursday regarding her exchange with the reporter, Rivers said her words had been “totally taken out of context.” She clarified, “What I said and stand behind is, war is hell and unfortunately civilians are victims of political conflicts. We, the United States, certainly know this as 69 years later we still feel the guilt of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” “Along with every other sane person in this world, I am praying for peace,” she said. Uh huh. She had to backtrack after all that backlash, but we’re sure she meant what she said. What do you think of her comments?

Excerpt from:
Joan Rivers Defends Israel – “The Dead [Palestinians] Have Really Low IQ’s”

Another Black Man In The White House? Dr. Ben Carson Emerges As Potential Republican Presidential Candidate

Could we have two Black presidents in a row? Dr. Ben Carson A Potential Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and conservative political figure, just might be a contender for the 2016 Presidential race. Apparently Dr. Carson wowed a conservative crowd at a Republican Club meeting recently and they fervently urged him to put his bid in. Via PageSix : We’re two years away from the next election for President of the United States, but the race is already heating up. Among the contenders: Dr. Ben Carson, who gave it good to President Obama at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast — and who had more digs for the commander in chief last Wednesday at the Women’s National Republican Club on West 51st Street. “People say to me, ‘Dr. Carson, you’d make a great president, but Obama has ruined it for another black candidate.’ I say, ‘He’s half-white, so I guess he ruined it for them, too.’ ” Carson, who retired as director of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital, gave a speech, answered questions from a crowd of about 300 and signed copies of his sixth book, “One Nation: What We Can All Do To Save America’s Future.” “A PBS reporter asked me, ‘How come you don’t talk more about race?’ I said, ‘Because I’m a neurosurgeon. When I open up a patient’s skull, I’m working on what makes him or her a human being — not his skin. ’” Carson also had quips on several other subjects, including legalizing marijuana (“Data show it reduces IQ. We have enough stupid people. We don’t need to create more of them.”) and unions (“They will strangle the goose that lays the golden egg for that last egg.”). The partisan crowd was hanging on every word, and urging Carson to run for president. Well he certainly seems to pander well to Republican views. Do you think he has a chance?

Go here to read the rest:
Another Black Man In The White House? Dr. Ben Carson Emerges As Potential Republican Presidential Candidate

Is C Street Winning?: Orders Given To Arrest Gays In Kenya

Prime Minister Raila Oldinga ordered a nationwide crackdown on gays in Kenya. He ordered police to arrest anyone engaging in homosexual behavior. Oldinga states, “We will not tolerate such behaviours in the country. The constitution is very clear on this issue and men or women found engaging in homosexuality will not be spared.” The anti-progress premier went on to say that, “Any man found engaging in sexual activities with another man should be arrested. Even women found engaging in sexual activities will be arrested.” In October, media sources began publishing pictures of gays in Uganda. The headlines read, “100 Pictures of Uganda’s Top Homos Leak.” Slapped next to the headline was a banner reading “Hang Them.” Sine those headlines ran, 4 Ugandans have been attacked while others fled in hiding. Today in Kenya at a public rally the Prime Minister recalled the ratio of men to women being equal population wise, then pondered why their people should engage in homosexual activity. C Street must be gleefully applauding this. Examiner.com: > C Street politics: The Christian mafia is advocating the death penalty for > homosexuals in Uganda. The Family at C Street, > aka the Christian mafia( http://j.mp/i4GOab ), is backing proposed anti-gay legislation > in Uganda that will sentence homosexuals to death. > The Family at C Street( http://j.mp/hMNkzL ) is actively supporting the Ugandan > leaders who are championing this draconian legislation, legislation that would > institute the death penalty for homosexuality. > C Street has been a Christian fundamentalist frat house for US congressman and > senators. The house, sometimes referred to as the “C Street Complex”, is home > base for the Family. > Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, and David Bahati, a key Ugandan lawmaker, > are both active members of the Family, and the major force behind the legislation. > Indeed, they represent the Family in Uganda. Bahati organizes the Family’s Ugandan > National Prayer Breakfast and oversees an African student leadership program > designed to create future leaders for Africa, into which the Family has poured > millions of dollars. > The Family is a secretive international Christian cult that preaches a doctrine known > as the “Seven Mountains Mandate” in which believers seek to gain world control, by > gaining influence over seven key sectors of society: religion, government, media, > education, arts and entertainment, family, and business. The group is quite sexist, > believing in a strong patriarchy, and obviously radical in their homophobia. Members > take an oath and are sworn to secrecy Uganda, which borders Kenya is on the same page, both not seeing that being gay is not a choice. Why is it our business? Because C Street started this in Uganda. Read more on this at Daily Nation. http://www.nation.co.ke/News/politics/-/1064/1062134/-/78xndg/-/ added by: toyotabedzrock

Ugandans rally in support of anti-gay legislation

We’re here in Uganda tracking a story for the upcoming season of Vanguard.