Tag Archives: nearest

Thank Goodness: Kim Kardashian Releases iPhone App

This is exactly what the world needs: Kim Kardashian has released her very own iPhone application, as fans that simply need to ask for Kim’s advice on fashion, beauty and relationship can now do so with a couple touches of their keypad. For just $1.99, Kardashian will keep you up to date on her latest Tweets, photos, videos and more. Then again, you can visit TheHollywoodGossip.com and receive all these items at no charge. The app will also help you find the nearest store that sells Kim’s perfume, a brilliant idea that will soon be stolen by fellow celebrities. It’s easy to imagine the following stars coming out with their own iPhone apps for the following purposes: Speidi : Locate the closest celebrity gossip photographer. Jersey Shore : Where is the most convenient tanning salon and/or laundromat? Tiger Woods : Track down the Las Vegas cocktail waitresses in your neighborhood. Also, call up the the most cliche-laden excuses for your behavior with the touch of a button!

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Thank Goodness: Kim Kardashian Releases iPhone App

Ask Why Not: Matt Damon to Play RFK?

Matt Damon is coming for Camelot. In a rather inspired piece of casting news, the Oscar-winning Hollywood royal is thisclose to starring as the nearest thing we’ve got to American…

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Ask Why Not: Matt Damon to Play RFK?

Distance From Subway

Subway is the largest fast food franchise in the country. It's even bigger than McDonalds . The farthest point a person can be from the nearest Subway is between the towns of Austin and Eureka

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Distance From Subway

Distance From McDonalds

Stephen Von Worley created this map showing the distance from the nearest McDonalds throughout the lower 48 states. Congrats, South Dakota: You provide the greatest geographical McChallenge. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Christie Brinkley Heats Up The US Open

Seriously, how does

Duggar’s 19th Bundle O’ Joy

Do you think 19 kids are enough?

You Can Now Legally Use iPhone to Find Cannabis

Salem-News.com Apple Approves Potent Application called Cannabis to find the real thing. Ajnag.com originated as the first medical-cannabis-locator system on the Web. (LOS ANGELES) – This week Apple releases a new iPhone and iPod Touch application which allows users to locate cannabis resources worldwide including the nearest medical cannabis collectives, doctors, attorneys, organizations, and other patient services in the states, such as California, that have passed laws allowing medical cannabis — also commonly referred to as marijuana

See the article here:
You Can Now Legally Use iPhone to Find Cannabis

Exclusive Interview: "Unsophisticated" Clothes Help Anna Win ‘The Fashion Show’

When the dust settled on Bravo’s The Fashion Show , Anna was the winner thanks to viewers voting for her.