Michael Lohan does not like celebrity gossip. Specifically, he does not like THG’s coverage of his antics, or those of his troubled daughter Lindsay, who he recently reached out to via live press conference. What did The Hollywood Gossip do to enrage Lindsay’s ex-con dad? Simply report on Michael’s press conference … which he clearly sought attention with. If Michael’s goal is convincing Lindsay to check into rehab, we wholeheartedly support him. Girl needs help, and any means of her getting it are justified. If anything, our coverage helps Michael help Lindsay Lohan . Mike’s trying to help Linds … by tearing us a new one? Just the same, M-Lo (or someone claiming to be him) fired off a pissed-off rant to THG, telling us to back off, disparaging our collective manhood, and encouraging us to locate the nearest electrical socket, among other things. Pretty rude individual . A bit of a loose cannon, he included his address and phone number, which we have omitted from this follow-up article, but they appear to be legitimate. Follow the jump to see what Michael Lohan, or someone convincingly masquerading as Michael Lohan, emailed THG last night at 11:53 p.m. EDT … “Like George Lopez said to my daughter Lindsay, “if you have something to say to me or about me, say it to my face.” [Mike’s address has been removed]. You and you cowardly, ignorant and pathetic writers are definitely in need of more than a cerebral enema. As a matter of fact, I just dealt with one piece of garbage around my daughter, but scum like you arent even worth my time or the sweat off my brow. So why don’t you find the nearest light socket and insert something in it (if you can find it) because judging from your balls, you are quite lacking. I will be in LA next week, so if you can’t make it here to see me, I will be happy to meet you. Until then, keep Lindsay and my name off your off your website. I’d tell you, out of mind, but after the enema, it won’t matter. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry” Was that really warranted, Michael? Are there better ways of helping his daughter than lambasting THG? Whose side are you on, readers?
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Michael Lohan Loves Attention, Hates THG