Tag Archives: never-the-less

Rihanna is Hot for Social Networks of the Day

Rihanna is doing something right….and amazing….and that something is slutting out on the internet….building up her image proper…posting bikini pics and her living the hip hop popstar life….making all her poor family and friends jealous…making the world love her….making everyone want to fuck her…despite how bad her music is….because bikinis everyday have that affect on assholes sitting at their desks….or in my case in my shit stained underwear on a soiled couch…i just keep winning at life…or maybe this is sucking at life….regardless…I’m gonna start posting bikini pics of myself to win over the fans…it seems to work for girls and probably hasn’t worked as easy for dudes in the past…but I’ll pave the way for the future….not necessarily a better future….but a future never the less. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Rihanna is Hot for Social Networks of the Day

Jessica Abla’s Pregnant Mom Tits of the Day

I call these pics “Fat and Fertile, Mexican Roots Exposed” cuz every mexican woman I’ve ever met, even half mexican, has a uterus as fertile as a fucking rat living in the communal outhouse in the motherland…I’m talking kid after kid after kid….like there’s an endless supply of corn tortillas and avacados and pinatas to fuel the fucking thing and raise it to be the best illegal immigrant to jump the fence into the USA….. Alba, despite denouncing her Mexicana roots, cuz she’s a cunt like that, too good to be Mexican, all Hollywood and above us Mexicans, but she can’t hide the fact that she’s already planning the next litter for when this one comes out, cuz she just can’t help her breeding self. It’s instinct..as well as a way to keep a man who tried to escape her….but instinct never the less. I just like lookin at her tits for old times, uterus bloat or not…

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Jessica Abla’s Pregnant Mom Tits of the Day

Monica Bellucci Naked for Elle France of the Day

The only thing I really know about Monica Bellucci is that she’s some WOP who made it in America on some level or another because she had fat tits. I couldn’t tell you what movie or TV show she was in, or if she is even an actor, but I can tel you that she has big tits….big tits that lose their appeal as she pushes 50, but big tits never the less. Elle France did a photoshoot/feature on her, she got naked….or at least seemingly naked cuz her labia is all folded up and hidden and not exposed…which is really all I care to see when I hear a bitch is naked…to me, seeing the labia is what defines being naked and these subtle teases don’t do anything but annoy me…but I did POST HER NIPPLE ONCE … At least you get to see her give herself a handbra….god know why you’d want to see that…but I guess you’re a better person cuz you do…that’s what we call inflating the importance of the content I bring you every day…pretending it’s not drivel smut…but some higher level shit… Now, look at the pics

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Monica Bellucci Naked for Elle France of the Day

LeAnn Rimes Skinny Bikini Bottoms of the Day

This is a diversion – from her cheating on her gay husband and making her new husband destroy his family – before developing a speed addiction – making her body shrink down and her head seemingly get huge – in some kind of cartoon character I like to call the Christian lie, who won in these people pretending to be heartland and wholesome, while really being nothing but a spoiled, wasted, rich cunt with her own agenda, unwilling to do what was right or wrong…but instead taking what she deserved… Either way, here’s her bikini bottoms, that don’t show enough mound or pussy lip for me, but instead just show a massive belly button that’s freaking me out. She should hire a photo editor to manage this shit better….lucky for her, I’m perfect for the job and ready to work for blowjobs from anyone…including her…even if I don’t think she’s hot…I just like the Christian whore…it makes sense to me….

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LeAnn Rimes Skinny Bikini Bottoms of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Bra in a See Through Top of the Day

Typical….I guess Sucker Punch didn’t give her the career boost she thought it would…so she’s crying for attention – so people notice… I think she should stick to what she knows best, leaking nudes to the public….only this time, she shouldn’t let her lawyers get in the way, putting a damper on her inner slut willing to do whatever it takes to get out there…Disney Execs taught her well….you know “a lot of girls really want this job chipmunk, what makes you stand out amongst the crowd”….and we all know the answer…her willingness to learn…how to deep throat a cock. I’m down with her, cuz Vanessa Hudgens and I have a connection, like all married couples going through a divorce, talking to each other through lawyers…but a connection never the less. She looks like an idiot, sunglasses at night, bad face, but most importantly, no fucking unkempt bush or nipple. These pics suck… Happy birthday to me…daytime drinking is awesome.

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Vanessa Hudgens Bra in a See Through Top of the Day

Kate Upton Is Just Perfection

I don’t really need more of a reason to post pictures of one of my new favorite supermodels Kate Upton , but here she is in some Guess and campaign for handbags. I don’t know what any of this has to do with handbags, this looks more like a campaign for funbags. Ha! Anyhow, the girl looks awesome hanging out in her sexy undies and lounging on the couch with some of her hot friends. Very nice.

Blake Lively Because She’s Hot As Hell

It feels like forever since I’ve had Blake Lively’s hotness on the site, it’s probably been like a week or so, but never the less I’ve missed her. Here she is at some convention in Vegas looking her usual hot self. She looks like an angel in that white little doily she’s wearing as a dress, I love it. I want to lay it down on my grandmother’s dining room table and… Where was I going with this? Wherever it was, I don’t think it’s working. Anyhow, she’s hot and I love her. Enjoy.

Booty Wedgie in White Spandex of the Day

I say when there are videos like this on the internet…you know real girls exploiting their KFC eating ass (No racist), by jacking up a pair of spandex pants up their ridiculous round fat asses….all over youtube….cuz every bitch wants that stamp of approval, you know to be a sex object in the jungle (no racist) that is the internet to every dude out there…why the fuck bother with celebs… There is easier pussy, more eager pussy, hotter pussy, in our own backyards… Celebs are like the cunty popular girl in school, who won’t let you fuck her up the ass to keep her a virgin, cuz she thinks she’s too good for you.. While these sluts who want guys jerking off to them, the reason for sexy facebook pics…webcam shows….cell phone pics…..it’s just genetics….cuz we are animals (some of us more than others(no racist))…. I gotta re-think my website…what the fuck have I become…why haven’t I been using this to make no name sluts famous…in exchange for sexx…instead of giving attention to already famous sluts…who just block me on twitter… Cunts.

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Booty Wedgie in White Spandex of the Day

Busy Phillips Bikini and Bra Pics of the Day

When I first saw these pics I thought I was dealing with Pink’s new acting stage name, Busy Philip, you know cuz she was born as a Philip with a cock and is keeping busy by balancing her shitty music career, her fake pregnancy, her gay biker husband turned ex husband turned husband, and now getting a gig on CougarTown where she parades around half naked….but I realized there wasn’t enough muscle…cuz even when Pink is pregnant, She likes to maintain her rock hard body and would never be this doughy mess… And after some research it turns out that Busy Phillips is a real person…definitely not a hot real person…not even sure if she should be allowed to wear a bikini you know with that massive manly head…but a real person never the less….here are the pics…cuz even ugly girls need love sometimes…

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Busy Phillips Bikini and Bra Pics of the Day

Tits at the Go With It Premiere of the Day

Go With It is some shitty movie that I haven’t seen, but that I can assure you is shitty, because everything coming out of Hollywood is shitty, especailly shit starring Jennifer ANiston and Adam Sandler…THese movies are just money makers, cuz the general public are idiots, and this mindless smut is what they need to distract them from their shitty lives…..but not as shitty as someone like Jennifer Aniston shitty…you know single and unable to get husbands or babies cuz they are high maintenace and think they deserve better than the many cocks they’ve had in them no matter how hard they try..even though they are rich and famous and can have everything they want except the one thing they actually want….but shitty never the less…. I don’t care what you say, Brooklyn Decker is not hot. Her face is average at best, and sure she’s tall and skinny and has big tits, but you know what, so do a lot of bitches who are actually worth lookin at….She’s all smoke and mirrors and Andy Roddick’s PR people who brainwash you and the people at SI to make her a cover girl so she stops whining at home…. But she was at the event, cuz she’s in the movie, and she showed off some tit…so here are the pics of the overrated trash…

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Tits at the Go With It Premiere of the Day