Tag Archives: new-study

Why Eating Apples May Be The Cure For A Rotten Sex Life

A new study claims that apples make sex better for women. No wonder Adam and Eve were naked all the time!

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Why Eating Apples May Be The Cure For A Rotten Sex Life

Professor Explains Why Summer Jobs Can Make Teens Rich One Day

It feels like you’re wasting your life for barely any money, but a new study shows it’ll pay off down the road.

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Professor Explains Why Summer Jobs Can Make Teens Rich One Day

Kush Chronic-les: Study Finds Smokin’ That ‘Mary Jane’ Does NOT Hurt Your Lungs

Looks like another point for the “Legalize It” movement… Smoking a joint once a week or a bit more apparently doesn’t harm the lungs, suggests a 20-year study that bolsters evidence that marijuana doesn’t do the kind of damage tobacco does. The study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham was released Tuesday by the Journal of the American Medical Association. Unlike cigarette smokers, marijuana users tend to breathe in deeply when they inhale a joint, which some researchers think might strengthen lung tissue. But the common lung function tests used in the study require the same kind of deep breathing that marijuana smokers are used to, so their good test results might partly reflect lots of practice, said Kertesz, a drug abuse researcher and preventive medicine specialist at the Alabama university. On average, cigarette users smoked about 9 cigarettes daily, while average marijuana use was only a joint or two a few times a month – typical for U.S. marijuana users, Kertesz said. The analyses showed pot didn’t appear to harm lung function, but cigarettes did. Cigarette smokers’ test scores worsened steadily during the study. Smoking marijuana as often as one joint daily for seven years, or one joint weekly for 20 years was not linked with worse scores. Very few study participants smoked more often than that. Cigarettes are bad and marijuana…. not so much? Why does this seem like common sense to us? What do you think? Is this a step towards legalizing the herb or just comparing 2 of the same evils? Source

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Kush Chronic-les: Study Finds Smokin’ That ‘Mary Jane’ Does NOT Hurt Your Lungs

Want To Keep Hypertension Away? Have A Bowl Of Cereal

Originally posted here:

For all you whole grain cereal lovers your morning favorite pick is a winner!  A new study reveals having a bowl a day of your favorite whole grains can help lower your risk of hypertension. According to USA Today,  the study saw a substantial difference with the patients who ate whole grain cereal regularly. “We found about a 20% decreased risk of developing hypertension in those who consumed whole grain breakfasts cereals at least seven times a week,” said lead researcher Dr. Jinesh Kochar, of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and the VA Boston Healthcare System. “Along with other healthy lifestyles, such as low sodium intake and physical activity, getting whole grain from this readily available source can cut down the risk of developing chronic hypertension,” he added. Click here to read full USA Today article Related Articles: 9 Ways To Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure Yolanda Adams Inspires People To Believe In Healthy BP [Intv. part 1]

Want To Keep Hypertension Away? Have A Bowl Of Cereal

Coverage of Factory Farming & Animal Welfare Has Decreased US Meat Demand

photo: 王 博齊 / Creative Commons This is really pretty encouraging: A new study from Kansas State University shows how increased media coverage of animal welfare issues in recent years has led to a decreased demand for meat in the United States. Increased awareness of how livestock are routinely treated through factory … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Coverage of Factory Farming & Animal Welfare Has Decreased US Meat Demand

Starry starry starry night: Star count may triple

The universe may glitter with far more stars than even Carl Sagan imagined when he rhapsodized about billions upon billions. A new study suggests there are a mind-blowing 300 sextillion of them, or three times as many as scientists previously calculated. That is a 3 followed by 23 zeros. Or 3 trillion times 100 billion. LINK : http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101202/ap_on_sc/us_sci_starry_night;_ylt =ArI6.D8TDaas0Marly.iLoWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFkNms2c2NmBHBvcwM5NARzZWMDYWNjb3JkaW9uX3NjaWVuY2UEc2xrA3N0YXJyeXN0YXJyeQ– added by: GoldenHeart

Teleworkers Can Get More … Satisfaction

A home office from Flickr user Johan Larsson Sorry for the play on The Rolling Stones . I’m just tired of hearing all the hoopla about The Beatles on iTunes. Which brings me to the point: A new study says teleworkers (like TreeHugger writers ) are more “satisfied” with their jobs than traditional keep-a-desk-warm or be-watched-by-your-supervisor workers. No offense to desks or super… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Teleworkers Can Get More … Satisfaction

Marijuana better than pharmaceuticals at treating chronic pain, improving mood

(NaturalNews) Experts from different persuasions often argue about the alleged benefits of using marijuana for pain relief, but a new study out of McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) and McGill University (MU) has conclusively found that cannabis, the genus name for marijuana, is better than pharmaceutical drugs at relieving chronic neurological pain, and without all the harmful side effects. http://www.naturalnews.com/029662_marijuana_chronic_pain.html added by: JackHerer

Study Shows How Organic Labels Trick People Into Eating More

Photo credit: Ericskiff Three years ago we were appalled when Organic Oreos were launched , convinced that the organic label was being misused to make a fat and calorie rich product somehow healthier. Now a new study, reported in Livescience , confirms that not only do people think it is healthie… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Study Shows How Organic Labels Trick People Into Eating More

Women don’t like modest men

you believe being humble and gentle can win a woman&aposs heart, think again – as a new study claims the fair sex don&apost like modesty in a man. http://www.indiareport.com/India-usa-uk-news/latest-news/840516/FeaturedArticles… added by: puneet_parashar