Tag Archives: octomom

Octomom’s Stripper Pics of the Day

Octomom pisses me off. Sure I am into single mothers who are forced to strip to support her kids, I just hate when they pretend they aren’t whores when they are doing it. You know she could have shot porn and made millions when Oprah was begging to interview her, but she thought being at the top would never end, but everything ends, especially when your claim to fame is having a clown circus of a vagina, because people lose interest and you have to pay bills, and I guess I should embrace that everything has come full circle, and she’s whoring out like she was destined to do, and get over my hatred for those few years she pretended she wasn’t a whores, cuz lets face it, old and scary and big vaginaed or not, bitch is getting naked for dollars….and I’d make it hail on this ho….with pennies…

Continued here:
Octomom’s Stripper Pics of the Day

Virgin America Crew to Octomom: LOL You Suck!

Nadya Suleman recently endured some turbulence in the non-literal sense on a Virgin America flight, enduring taunts and poor treatment from the crew. According to Octomom herself, at least. Her manager, Gina Rodriguez, says they were en route from LA to NYC on Tuesday to promote some Octomom porn when the airline made their lives hell. Rodriguez says they were forced to change seats, never got any beverages, overheard the crew making jokes about/laughing at Octomom and more. On top of general rudeness, she also says Octomom was kicked out of the bathroom by a flight attendant for no apparent reason … because that happens. Nadya filed a complaint with the airline , telling TMZ, “I was shocked at how poorly they treated me on the plane” and “will never fly Virgin America again.” Rodriguez adds that she and Nadya Suleman confronted the flight attendants about their behavior and one said in response, “I know who you guys are!” That’s as good an excuse as any. [Photo: Pacific Coast News]

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Virgin America Crew to Octomom: LOL You Suck!

Naked Shia LeBeouf Packs Little Beef For the Ladies No Homo of the Day

Every girl I know wants to fuck Shia LeBeouf, so it is nice to see that his name “the beef” was absolutely misrepresentative of the shit he is packing, seriously, he’s hung like a cat, but that won’t stop the girls I know who want to fuck Shia LeBeouf from wanting to fuck Shia LeBeouf, but it may make you feel a bit better about your tiny cock….at least that’s the lesson that I got out of this interpretive dance, cross dressing, ty hard art film video weirdness that should be banned on Youtube like it was a sexually disoriented, confused as fuck, snuff film….because it pretty much is…. I hate people who think they are artiists who shit things lke this out, cuz real artists don’t know they are making art, they are just bat shit crazy and doing what they do…..they aren’t hollywood obvious hostess twinkie bullshit about it…. For the homophobes, you can’t accept checking out another dudes dick cuz it makes you hard, there’s a naked flexbile dancer chick in it too….hard nippled….and getting rubbed down….to numb your homosexual pain…. If you want to find out more about this – cuz you know why – Sigur Rós – Fjögur píanó and it is about to go viral…Biggest story of the year….I am so glad to be a part of this magical moment in history…


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Naked Shia LeBeouf Packs Little Beef For the Ladies No Homo of the Day

Octomom Beat Up in a Staged Bikii Shoot of the Day

I joke about how I want to bang Octomom because she’s got ridiculous tits and she’s probably the only living person who can help perform the crawl up into a vagina as a full grown man in some reverse birthing porn….. But the truth is…she’s fucking disgusting….and needs to not be doing masturbation porn….but instead needs to be blacklisted and ignored by all mainstream and porn media…she’s the fucking worst….and she shouldn’t be posing in saged bikini pics…big tits or not…..the rest of her can’t support or justify the attention…vile. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Octomom Beat Up in a Staged Bikii Shoot of the Day

Octomom Beat Up in a Staged Bikii Shoot of the Day

I joke about how I want to bang Octomom because she’s got ridiculous tits and she’s probably the only living person who can help perform the crawl up into a vagina as a full grown man in some reverse birthing porn….. But the truth is…she’s fucking disgusting….and needs to not be doing masturbation porn….but instead needs to be blacklisted and ignored by all mainstream and porn media…she’s the fucking worst….and she shouldn’t be posing in saged bikini pics…big tits or not…..the rest of her can’t support or justify the attention…vile. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Octomom Beat Up in a Staged Bikii Shoot of the Day

Maria Menounos Shitty Twitter Bikini Pic of the Day

I don’t think the highlight of Maria Menounos’ twitter is the bikini pics she posts, if anything, they fucking suck….It is not even the hope that she will slip her pussy like she did that one time….it isn’t even that she is greek and loves anal, making you process every single message she says as one coming from a bitch who uses her asshole for dicks more than her pussy she sometimes flashes….the highlight of her twitter is that her first line item is that she says she’s a “NY Times Best Selling author”….along with Snooki…..something to be proud of, but I like when bitches focus on real accomplishments, like that she’s on TV every night, sure it is the worst show ever, but at least people notice her more than they read her useless books. Here’s a bikini pic of her she posted yesterday….

Originally posted here:
Maria Menounos Shitty Twitter Bikini Pic of the Day

Michelle Beadle Bikini Twitpic of the DAy

Michelle Beadle is some ESPN sports reporter who you all probably jerk off to cuz she’s hotter and has less AIDS than Magic Johnson….or whoever the fuck they had on the NBA finals running his mouth…. I get that she was a smart marketer, you know cuz she said fuck you to working the local news, and got into sports, see cuz as an average looking girl, she becomes way hotter when talking guy language….and with guys loving her, she’s been able to make a small fortune, establish small fame, and have more dudes jerk off to her than most women and all it took was not being a fucking dyke or having a penis….winning formula when you’re the only chick at the party yo…. Here she is being funny on twitter in a bikini top…posing with monkey dick

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Michelle Beadle Bikini Twitpic of the DAy

OCTOMOM Nude Pics From her Porn of the DAy

I have seen some disgusting vagina in my life, both first hand and in porn, and I am eager to see this OCTOMOM shit uncensored….because that circus freak pussy must be fucking interesting to look at….possibly a mangled mess, flesh wounds everywhere, but there’s also a chance it is amazing… The uncensored haven’t been released yet, I waited all day for them, but I put in an email to my homies at Wicked, cuz for some reason the porn industry likes me, and I’m sure I’ll get a clip or pics for you soon….and if I don’t someone will…and we can all collectively jerk off to that…cuz something about her is fucking hot….I’m thinking everything….but I’m easily pleased…..too bad she deleted me from facebook for mocking her….I thought that negative hit was gonna get me pussy….but I was wrong….

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OCTOMOM Nude Pics From her Porn of the DAy

Octomom to Throw Down in Celebrity Pillow Fighting Championships

Octomom Nadya Suleman is getting ready to throw it down in the Celebrity Pillow Fighting Championships … which is apparently an actual thing. Despite the fact that Octomom’s porn star career is in full swing, she’s still trying to make more cash money starting June 23 in Broomall, Pa. On the same card with the “Pillow Fighting Championships,” to be exact. Nadya will be fighting Shila, co-host of Philadelphia radio’s “Chio, Shila & Tingle in the Morning,” who says she is excited to fight Octomom. The public “fight” between the women involves three one-minute rounds. Nadya is the favorite, with a 5-0 record in celebrity boxing and 1-0 in pillow fights. Shila, on the other hand, will be stepping into the ring for the first time. “I’m not sure who the girl is I’m pillow-fighting with, but I heard she has never been in the ring before,” Nadya Suleman told the Huffington Post . “I’ve done this several times, and I will remain undefeated!” Except by life. She’s getting pummeled in that arena. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Octomom to Throw Down in Celebrity Pillow Fighting Championships

Octomom: The Porn Star Makeover!

Octomom is certainly taking her new porn career seriously. Perhaps inspired by Lindsay Lohan’s wardrobe malfunction , the mother of 14 can be seen spilling out of her skimpy top and fully glammed up in this photo from the set of her self pleasure video, which she recently completed filming. Take a look at one of the most revealing Octomom pics yet: The gold and black bikini snapshot of Nadya Suleman, was leaked by another porn star, Jessica Drake, who “coached” Octo through her “performance.” The porn studio behind the video, Wicked Pictures, quotes Nadya in a press release , saying Drake “opened up my eyes to a whole world of self-pleasure.” Drake says, “I am honored to have helped [Suleman] explore her sexuality.” According to the release, the video shows Octomom in a “variety of erotic scenarios” all focused on solo masturbation and poking fun at her public persona. Octomom, who recently booked a stripper gig as well, calls the experience “the best, most powerful, and most liberating thing I’ve ever done.” Good to know, Octo. Tell us … Nadya Suleman: Would you hit it? [Photo: Wicked Pictures]

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Octomom: The Porn Star Makeover!