Octomom pisses me off. Sure I am into single mothers who are forced to strip to support her kids, I just hate when they pretend they aren’t whores when they are doing it. You know she could have shot porn and made millions when Oprah was begging to interview her, but she thought being at the top would never end, but everything ends, especially when your claim to fame is having a clown circus of a vagina, because people lose interest and you have to pay bills, and I guess I should embrace that everything has come full circle, and she’s whoring out like she was destined to do, and get over my hatred for those few years she pretended she wasn’t a whores, cuz lets face it, old and scary and big vaginaed or not, bitch is getting naked for dollars….and I’d make it hail on this ho….with pennies…
Continued here:
Octomom’s Stripper Pics of the Day