Tag Archives: only-slightly

Who Is Sheniz Halil? Meet Kanye West’s Caked-

Meet Kanye West’s Cover Model Sheniz Halil Kanye’s “The Life Of Pablo” cover art is only slightly more confusing than his album title choice . But among all the overlapped font and family photo collage, a seemingly randomly placed big-booty white woman who is NOT Kim Kardashian caught social media’s attention. As it turns out, the cakes in question belong to Instagram model Sheniz Halil, and she was just as shocked as everyone else to find her back on the front of Kanye’s new album. Apparently ‘Ye brought a stack of photo options to Kim for approval, and she chose Sheniz’ pic because she felt like she had the best booty of them all… And if you can’t quiiiite see it, here’s a closer look at the photo that Kimmy found “Pablo”-worthy: What a lucky day for this Ista-model. Hit the flip to take a closer look at what exactly caught KimYe’s attention… Instagram

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Who Is Sheniz Halil? Meet Kanye West’s Caked-

Mark Sanchez: Naked, Dancing With Alana Kari in Viral Video!

New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez may be only slightly better at throwing a football than Tim Tebow, but he’s a lot better at making scandalous headlines. We can thank his rigorous offseason training regimen for that. An online video of Sanchez dancing naked (or at least bare-bottomed) with two scantily clad women in Napa Valley, Calif., has surfaced on Vine. Alana Kari, the cleavage-baring babe featured in the clips, is the one who uploaded the partying videos to her Vine account before deleting them promptly. Thank you, Alana. The video, in which you can see Mark Sanchez shirtless and dropping trou amidst music, wine bottles and smoke , can be seen after the jump: Mark Sanchez Naked This is the most embarrassing story about Mark Sanchez and somebody’s rear end since he crashed into Brandon Moore’s and fumbled on Thanksgiving. “I guess (I was) more stunned than anything,” he said at the time. Sort of sums up our feelings about this, only in a positive way.

Continued here:
Mark Sanchez: Naked, Dancing With Alana Kari in Viral Video!

Glee Update: Meet Kurt’s Accidentally Confirmed Quarterback Boyfriend

As Movieline guessed last month , iCarly ‘s Chord Overstreet has been cast as Chris Colfer’s first onscreen boyfriend on Glee . It was announced earlier that the blond actor would be playing “Sam, a McKinley high school athlete who starts off as Finn (Cory Monteith)’s protégé but becomes his competition,” but

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Glee Update: Meet Kurt’s Accidentally Confirmed Quarterback Boyfriend

Sean Penn is Not Taking His RuPaul’s Drag Race Application Very Seriously

Sean Penn is playing a past-his-prime, Nazi-hunting rock star in the upcoming film This Must Be the Place . This is either the first picture of him from the set, or a rare, pre-Botox photo of any number of Real Housewives. Take your pick! [via DListed ]

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Sean Penn is Not Taking His RuPaul’s Drag Race Application Very Seriously

All Your Summer Favorites Trashed in New n+1 Film Section

The aesthetes at n+1 always seem to come back to movies in their long history of cultural criticism. (Come on; six years is forever these days.) And now look at them with their brand-new film section led by A.S. Hamrah , who delivers nothing but the finest takes on The Kids Are All Right (“only slightly less conservative than Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds “), Sex and the City 2 (“a low point in the history of American pop culture”), Inception (“People whose dream movie is a bad movie about dreams that are like bad movies are f*cked”), and more. At least they liked Winter’s Bone . [ n+1 via Looker ]

Here is the original post:
All Your Summer Favorites Trashed in New n+1 Film Section

Madness: BP Left Off Second Emergency Cutoff + When Do We Say ‘Enough’?

Map of potential spill trajectory over the next few days: NOAA It just keeps going and going. New revelations about how little it would have cost to prevent the BP oil spill (only slightly exaggerating, half a million dollars for a part to the oil industry is like a couple nice dinners out to you or me), new worst-case scenarios about how long this could continue on, and (thankfully) some particularly poignant thoughts to counterbalance the mindless damage control by the chattering right wing pundits. Here’s some of the best and worst of an increasingly bad situation:… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Madness: BP Left Off Second Emergency Cutoff + When Do We Say ‘Enough’?

Snooki with a Chance of Showers

Filed under: Jersey Shore “Jersey Shore’s” Snooki hopped in front of the green screen on WPIX this morning and proved that reading the weather is only slightly easier than answering the duck phone.

See the rest here:
Snooki with a Chance of Showers

Kayak world record, 186 foot waterfall: down the creek with a broken paddle: Video

This has to be seen to be believed. When Tyler Bradt shot down Palouse falls, he broke a world record and his paddle, but he survived virtually unscathed. Bradt achieved the feat in April, but the video has only just emerged

Originally posted here:
Kayak world record, 186 foot waterfall: down the creek with a broken paddle: Video