Tag Archives: pays-the-bills

Rachel McCord Nude Covered in Mud of the Day

Rachel McCord and really the siblings of all the cast members on the 90210 redo- that was taking a lead from their Canadian friends who did the same concept with Degrassi and ended up creating Drake out of the whole thing….. Only were far less successful than the Canadians were with Degrassi, that shit was huge and created Drak…. Instead, the Americans move on from Nostalgia and progress as a people, full on inclusion and love for their fellow man, of all colors, sizes and ethnicities….especially the Muslim people and Mexicans…proven in all that they talk about on their news channels and social media accounts. So people like Rachel McCord were left to fend for themselves, because Annalynne McCord didn’t pop off quite the way she should have, but she tried… And here she is all unshowered like some homeless person dirty….or covered in feces because that’s how she pays the bills now that her sister can’t be piggy backed anymore… Here is AnnaLynne McCord’s Cameltoe of the Day JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Rachel McCord Nude Covered in Mud of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rachel McCord Nude Covered in Mud of the Day

Miranda Kerr Awkward Fitness of the Day

I am not into Miranda Kerr, I find her garbage and never really understood how she scammed Victoria’s Secret into being one of their most marketed “angels” before firing her for being a cunt, a cunt filled by Bieber while being married and mom to Orlando Bloom, or as I like to call him, her meal ticket. She has since gone onto do whatever it takes to land billionaires and in the last 2 years, there has been at lease 3, which statistically is a lot of billionaires, enough to make you think she targets them, because like all hookers, she fucking loves money…and the idea of breeding with it. She’s got one kid that pays the bills when things don’t go as well in her virtually irrelevant career that probably doesn’t make her all that money, why not do another one… Her latest Billionaire is Frat Boy Snapchat creator, who could be fucking all the girls he probably gets BCCed on the dirty snaps, you know coded an algorithm that does some image recognition and drops the millions of nudes sent daily in his inbox. The whole foundation of snapchat was based on “trust me I’ll delete your nudes, I’ll even send a screenshot of my photos to prove it”.. yet he chooses this passed around “sally”…she’s not even a VS model anymore, when he could get a VS model…. I have no idea what these guys like about her or see in her, I mean the Snapchat kid’s last girlfriend, who has a snapchat tattoo by the way, is a fucking pig…but also a hooker looking girl, so it’s not about the past, but rather the future and why date a quality chick, or someone with talent or skill, when you can get one who is pretty transparent in her intentions….because when you date a whore, they usually know the system, and how to play it in their favor – where they can be strategic cunts, know when to complain and when to behave because you are staff…at least when they are as good at it as she is. Either way, the video of her awkward fitness was funny to me.. Here she is at the Oscars – doing the “pretty woman” – the story of her life… The post Miranda Kerr Awkward Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miranda Kerr Awkward Fitness of the Day

Audrina Patridge Bikini Pictures of the Day

The paparazzi company that owns the Audrina pics doesn’t like me very much. I don’t have money to buy their pictures, they aren’t into just giving them to me for free, even if I link back to them, so I’m forced to use my interpretive skills, of what best represents Audrina Patridge in a bikini, and the best I could come up with was the Downs Syndrome champion swimmer, which although may be insulting to this bitch with Downs Syndrom, as Audrina is clearly more embarrassing and retarded than her, it gets my point across as best as I know how….the only thing missing is the hot stripper body implants…something I support her using to get noticed/ahead… To See The Bikini Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Audrina Patridge Bikini Pictures of the Day

Britney Spears is a Fat Chick Lap Dancing of the Day

The only guy at a Britney Spears concert would be a gay guy who probably never thought he’d cum himself to a chick giving him a ridiculous lap dance on stage, because he probably never thought he’d brush shoulders with his gay icon, Queen of Queen’s Britney Spears…someone who makes groupie bitches, both gay man and straight girl turning 30, go fucking nuts… Unless he’s just a hired actor and part of her show, cuz I can’t imagine her legally being allowed to interract with untrained professionals, it is one of those crazy person rules and regulations as she continues to be used to make a lot of people money like the empire she is the figure head of…. If he’s neither gay, or hired, he’s got some serious explaining to do…this is the kinda shit that follows you everywhere you go, cuz as cool as a lap dance from Britney is in theory, admitting you went to her concert takes away from that…cuz we all know you’re a pussy whipped bitch accommodating some girl…and becoming a national joke…. If dude had any vision, ambition or drive, he would have slipped a condom full of semen inside her when he had the chance…she’s fertile, she pays the bills…..Either way, he’ll remember this for life, and so will his coworkers… To See The Rest of the Pics Follow This Link

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Britney Spears is a Fat Chick Lap Dancing of the Day

Kristin Cavallari’s Useless Tits of the DAy

A valuable lesson I’ve learned in life is that tits are always useful…even if the bitch they are attached to is useless, annoying, talentless, a hack, a crackwhore, or dead…both career-wise and physically, just not too dead, cuz then tits just become gross, if you ask any necrophiliac he’ll tell you the soaking her in warm water doesn’t work forever… I don’t know where I’m going with that, I guess Kristin Cavallari just makes me morbid, inspires me to think of graveyards, morgues, the final curtain and all that bullshit, cuz I can’t imagine her ever coming back and making anything of herself…It’s like Michael Jackson once said before he died….”this is it”…..cuz I feel quoting Michael Jackson always works cuz he just has so many words that represents what I’m thinking, “I’m Bad…Thriller”….what the fuck am I doing…oh right…staring at Kristin Cavallari’s unemployed but more importantly unemployable tits…that are gonna lose their shit eventually, craving that fame they once had doing bad fake reality shows….Wonder how this is gonna pan out….

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Kristin Cavallari’s Useless Tits of the DAy

Britney Spears Old, Big and Half Naked Costumes of the Day

Britney Spears opened her Femme Fatale concert last night, and she did what all the popstars are doing, cuz I guess she’s medicated enough to try to keep up with them, in what must feel like a dream to her, cuz she’s just someone’s puppet getting manipulated into being seemingly normal, and apparently cashing the fuck in…. Sure, I think she looks like a barnyard pig with lipstick, but I’m also an asshole who discounts her sloppy mom body and labels it something I don’t want to look at, but would want to knock up, cuz K-Fed’s living the dream… Sure, she’s much beter too look at half naked than Gaga, but she’s 30 and this whole pop thing for the gays thing pays the bills, but is kind of a stretch….like watching Cher or Carmen Electra or Pam Anderson all with their own variety of holding on as hard a they can to what they had shit… But she was half naked…and I’ll always notice that….whether it is good or bad….or a fragement of what it was during “Hit Me Baby One More Time Days”….and here are the pics… TO See the Rest of the Pictures FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Britney Spears Old, Big and Half Naked Costumes of the Day