Tag Archives: physics

Controversial Film ‘Ghetto Physics’ is Poised to OCCUPY the Movement with DVD and Book Release Offering Commentary from Cornel West, Ice T, and Norman Lear


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LOS ANGELES, Calif., Oct. 21, 2011 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — When filmmakers E. Raymond Brown and Williams Arntz first released the independent movie ‘Ghetto Physics’ in late 2010, they knew the film was an early battle cry, a wake up call to America and beyond. Distributed by Intention Media, owned by ‘What the BLEEP, Do We Know?’ filmmaker Betsy Chasse, the cutting edge hybrid documentary explored… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Send2press Discovery Date : 21/10/2011 20:33 Number of articles : 5

Controversial Film ‘Ghetto Physics’ is Poised to OCCUPY the Movement with DVD and Book Release Offering Commentary from Cornel West, Ice T, and Norman Lear

Schrödinger’s Cat


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(YouTube link) New Scientist produced a new One-Minute Physics animation to explain the Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment in a hurry. As if you could explain “collapsed realities” in one minute. Still, it’s a cute cartoon. Link Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 28/09/2011 12:23 Number of articles : 2

Schrödinger’s Cat

Valve figures out how to widen its audience for Portal 2 — with boots


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Chalk this story up in the category of smart marketing tips. Valve’s original Portal game was an indie favorite that had a lot of fans, just not millions and millions of them. For Portal 2, Valve’s marketing machine has focused on widening the audience for the physics-based shooting game. And it has hit upon a way to target the female audience — or perhaps just the larger community of boot fans —… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : VentureBeat Discovery Date : 12/04/2011 19:23 Number of articles : 4

Valve figures out how to widen its audience for Portal 2 — with boots

Researchers Ditch Toxic Nanoparticle Chemicals for Delicious Cinnamon

Nanoparticles these days are quietly being slipped into products and processes as diverse as electronics, healthcare products (like sunscreen), and pharmaceuticals to fight cancer. http://www.dailytech.com/Arsenic+Nanoparticle+Fights+Breast+Cancer/article19058…. But for all that promise, there's a dark side. In order to make nanoparticles like tiny gold nanoparticles( http://www.dailytech.com/Gold+Nanoparticles+Dont+Just+Look+Pretty+They+Fight+Can… ) or titanium dioxide nanoparticles, caustic chemicals frequently are required. Scientists are concerned that minute quantities of those chemicals could harm the human body( http://www.dailytech.com/Nanotech+the+New+Asbestos+Carbon+Nanotube+Toxicity/arti… ), causing cancer or other diseases. But a University of Missouri research team, led by MU Physics and Radiology Professor Kattesh Katti thinks they have a solution — cinnamon. The team mixed gold salts in water with cinnamon and discovered that they remarkably formed nanoparticles. Typically such particles form only when exposed to an electric field or when toxic chemicals are added to the mix. Fellow radiology professor Raghuraman Kannan, who participated in the study, comments, “The procedure we have developed is non-toxic. No chemicals are used in the generation of gold nanoparticles, except gold salts. It is a true 'green' process.” Professor Katti adds, “From our work in green nanotechnology, it is clear that cinnamon — and other species such as herbs, leaves and seeds — will serve as a reservoir of phytochemicals and has the capability to convert metals into nanoparticles. Therefore, our approach to 'green' nanotechnology creates a renaissance symbolizing the indispensable role of Mother Nature in all future nanotechnological developments.” More serendipitous yet, the cinammon nanoparticles were found to release phytochemicals found in cinnamon debris. These phytochemicals have been shown to kill or reduce the growth of certain types of cancer cells. So not only are these particles non-toxic, but they also fight cancer. Professor Katti elates, “Our gold nanoparticles are not only ecologically and biologically benign, they also are biologically active against cancer cells.” It all sounds too good to be true, but the team insists that the approach is reliable. They hope to ready it for production so that the new cinnamon-gold nanoparticles can replace existing toxic varieties. The study on the work was published in the journal Pharmaceutical Research. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20872051 added by: toyotabedzrock

Black Carbon Soot’s Climate Warming Effect May Be Canceled by Its Increasing Cloud Production

photo: Jose Roberto V Moraes via flickr In the past eighteen months or so there’s been a greater acknowledgment that black carbon soot , from burning fossil fuels and biomass , plays a bigger role in increasing global warming and glacier melting than we had thought. Well, a new paper in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (hat tip… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Black Carbon Soot’s Climate Warming Effect May Be Canceled by Its Increasing Cloud Production

Electrons viewed in real time for the first time ever

In an unprecedented achievement, physicists have managed to directly observe electrons moving about the outer orbit of an atom. It's all thanks to some nifty quantum trickery and a machine that measures time in quintillionths of a second. The actual process used by the scientists, called attosecond absorption spectroscopy, is about as fiendishly complicated as its name, so let's take this slowly. They started by taking some atoms of krypton, one of the nobles gases. They then ionized the atoms using a near-infrared laser pulse. This pulse operated in cycles of a few femtoseconds each. A femtosecond is 10^-15 second, or a quadrillionth of a second. This ionization pulse caused anywhere from one to three of the eight electrons in the krypton's outermost shell to leave the atom, leaving an empty space in this furthest valence. Next, it was time for the attosecond pulse. An attosecond is a thousandth of a femtosecond, which is also 10^-18 second (not to mention a quintillionth of a second, just so all our bases are covered). They sent an extreme-ultraviolet attosecond pulse on the same path as that of the earlier, femtosecond pulse. And this is where the physicists were able to directly observe electrons at work in the wake of ionization. The attosecond pulse excited one or more of the electrons in the next energy orbital beneath the outermost shell, causing them to jump to the outer orbital and fill the gap created by the departed electrons. At that point, the electron starts “flopping” between the two orbits, creating complementary interference patterns that essentially merge into one, thanks to the quantum concept of coherence. It's that short-lived electron coherence that the attosecond pulses are able to measure, giving the physicists a direct measurement of the changing levels of coherence between the electron's two quantum states. This is one of the first direct applications of attosecond pulses, but according to Berkeley researcher Stephen Leone, this is just the tip of the iceberg for what the technology can do: “his revealed details of a type of electronic motion – coherent superposition – that can control properties in many systems. The method developed by our team for exploring coherent dynamics has never before been available to researchers. It's truly general and can be applied to attosecond electronic dynamics problems in the physics and chemistry of liquids, solids, biological systems, everything. http://io9.com/5605687/electrons-viewed-in-real-time-for-the-first-time-ever added by: pjacobs51

What Physics Says About Smooth Balls

It’s probably not all that surprising that this year’s World Cup has had its share of controversial goals, controversial offside calls, controversial foul calls, and controversial foul non-calls. A bit more surprising is the controversy caused by the tournament’s ball. Adidas created the Jabulani especially for the South African World Cup. It’s made from thermally bonded panels, instead of the traditional 32 panels of pentagons and hexagons. That makes it a lot smoother, but has given the players fits. “You might think if you make a ball very, very smooth, it will fly through the air better than a ball that is rough,” says John Eric Goff, chair of the physics department at Lynchburg College and author of Gold Medal Physics: The Science of Sports. You might think that, but you’d be wrong. “As the air goes around a sphere, or one of these sports balls, it forms a little layer near the surface of the sphere called the boundary layer,” says Goff. A rough surface makes that boundary layer break down at lower speeds. “And what that means is the drag force on the ball, the air resistance, goes down slightly,” he says. With only eight panels, you might think the Jabulani would be much smoother than a traditional ball, but you’d be wrong. Adidas has added grooves on the Jabulani that make up for the missing seams. Still, there seems to be less drag, less air resistance on a Jabulani when it’s traveling very fast than on a traditional ball. But more difficult than speed for player’s to get used to is what’s called the knuckling effect. This is when the ball starts behaving erratically because the boundary layer is breaking down at different places around the ball. “There is an ideal speed for the maximum knuckling effect,” says Rabindra D. Mehta, chief of the Experimental Aero-Physics Branch at the NASA Ames Research Center in California. For a traditional soccer ball it’s around 30 miles per hour. But for the Jabulani, it’s more like 40 or 45 mph. So it’s flying more erratically at faster speeds. Incidentally, despite what you might have seen in blogs or newspaper reports, NASA has not investigated the Jabulani. Mehta says he and some colleagues did a demonstration of the aerodynamics of flying objects for local school children, and used the Jabulani as an example. “There’s a lot of media coverage with all sorts of crazy headlines claiming NASA is doing this and that. We’re not doing anything,” says Mehta. “We just wanted to demonstrate soccer ball aerodynamics to children.” That may be so, but it’s hardly a headline grabber. added by: TimALoftis

SAT Practice Test Download SAT Prep with College Board Question of the Day

Prepare for the SAT. Over 50 free SAT prac­tice tests and infor ma tion to help your boost your SAT score. Download a free copy of the Full SAT Practice Tests for S.A.T. Prep for the College Boards. The College Board Question of the Day is also a daily help with tough questions asked daily for you to prepare for the SAT Exams. Download the free copies while they are available. Only free for a limited time. SAT FAQ SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test conducted by the College Board for college admissions in the United States. SAT is very important! Not only it determines scholarship status of a student but also decides whether or not he/she will get admission in a college of his/her choice. The SAT test consists of 3 major sections divided further in 3 sub-sections each plus one experimental section to normalize questions for future administrations of the SAT. Though the experimental section does not really counts towards the final scores. SAT being so important scares most college-bound students. In this article, we’d like to discuss some questions which often raise doubts or fear in students. How to improve SAT writing score? It’s advised to focus on reviewing and practicing grammar skills, as they make up the majority of the writing test on the SAT. It would also be prudent to practice doing timed essays like the one required on the writing test. SAT strategies can be found in many books and study guides, so finding one and focusing on grammar and writing skills will be a good way to boost that score. How to select a summer SAT prep program? An online course can be advantageous due to its flexibility. Generally, you’ll be able to work through the material at your own convenience, which is an attractive option for people with busy schedules. Local courses have the advantage of in-person instruction, which is typically more interactive and dynamic than online options. How should I prepare for the SAT Subject Tests? Many students take the SAT Subject Tests after completing a year in an honors-level course, so if you feel comfortable with Physics it may be worth taking. It’d be a good idea to get your hands on a practice test to see how you feel about the content and to get a sense of how you’ll do. It’s generally not recommended to take subject tests in subjects that you aren’t currently taking. When should I take the Subject SATs? It would probably work best to take them in May right before the AP tests. You could efficiently review material for both the AP and SAT Subject tests at that time, effectively killing two birds with one stone. Also, by getting the subject tests out of the way in May, which will allow you focus more of your time on the final exams you’ll need to work on in June. SAT I and SAT II math level 2 book recommendations? For the SAT I, Princeton Review’s guide will include more of the strategic focus you’ll need for the test, but the Official SAT Study Guide provides authentic full-length practice tests, so it depends whether you need general practice (which the Official Guide would be better for) or strategic help (Princeton Review may be more helpful). For the math level 2 book, Barron’s should certainly be appropriate. Look for any book that includes at least one practice test along with review sections for each of the major topics covered on the test. Download the free copies while they are available. Only free for a limited time. SAT Practice Test Download with College Board Question of the Day for SAT Prep SAT Practice Test Download with College Board Question of the Day for SAT Prep Download the free copies while they are available. Only free for a limited time. SAT Practice Test Download SAT Prep with College Board Question of the Day is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 15 – Lost Online Streaming Video Link

Watch Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 15 – Lost . The 15th episode of this 1st season that aired 04/30/10, Friday at 9:00 P.M. on SyFy. Stargate Universe’s new episode entitled “Lost” has Lt. Scott, Chloe, Greer and Eli getting stuck at the underground maze of the ruins as the Destiny takes off. Now, Col. Young and Dr. Rush must devise a rescue mission to save them before the Destiny ship leaves the galaxy. Watch the latest episode of our favorite new sci-fi show brought to us by SyFy. Watch the full latest episode of Stargate Universe online for free. We have provided the links for you where you can watch it online streaming or download it for your collection, it is located above the image and below this sentence in blue font. Watch Stargate Universe S1E15: Lost Stargate Universe Season 1 Episode 15 – Lost Online Streaming Video Link is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Bieber Seduces Tina Fey

His seductive style, perfect hair, and polite manners are too much for Tina to resist. [ BiebFeed Note : Physics isn't really OUR jam either, Justin!!! Soulmates!!!] Watch