Tag Archives: preferred

Study Shows Conflicted Meat-Eaters in Denial That Meat-Animals Suffer

A new study from the University of Kent has provided direct evidence that people who wish to escape the ‘meat paradox’ i.e. simultaneously disliking hurting animals and enjoying eating meat, may do so by denying that the animal they ate had the capacity to suffer. By engaging in denial, those participating in the study also reported a reduced range of animals to which they felt obligated to show moral concern. These ranged from dogs and chimps to snails and fish. The study, the results of which are published in the August issue of Appetite, was conducted by Dr Steve Loughnan, Research Associate at the University’s School of Psychology, and colleagues in Australia. Prior to their study, it was generally assumed that the only solutions to the meat paradox are for people to simply stop eating meat, a decision taken by many vegetarians, or the ongoing failure to recognise that animals are killed to produce meat (although few people live in true ignorance, some meat-eaters may live in a state of tacit denial, failing to equate beef with cow, pork with pig, or even chicken with chicken). Dr Loughnan explained: ‘Some people do choose to stop eating meat when they learn that animals suffer for its production. An overwhelming majority do not. Our research shows that one way people are able to keep eating meat is by dampening their moral consideration of animals when sitting at the dinner table.’ Dr Loughnan also explained that, broadly speaking, their study has shown that when there is a conflict between their preferred way of thinking and their preferred way of acting, it is their thoughts and moral standards that people abandon first – rather than changing their behaviour. ‘Rather than change their beliefs about the animals’ moral rights, people could change their behaviour,’ he said. ‘However, we suspect that most people are unwilling to deny themselves the enjoyment of eating meat, and denying animals moral rights lets them keep eating with a clear conscience’. ‘The role of meat consumption in the denial of moral status and mind to meat animals’ (Stephen Loughnan, University of Kent; Nick Haslam, University of Melbourne; Brock Bastian, University of Queensland) is published in the August issue of Appetite. Dr Loughnan is a member of the University’s Leverhulme Trust-funded Centre for Research on Social Climate. added by: animalia_libero

Report: Madonna Wants Baby Jesus (Luz)

Madonna, who already has four kids, isn’t content to stop there. She’s in the process of trying for a baby with her lover Jesus Luz, according to the Sun (UK). The British tabloid says Madge has even consulted doctors about conceiving another child at age of 51, pals said, with model Jesus, who at 22 is ..

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Report: Madonna Wants Baby Jesus (Luz)

Lindsay Lohan Responds to Leaked Phone Recording

Embattled and troubled star Lindsay Lohan has once again utilized her preferred means of communication – Twitter – to respond to leaked phone tape that surfaced late Wednesday after her father sought to “prove a point.” Her estranged dad, Michael Lohan, has been trying to get Lindsay to seek help for her problems. He accuses her mom and his ex, Dina, of covering up the truth

The rest is here:
Lindsay Lohan Responds to Leaked Phone Recording