Tag Archives: pretty-simple

Holly Madison’s Sweet Twitter Bikini Pictures

Here is yet another example of why Twitter is awesome. I did nothing today to deserve this and yet when I signed on to the Twitter , just sitting there for me to enjoy was this picture of Playboy’s Holly Madison hanging out in her bikini. What did I do to deserve this? The answer is pretty simple… Nothing. And that’s why I thought I would share the wealth with you pervs. Enjoy.

JWoWW aka Jenni Farley’s Big Old Boobies

Obviously the Jersey Shore chicks are absolute train wrecks and it’s only a matter of time before their spray tanned bubble bursts and they get back to working at Hooter or whatever the New Jersey knock off version of Hooters is, but until then I’m going going to post pictures of this Jenni Farley aka JWoWW chick because I like morons with massive boobs. It’s a pretty simple formula, put massive soft boobies on an idiot and I’m all over it. Call me.

Selena Gomez Is Finally Hot

I’m hearing that Selena Gomez is eighteen now so I can finally say she’s hot. Is this true or is this some sort of elaborate internet trap? That guy from Dateline better not show up at my house again, mother has a huge crush on him and I don’t need to see her inappropriately throw herself at him twice. Anyhow, whatever her age she looks pretty good at the Teen Choice Awards last night. I guess the fact that she’s at awards for teenagers should be a red flag, but she’s hot, and I mean that in the most wholesome way possible. Enjoy.

Mezhgan Hussainy Bikini Pictures

Here’s Simon Cowell’s fiancee Mezhgan Hussainy hanging out in her bikini on a massive yacht. Now I know why he quit American Idol , who the hell wants to hang out with crappy wannabes when you’ve got a hot piece of ass like this waiting for you at your mansion? I guess the secret to landing a chick like this is pretty simple, millions and millions of dollars. Damn it! I know I shouldn’t be jealous of a guy with man boobs and a white guy flat top, but I am.

What Famous Writer Does Mel Gibson Sound Like? [Comparisons]

Have you seen this website, I Write Like ? It’s pretty simple: You paste some text, it “analyzes” the writing, and matches it to a famous author. So who does Mel Gibson rant like? What if I told you Margaret Atwood? More

In Praise of Typewriters (What’s That?)

Image from Christie’s : Cormac McCarthy’s Olivetti Maybe a blogger shouldn’t be extolling the virtues of a typewriter, but there is a lot to be said. Such as how environmental they are… Yes, they do use paper…. but that’s it. They last forever; they are pretty simple and straightforward in their composition. There are few fiddly parts to be endlessly upgraded. The manual ones require physical prowess to make that satisfying return of the carriage. Some, like the Olivetti, have become de… Read the full story on TreeHugger

In Praise of Typewriters (What’s That?)


The rule of caps lock is pretty simple: You could have written your thoughts on the actual meaning of life and the key to world peace, and they could have saved the world – but if you post it in CAPS LOCK, no one will read it. Why is caps lock a bad thing? Because typing in all CAPS LOCK makes you look like a bleedin' idiot. It's the literary equivalent to screaming as loud as you can in a fast monotone. Right in the ear. Here are a few random CAPS LOCK posts from… added by: DoctorLulzington

Sophie Turner’s Got An Amazing Jobless Ass

I know I know, why do I keep posting pictures of this Australian hottie/nobody Sophie Turner ? I have a pretty simple explanation actually, she’s pretty damn hot and she makes certain special areas in my pants feel like they did when they used to climb the rope in gym class when I was just a young tuna. Besides, she’s got an amazing body and she likes to show it off in tiny little dresses like this little number. What an ass!

Olivia Munn is Boring Even When Naked for Peta of the Day

I hate Olivia Munn. She’s just some bottom feeder wanna be celebrity piece of trash who milked the geek crowd and landed a geek show cuz geek’s and based on Star Trek and Star Wars are loyal fans to have…cuz they never let go…and for geeks to get won over is pretty simple, have a vagina….and proven by Oliva Munn, if you are average looking at best, wear bikinis, and relate to them on a geek level it will get you a more legit career….She’s always on her hustle, I don’t trust her and above all she’s not even hot, but geeks like her and since you’re a loser, which is very close to being a geek you’ll probably appreciate seeing her getting naked for PETA…. Here she is walking around…to remind you that she’s not hot…. Here’s the bullshit video… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Olivia Munn is Boring Even When Naked for Peta of the Day

PETA: Dead Animals Are Bad, Dead Celebrities? Totally Okay.

PETA is using recently deceased Bea Arthur in a new campaign against McDonald's factory-farms. The ad writes: “death couldn't stop this Gold Girl from fighting the Golden Arches.” Ya know, like how good taste can't stop a PETA campaign. View