Justin met Canada's Prime Minister backstage at a show and warned haters to STEP OFF about his wardrobe choices. See the original post: Justin Bieber Met The Prime Minister Of Canada In Overalls, Sends …
Michelle better watch her back!!! LLS We’re just kiddin’ around over here but dayum if POTUS didn’t look like he had a lil’ more to smile about on this trip. Yingluck Shinawatra is her name and she’s the Prime Minister of Thailand so it’s legit…but with the way she keeps eying up our Boy, we’re pretty sure she’s feelin’ him on more than foreign policy. According to GAWKER , Drudge Report described Obama’s diplomatic jaunt as “touchy-feely,” then swapped that out for the (less offensive? more offensive?) nonsense adjective “Flirtasian.” The Daily Mail called the President’s demeanor with the Thai Prime Minister “flirty.” “President Obama is practicing a new brand of foreign relations, appearing to flirt with Thailand’s attractive prime minister on his first stop of his three-day tour of Southeast Asia. The president and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra could be seen laughing together and exchanging playful glances through a state dinner at the Government House in Bangkok on Sunday.” Hit the flip while we thank God they’re all professionals…
Morrissey? Not a big fan of the royal family. No stranger to controversy, the legendary Smiths frontman is slamming the monarchy in the wake of the Prince Harry and Kate Middleton nude photo scandals. He does not mince words. Like at all. “I wasn’t surprised by Prince Harry in Vegas because he’s always been an absolute idiot,” Morrissey said in an interview with the Herald Sun in Australia. “The monarchy is foremost a business.” “It’s important to them that the British public continue to finance the excessive luxurious lifestyles of the now quite enormous, wasteful and useless ‘royal’ family. I find it very sad.” The outspoken musician didn’t even spare the beloved Duchess of Cambridge, even though the infamous Kate Middleton photos were an invasion of her privacy. “They are all the most dysfunctional, unpleasant and arrogant people on the planet. A sour soap opera, and they should just resign and retire,” the 53-year-old added. “Can you imagine how the Prime Minister of Argentina viewed [ Prince Harry naked ] in Vegas? Or the Pope? Or the Archbishop of Canterbury?” We really can’t, no. [Photos: WENN.com]
The two most chilling films I’ve seen so far in Toronto are both documentaries: Dror Moreh’s The Gatekeepers and Alex Gibney’s Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God .” I’ll be writing more about Gibney’s film in the coming days, but I got a chance to briefly interview Moreh at a dinner Sony Pictures Classics threw at Creme Brasserie in the Yorkville District of Toronto, and I want to share his comments. The Gatekeepers is remarkable because Moreh managed to get six former leaders of Israel’s security agency Shin Bet to go on camera for the first time and talk about the sometimes very dark things they’ve done to protect their homeland from terrorism since the Six-Day War of 1967. The men talk about torture, about cultivating informants and about collateral damage: the calculations that go into deciding whether to take out a terrorist at the risk of also killing innocents. They also talk, in very level-headed terms, of the spineless nature of the political leaders to whom they report. What really resonated with me is that Moreh never loses sight of the fact that, despite the life-and-death decisions these men made over the course of their careers, they are just men. (Indeed, one of the men looked unsettlingly like my father.) And in addition to pulling the curtain back on what goes into the bloody sausage-making process of Mid-East politics, these former Shin Bet leaders talk quite eloquently about the toll their work took on their psyches and their souls. What I didn’t expect is for the men that Moreh interviewed to agree so readily that peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians is possible, even if they didn’t all agree on how it should be accomplished. It’s easy to make the assumption that the men who do the kind of work that these former Shin Bet leaders did are hawks by nature — and committed to maintaining conflict in order to insure that their work remains in demand. But I left the screening of The Gatekeepers that I saw convinced that these six former Shin Bet leaders wanted an end to the conflict, see it in Israel’s grasp and, yet, are disgusted that their superiors are doing little to move in that direction. At the Sony Pictures Classics party, I asked Moreh why the six former Shin Bet leaders had given him such unprecedented acccess, and he told me: “I think they came because they are concerned like me. They see that Israel is going on a path that can lead only to a bitter result,” he explained. “Each has a different point of view, but they are all worried.” When I asked him if he could see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Moreh replied: “Peace is possible. The problem in Israel is that we lack leadership. Never ever in the history of this country has there been such a good and understanding leadership on the Palestinian side, and Israel does everything in its power to avoid conversation. Everything,” Moreh said with a wince as Pierce Brosnan, Aaron Paul and Zac Efron roamed the crowd. The Gatekeepers director added: “I’m wondering, when [Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu says ‘two-state solution,’ with whom does he want to speak? Does he want to speak with Hamas? With Iran? [Former Prime Minister Yitzhak] Rabin said there’s a small window of opportunity [for peace.] It is closing,” Moreh said before adding: “The day that [former Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon got the second stroke,” which left him unable to perform his duties and paved the way for Netanyahu’s return to the prime minister’s eat, “was the worst day in Israel’s history after the assassination of Rabin” in 1995. When I asked Moreh if there was anyone he would like to see lead Israel, he replied: “There is no leadership that I can see now that can do what needs to be done.” Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.
Honored in Bosnia at the 18th Sarajevo Film Festival, Angelina Jolie was named Honorary Citizen of Sarajevo for her work on In the Land of Blood and Honey . The film, written and directed by Jolie, tells the story of the city’s war through the relationship between a Bosnian Serb man and a Bosnian Muslim woman. Appearing sans Brad Pitt (but rocking the engagement ring he gave her), she received an Honorary Citizen of Sarajevo award from the Prime Minister, Mr. Fikret Music.
I don’t know shit about Arab politics. I don’t know about Iraq, Iran, Pakistan or Afghanistan…all I know is that that is where oil comes from, where heroin comes from, wheree women who generally know their place come from….who unfortunataly wear bed sheets to cover themeselves up so hard that seeing their hands is the only skin you can have jerk off fantasies about…I mean unless you’re there and you just pull the bitch into an alley or have sex with a goat…..at least that’s what a cab driver once told me and that’s all I really know…. So this BANAZIR BHUTTO is an unknown to me….but after much research I have discovered she was killed in 2007, was the Prime Minister of Pakistan twice and is now in some scandalous pics, 5 year after death, cuz that’s just what happens with the whole internet thing….nothing ever dies… Now sure all she is showing is some leg in some personal pics, but in Muslim countries, this shit is like fisting yourself in front of everyone while using a Sadam Hussien shaped dildo on your fucking ass….It’s a fucking scandal and that’s why I’m posting it…I love scandals…even if I have no idea who is in them or if the people in the pics are actually the people being claimed to be in them….especially when the scandal is so fucking tame….and all these bitches kinda look the fucking same…..That’s racist Story via JONTURK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US
President Barack Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline taught Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper one thing: it’s time Canada expand its list of oil buyers. In an interview with the Canadian Wilson Centre think tank, the Prime Minister said the pipeline’s rejection — even if only temporary — was enough to underscore the need to find other buyers for oilsands crude. “Look, the very fact… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 04/04/2012 14:49 Number of articles : 2
Yahoo : Texas Rangers catcher Yorvit Torrealba has always played the game of baseball with a lot of fire and a lot passion. Unfortunately, the 11 year big league veteran took that fire and passion too far while playing for Leones del Caracas of the Venezuelan League on Friday. After Torrealba took an ugly cut at a breaking ball and missed for strike three, he immediately began a heated discussion… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 23/12/2011 23:10 Number of articles : 2
For a month now, a nascent protest movement has roiled Russia as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin seeks to reassert himself as president, the same position he gave up in 2008. His successor and likely soon-to-be predecessor President Dmitri Medvedev responded to the protest movement by offering reforms on his way out the door after a Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 24/12/2011 13:37 Number of articles : 2
We’ve got two filthy-minded (but enterprising!) gentlemen here to teach you a thing or two this week in viral videos. First, we’ve got a Hooters patron who’s figured out how to translate his beer-chugging skills into spit-swapping action . And second, a randy Russian with an ingenious scheme: he convinces a thousand girls to let him grab their boobs in public, under the pretense that he’ll use those sweaty palms to shake Prime Minister Valdimir Putin’ s hand. Hey, it’s political satire…right? See the vids after the jump!