Tag Archives: drudge-report

East Africa Spectacula: How To Have A Glamping Safari In Kenya!

If you want to see animals up close, you have to go where they are. But this doesn’t mean you have to compromise on amenities. Here’s how to go on a glamping safari in Kenya!

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East Africa Spectacula: How To Have A Glamping Safari In Kenya!

WTF??? Rumor Has It That Oscar-Thirsty Leonardo Dicaprio Gets Raped By A BEAR In His New Movie

Is Leonardo DiCaprio Raped By A Bear In New Movie?? Leo DiCaprio has turned out one epic performance after the other over the years, yet he’s never been honored with an Academy Award for his efforts. Now, reportedly having pushed himself to the limits to portray frontiersman Hugh Glass in upcoming film, The Revenant … the actor is hopeful that his dedication paired with his body of work will finally get him the recognition he feels he deserves. His performance is already getting positive buzz from Hollyweird insiders. But exactly how far did Leo push things in this role? After some early screenings of the Oscar contender, one report slid in that Leonardo took things to the next level — depicting a graphic and grizzly (pun intended) scene where his character is brutally raped…by a wild bear. Via The Drudge Report : The new movie ‘REVENANT’ features a shocking scene of a wild bear raping Leo DiCaprio! The explicit moment from Oscar winning director Alejandro Inarritu has caused maximum controversy in early screenings. Some in the audience escaped to the exits when the Wolf of Wall Street met the Grizzly of Yellowstone. The story of rural survivalism and revenge reaches new violent levels for a mainstream film. The bear flips Leo over and thrusts and thrusts during the explicit mauling. “He is raped — twice!” So is Leonardo DiCaprio so desperate for Oscar gold that he has agreed to be depicted getting bent over by a wild animal…TWICE?? As it turns out — THANKFULLY — that isn’t the case. In fact, no one is exactly sure why Drudge report posted this extra-weird synopsis of the film’s bear attack scene. A writer for GQ text an editor who sat for an early screening of the film earlier today, who assured him that nothing of the sort was even hinted toward in the film: THAT makes much more sense, and reflects better with what the trailer shows. Plus, this story is based on true events, and we don’t think bear-on-human double-rape is exactly a common thing in the wild… 20th Century Fox / GQ

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WTF??? Rumor Has It That Oscar-Thirsty Leonardo Dicaprio Gets Raped By A BEAR In His New Movie

Hate It Or Love It?1?! 58-Year-Old Woman Becomes A Surrogate For Her Own Daughter

Is this sweet or a lil’ too much? Some are saying it’s a beautiful, selfless act and other’s are questioning the safety risks Cathy Donnelly took for her daughter’s own happiness. According to The Daily Mail : Cathy Donnelly, 58, is six months pregnant and will welcome her seventh grandchild into the world when she gives birth to her – before daughter Shannon Fischer raises the baby. Mrs Fischer and her husband Jamie had been trying for two years when they discovered they couldn’t conceive due to scarring in her uterus. So Mrs Donnelly mother of three and a grandmother of six, volunteered to be a surrogate mother for her daughter. Mrs Fischer said: ‘The day I came home from my surgery mum said “I’ll do it”. She didn’t hesitate.’ Mrs Donnelly, from London in Ontario, Canada, said: ‘I felt bad for them – I just thought what’s nine months of my life? They are going to have a child for the rest of theirs? It’s not like I’m busy doing anything.’ Michael Murray, specialist at the Northern California Fertility Medical Center, says though there have been cases of mothers acting as surrogate for their daughters before it is typically something the medical community does not advise. He said: ‘Usually it’s a close friend or a sister that acts as the gestational carrier – women who are over 45-years-old are not normally in good enough health. ‘Pregnancy for older women is much riskier. The most common complications are high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and premature child birth.’ But they were risks Mrs Donnelly was willing to accept and while she admits her pregnancy hasn’t been easy, she has had no complications so far. ‘It was long process and involved a heavy dose of fertility drugs for both of us but in the end it all paid off. ‘But it has been challenging. Now I’m showing I make sure people aren’t staring or looking at me because they’re probably thinking ‘look at that old lady.’ Mrs Donnelly said she did question whether she was doing the right thing and if everything would work out okay until she started to feel the baby move. Now her only concerns are about how she will feel once she has given birth. ‘I don’t know if I’ll feel like I’ve lost her, I don’t know how I’m going to feel,’ Mrs Donnelly said. Shannon plans to name her daughter Zoey Hope Catherine after her mother. And for her the whole experience has made her cherish their mother-daughter relationship even more. Uhmmm…ok. Do you think this love for your child goes a little too far?? Images via facebook

Hate It Or Love It?1?! 58-Year-Old Woman Becomes A Surrogate For Her Own Daughter

Michelle Who?!?! Thailand’s Prime Minister’s Got Barack Lookin’ A Lil’ Too Relaxed! [Photos]

Michelle better watch her back!!! LLS We’re just kiddin’ around over here but dayum if POTUS didn’t look like he had a lil’ more to smile about on this trip. Yingluck Shinawatra is her name and she’s the Prime Minister of Thailand so it’s legit…but with the way she keeps eying up our Boy, we’re pretty sure she’s feelin’ him on more than foreign policy. According to GAWKER , Drudge Report described Obama’s diplomatic jaunt as “touchy-feely,” then swapped that out for the (less offensive? more offensive?) nonsense adjective “Flirtasian.” The Daily Mail called the President’s demeanor with the Thai Prime Minister “flirty.” “President Obama is practicing a new brand of foreign relations, appearing to flirt with Thailand’s attractive prime minister on his first stop of his three-day tour of Southeast Asia. The president and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra could be seen laughing together and exchanging playful glances through a state dinner at the Government House in Bangkok on Sunday.” Hit the flip while we thank God they’re all professionals…

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Michelle Who?!?! Thailand’s Prime Minister’s Got Barack Lookin’ A Lil’ Too Relaxed! [Photos]

Republicans Scramble To Stop Gloria Allred From Releasing An Election Damaging “October Surprise” On Money Makin’ Mitt!

Uh-oh Mittens, time to protect ya neck… Via RadarOnline Republican’s Fear Gloria Allred’s “October Surprise” Attack Against Mitt Romney The Republican party is bracing itself – and preparing to fight back – against Gloria Allred’s rumored “October Surprise” on Republican presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting. “We’re doing too well to risk ‘an Allred,’ she can be stopped, but it will take action on our behalf,” a GOP watchdog group blogged, asking supporters to contact Romney’s campaign headquarters, the Republican National Committee and Judicial Watch. As previously reported, Drudge Report founder and respected politico, Matt Drudge, tweeted Thursday: “Here she comes. Hearing Gloria Allred out there again, about to make a move. After all, it’s her time of the campaign. Team O at the ready!!” Allred, an outspoken supporter of President Barack Obama refused to confirm, or deny, Drudge’s prediction, telling RadarOnline.com: “I have no comment at this time about Mr. Drudge’s Tweet. I don’t discuss meetings with potential clients.” The Red Side of Life, Conservative Musings from New York says on their website, “Gloria Allred Prepares Anti-Mitt Strike. You Can STOP Her Now! (action!) Don’t underestimate Gloria Allred’s ability to inflict damage. The media will ‘eat up’ anything she feeds them and turn it into an endless scandal. Recall she took down Cain and RINO Whitman with NO EVIDENCE. We’re doing too well to risk ‘an Allred.’ She can be stopped, but it will take action on our behalf.” How desperate are Republicans to keep Allred from ruining Romney’s run? Well… The blog asks supporters to “please make these two calls. We will only get their attention if we bombard them. If you get VM, leave a message,” to the Republican National Committee and Mitt Romney’s national presidential campaign headquarters. “The critical points to get across: Warn them about the pending attack (they really may not know) – Explain the severity of damage Allred can inflict – Demand that they get their teams of lawyers to launch a pre-emptive strike against Allred, coming down on her first like a ton of bricks -This is no trifling matter. Let’s roll!” This should be VERY interesting, stay tuned to BOSSIP as more details on Allred’s shenanigans come to light. Do you think that scandal and mud-slinging should be left out of politics or do you feel like all’s fair in love and politics?? Images via WENN

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Republicans Scramble To Stop Gloria Allred From Releasing An Election Damaging “October Surprise” On Money Makin’ Mitt!

Matt Romney


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The complete fusion of the Drudge Report and the Romney campaign is now official. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily Dish Discovery Date : 19/03/2012 00:40 Number of articles : 2

Matt Romney

Breaking: Former Gov. Ventura Will No Longer Fly Due to Abuse He’s Endured at Hands of TSA

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, the former governor of Minnesota and host of the popular TruTV show,Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, announced he will no longer use commercial airlines due to the egregious abuses of the TSA and the government. Ventura said he made the decision to avoid public aircraft after he found himself becoming too comfortable with being routinely searched. He said he was subjected to pat down and search three or four times a week when he traveled for his television show. Ventura had hip surgery and the metal in his body invariably sets off airport metal detectors. Jesse said he will no longer be forced by the TSA to prove he is not a criminal or terrorist. He refuses to be considered guilty until proven innocent by the government in violation of the Fourth Amendment. He also admitted the decision not to fly may put an end to his career. After the Department of Homeland Security announced the TSA will conduct “enhanced” pat downs of people opting out of naked body scanners following the toner non-bombing fiasco earlier in the month, the Drudge Report teamed up with Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com to cover exploding public resistance to the new effort by the government to normalize the populace to ever-increasing police state tactics under the rubric of staged and false flag terrorism. Resistance to airport Gestapo zones gained critical momentum after pilots and flight attendants opposed searches and threatened to sue the government. “Nationwide outrage against the TSA is not only bringing to light new cases of airport abuse, it’s throwing fresh attention on previous incidents that have been going on for years,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote on Thursday. Several people have initiated lawsuits against the government, including a 21-year-old college student from Amarillo, Texas, who had her breasts exposed by a TSA goon and a businessman and frequent traveler who has is so infuriated by TSA workers sexually groping passengers, squeezing breasts and genitals, that he has filed a lawsuit in federal court in Miami requesting an injunction against the TSA to prevent them from touching private areas without reasonable suspicion. added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

California Welfare Debit Cards Being Used At Casinos, Media Mostly Mum

The Los Angeles Times on Thursday published a blockbuster report concerning California welfare recipients using state-issued debit cards at casino ATMs to be able to instantly gamble with taxpayer dollars. “The cards, provided by the Department of Social Services to help recipients feed and clothe their families, work in automated teller machines at 32 of 58 tribal casinos and 47 of 90 state-licensed poker rooms, the review found.” Despite this shocking revelation, America’s media largely ignored the findings. But before we get there, KTLA-TV logged a fabulous report on this subject Thursday evening (video follows with more highlights from the Times piece and commentary): “In a time when we have a $19-billion deficit, and we’re taking a serious look at the future of many safety-net programs, it’s appalling to think that welfare beneficiaries can use their cards in a casino,” said Seth Unger, spokesman for the Assembly Republican Caucus. Democratic leaders, who have vowed to protect the state’s fraying social safety net, also began calling for reform Wednesday. “In these tough times, when so many children and vulnerable families depend on the safety net, we have to make sure food stamps and other services are being used the way the people of California intended them to be,” said Shannon Murphy, spokeswoman for Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez (D- Los Angeles). “Other states have closed this loophole, and the Assembly will work with the Schwarzenegger administration to make that happen.” The casinos are listed on a Department of Social Services website that allows welfare recipients to search for addresses of ATMs where they can withdraw cash provided under the Temporary Aid for Needy Families program. The monthly grant ranges up to $694; most of the ATMs impose a withdrawal limit of about $300 per day. To be sure, there IS a national interest here: The cash portion of California’s welfare benefits comes from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Each year, California gets $3.7 billion from the federal government for the program, while state and local governments kick in an additional $2.9 billion. Furthermore, as many states also issue these cards for their welfare recipients, who knows how many Americans are gambling with taxpayer dollars across the fruited plain? Yet outside of California, the media weren’t very interested in this story. According to LexisNexis, no newspapers outside of the Golden State reported the Times’ findings. Neither did ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, or NBC. This boycott seems especially odd as the Associated Press and UPI covered this matter over their respective wires with the former logging reports on Thursday AND Friday. Also bucking the trend were Fox News’s Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susteren who both discussed this on Thursday as did NPR. The well-read Drudge Report featured this as a “developing” story at 6:47 PM Thursday.  With this in mind, why did the rest of our national media completely ignore it?  Those interested can read more about California’s Electronic Benefit Transfer program here . 

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California Welfare Debit Cards Being Used At Casinos, Media Mostly Mum

Rio Gets Olympics Because World Hates Obama

If you believe what you see on Drudge Report , apparently the only reason we didn't get the 2016 Olympics is because everyone hates Obama. Also, it may be the apocalypse

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Rio Gets Olympics Because World Hates Obama