Tag Archives: results

You’ll Take The Words “Back Off” More Seriously After Watching This Video

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What would you do if you witnessed something supernatural firsthand? Would you run the other way? Record it on your iPhone so you can show your friends later? Lay there and die? There’s no way to know just how one would react until they’re put in that situation. For a few unexpected patrons at a coffee shop, a special FX prank exposed them to the supernatural for the first time and the results are hilarious!   Nah this looks tooo Real RT @queennofafrica : One of the best pranks I’ve ever seen, even the dog was shook… pic.twitter.com/JdaFoaMy6e — Low (@LowKeyUHTN) January 13, 2018  

You’ll Take The Words “Back Off” More Seriously After Watching This Video

The Real Santa Claus Is Actually A Black Man From Louisiana

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Source: Vstock LLC / Getty The real Saint Nick may not be who we thought for all of theses years. Many have reason to believe that the real, true Santa Claus is a Black man named Fred Parker who has served as the 7th Ward Santa in New Orleans for 45 years! Somebody said you not really from New Orleans if you don’t have a picture with black Santa — kera. (@kerac_) December 23, 2017 Several New Orleans natives took to social media this week to share their photos of Chocolate Santa over the years — and the results were priceless. pic.twitter.com/UsyUHsWyMe — J. Bracy II (@super_von) December 22, 2016 pic.twitter.com/QNzvWf210z — Killa (@BrysonJohnson_) December 22, 2016 19 years ago pic.twitter.com/EwEYT9D6TT — Pardi P (@BadddGalParee) December 22, 2016   Hit the flip to meet the real Santa Claus.

The Real Santa Claus Is Actually A Black Man From Louisiana

Can You Guess The Most Popular Side Dish By Region?

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Source: GMVozd / Getty Everyone has their favorite side dish. Whether it’s macaroni and cheese, candied yams, or greens, there’s one food item folks just can’t go without for a big meal. Well according to the state of California, they can’t live without salad — or at least, so says a survey that was held back in 2015. Salad wasn’t just the most consumed side dish in California, but the whole western hemisphere. You can check out the results for Cali and other states below. Here’s the most disproportionately consumed Thanksgiving side dish in each region: https://t.co/WDpqVXnoSY pic.twitter.com/j8GuNSxmjx — FiveThirtyEight (@FiveThirtyEight) November 22, 2017 Twitter definitely had some thoughts on the survey. Swipe through to read what people had to say.

Can You Guess The Most Popular Side Dish By Region?

Can You Guess The Most Popular Side Dish By Region?

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Source: GMVozd / Getty Everyone has their favorite side dish. Whether it’s macaroni and cheese, candied yams, or greens, there’s one food item folks just can’t go without for a big meal. Well according to the state of California, they can’t live without salad — or at least, so says a survey that was held back in 2015. Salad wasn’t just the most consumed side dish in California, but the whole western hemisphere. You can check out the results for Cali and other states below. Here’s the most disproportionately consumed Thanksgiving side dish in each region: https://t.co/WDpqVXnoSY pic.twitter.com/j8GuNSxmjx — FiveThirtyEight (@FiveThirtyEight) November 22, 2017 Twitter definitely had some thoughts on the survey. Swipe through to read what people had to say.

Can You Guess The Most Popular Side Dish By Region?

Spoiler Alert: Here’s What Happened On The Are You The One? Season Finale

Find out the results of ‘Are You The One?”s Season 5 finale!

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Spoiler Alert: Here’s What Happened On The Are You The One? Season Finale

In Case You Missed It: DNA Results Are In For Stevie J And Joseline Hernandez

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Source: Paras Griffin / Getty After a year of public bickering and feuding, Stevie J and Joseline Hernandez decided to take a DNA test to prove whether or not Stevie is the father of her unborn child. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! According to TMZ, the results came in on Monday and it is confirmed […]

In Case You Missed It: DNA Results Are In For Stevie J And Joseline Hernandez

Barron Trump Video Creator Issues Apology, Removes Controversial Footage

Melania Trump has clearly learned a lot from her husband. The impending First Lady just used the threat of a lawsuit to get an everyday citizen to grovel at her feet, while also do her exact bidding. In this case, however, we can’t really hold anything against Melania. She was just defending her son, after all. Allow us to explain… Early last week, a YouTube user named James Hunter shared a seven-minute video of Barron Trump on the campaign trail with his father. The footage featured the 10-year old acting restless in a chair, clapping without having his hands touch and exhibiting other signs on the spectrum of Autisim. This is what Hunter wondered and alleged, that is. The video then went mainstream after Donald Trump rival Rosie O’Donnell linked to it on her Twitter account, asking followers whether Barron was actually Autistic. This created quite an uproar, although Rosie later tried to explain that her own daughter is Autistic and she was simply saying that Barron’s diagnosis might help bring attention to this disease. O’Donnell didn’t hide her disdain for the President-Elect, but said she has no “ill will” toward members of his family. But she still helped the video go viral, which prompted Melania Trump to say she would sue Hunter if he did not remove it from the Internet. Via a statement through her lawyer, Melania also plainly said that Barron Trump is NOT Autistic. On Tuesday, not only did Hunter obey Melania’s instruction that he take down the video, but he also offered a very public and heartfelt Mea Culpa. He even put it on YouTube. The video is titled “My Apology To Melania and Barron Trump” and it is comprised of the following words: “On November 11, 2016, I posted a YouTube video titled: ‘Is Barron Trump Autistic #StopTheBullying.’ “n the video, I suggested Barron Trump might suffer from autism. This is in fact, 100 percent false. “It was incredibly irresponsible of me to diagnose Barron Trump using a selection of misleading videos. Many of the videos I used showed Barron Trump behaving like any normal kid would at 3 a.m. “I falsely correlated him trying to stay awake and occasionally doing quirky things, with him suffering from autism. This was incredibly foolish of me.” You can watch the apologetic video here: Barron Trump Video Creator Issues Apology Hunter continues in it: “My video was originally intended as an anti-bullying video, as I myself suffer from autism and wanted to educate people. Unfortunately, I completely misdiagnosed a person and ended up making a video that was false, defamatory and malicious. “I retract every single statement I made in that horrendous video, and want to sincerely apologize to the Trump family, especially to Melania and Barron Trump. “I can understand if you might not want to accept my apology, but please know I didn’t mean to hurt anyone with my video. “I wish your family nothing but good luck, safety, and love, as you prepare to become the next First Family of the United States.” Sounds pretty darn sincere, doesn’t it? We’re guessing no lawsuit will be filed and this will be the end of this scandal. We can all now return to wondering what the heck Barron’s father will Tweet next… View Slideshow: Donald Trump on 60 Minutes: 13 Major Revelations

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Barron Trump Video Creator Issues Apology, Removes Controversial Footage

The Voice Results: Ten Arrived. Eight Remain.

Who will go home on The Voice this week? The results are in, and as always, had the potential to go down to the wire and shock viewers. Downloads of  The Voice Top 10 performances , which are one component of The Voice results along with online voting, showed a trend: Two groups, contenders and pretenders, emerged. Six of the top 10 singers ranked in the top 14 spots in the iTunes singles chart after last night’s efforts. Four … did not. By a long shot. It was likely, then, that perhaps all three singers in jeopardy tonight – when TWO would go home – would come from that latter group. Was that how it played out? Or would Josh Gallagher, Austin Allsup, Aaron Gibson and Courtney Harrell gain surprising entry into the semis? Let’s break it down in this week’s  Voice results ! Before we got to the results, let’s just take a moment to thank the producers for getting Dolly Parton on board for tonight’s live extravaganza.  We got TWO performances out of her and she really showed some of the other competitors just how high the bar was for success.  I mean, at this stage of the game, there should be a ten acts who can sing flawlessly, but sadly, that’s not what’s going on with the show.  We have people like Courtney Harrell who are struggling and should have been eliminated weeks ago. It sucks for the acts that genuinely can sing their way out of anything.  Now to the results… Assigned Safety (In chronological order) Brendan Fletcher (Team Adam) Sundance Head (Team Blake) Christian Cuevas (Team Alicia) Ali Caldwell (Team Miley) Billy Gilman (Team Adam) Wé McDonald (Team Alicia)  Josh Gallagher (Team Adam) That left Courtney Harrell, Austin Allsup and Aaron Gibson in the bottom three. As you can probably expect, Courtney had her work cut out for her going against both Austin and Aaron.  It was almost like she gave up before she even got to work on the stage with her song to save her.  Austin and Aaron were both great, so it sucked that both of them were in danger.  When it was all said and done, Aaron advanced to the Final 8.  Courtney Harrell and Austin Allsup were eliminated from the competition.  What did you think of the elimination? Sound off below!

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The Voice Results: Ten Arrived. Eight Remain.

Nine-Year-Old Boy Saves Baby Brother’s Life: Watch The Amazing Video!

This video is really, truly, sincerely amazing. Seriously, get your tissues, because you're about to feel all kinds of feelings. This video shows footage from a nanny cam — the little camera was able to catch a little boy saving his baby brother's life when he rolled off a changing table. The mother of the family, Tila Levi, has five children, including 11-month-old twins Eitan and Eliana and nine-year-old Joseph. She's bound to be very busy with that many kids , and accidents are bound to happen, and so she found herself looking away from baby Eitan after placing him on a changing table. The baby rolled over, as babies tend to do, and the results could have been devastating, if it weren't for the quick reflexes of Joseph. It's terrifying to watch, and Tila  says it's “not my proudest moment as a mom,” but she “wanted to create awareness and show that our lives can be changed when you're doing something like grabbing the baby wipes.” She said that in the middle of changing the baby, she turned to speak to one of her other children, and that's when little Eitan got feisty. Luckily, Joseph was there to save the day. “We tried to reward him for what happened,” Tila says.  “We said 'You can pick anything you want, we want to buy you a present.' He said 'For what? For saving my brother? I don't need a present for that.'” Check out the incredible footage below:

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Nine-Year-Old Boy Saves Baby Brother’s Life: Watch The Amazing Video!

Voting Out Of Fear

I envy how wonderful it must be to have so much privilege that the results of this election truly don’t feel like they affect you.

Originally posted here:
Voting Out Of Fear