Tag Archives: robot

Kelly Bensimon Weird Tits have a Nip Slip of the Day

Kelly Bensimon, busted out her robot / bolt on / Real Housewife reality show starring / zombie tit at whatever event she’s at…and it was what you’d expect it to be…uneventful, even terrifying… The only interesting thing about her is that she’s the ex wife of some creeper photographer – who still shoots for those assholes at MAXIM – and who has been shooting girls since the 60s – and who at one point in time married and possibly knocked up Elle Macpherson, before life collapsing and ending up with this mess… I mean Elle Macpherson is amazing…and is still amazing…while whatever the fuck this is…is just weird. Bootleg…Attention seeking…and the real reason she probably ended up with the guy – was because of Elle Macpherson, you know to attach herself to something that fucked something so much better than her – while being horrible…it’s good for self esteem. Here are more nips.. The post Kelly Bensimon Weird Tits have a Nip Slip of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kelly Bensimon Weird Tits have a Nip Slip of the Day

Kaia Gerber in Teen Vogue of the Day

Kaia Gerber, Cindy Crawford’s daughter who is now not only the heiress to the GERBER BABY EMPIRE, but also to George Clooney’s Tequila company that they sold for 1 billion dollars 1/3 going into her daddy’s pocket…because it pays to be Cindy Crawford’s husband, and the Heir to the Gerber baby empire, you get in with the right famous people to create silly brands for fun…and make hundreds of millions with them…. Well, despite the money, she’s still being whored out to the industry, cuz she looks good, making her a model feels right for her mom, since modeling did so well for her, and here she is in Teen Vogue…being a Teen. You like that don’t you? You fucking pervert…. Which brings up an important point….how many subscribers to Teen Vogue are teen girls, and how many are creepy perv men like you? Stats! From her social media…. The post Kaia Gerber in Teen Vogue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kaia Gerber in Teen Vogue of the Day

Katie Holmes is a Robot of the Day

I also say that haggard Katie Holmes is a robot who was built in creepy Tom Cruise’s basement…and she’s aging terribly…so she was designed for his Scientology needs…and now no one with upgrade her firmware…and she’s melting…fast… I used to think I was joking, but then one day I saw her in the park in Montreal filming, and she actually looked better than you see in these pictures, tall, almost good looking, classy, but still old… I was walking my dog…and she looked at him…the cutest pug ever…and she didn’t even crack a smile.. Maybe the BOTOX, maybe other issues…but ultimately…if you can’t smile at pugs…you are the DEVIL… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Katie Holmes is a Robot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Katie Holmes is a Robot of the Day

Big Old Adriana Lima Probably Pregnant of the Day

Adriana Lima, like all models, is pretty fucking big, only unlike all models, she’s old and a mom and clearly filled out from her younger model days, because that’s what happens when women expire… She’s still Adriana Lima, and her man probably gets high fives in the country club for scoring the model so many people have jerked off to, because she’s a good Catholic woman who whores herself as masturabtion fodder in catalogs when not having babies out of wedlock, or getting divorces once in wedlock.. Point being, she’s probably pregnant again, based on how that New Kid on the Block looking motherfucker is grabbing at her stomach, he’s clearly saying “MY BABY inside my BABY”…or some “I said suck in your damn stomach the paparazzi are here and I don’t want everyone seeing I’m with expired bootleg Adriana Lima, look your best dammit, thats what I am paying your fucking Brazilian ass for, didn’t they teach you anything about escorting over at LIMITED BRANDS, the owner of Victoria’s Secret, Jesus Christ, yes JESUS like your savior you piss on everyday being the slut you are, put down that piece of cake”…. She’s still Adriana Lima..or a version of Adriana Lima…and it is in a bikini… The post Big Old Adriana Lima Probably Pregnant of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Big Old Adriana Lima Probably Pregnant of the Day


Nicole Kidman’s on the cover of magazines at 100 years old…reminding you that Robots Don’t AGE…they just eventually stop working and you sell the for parts…I’ll take the pussy…not that it was ever used, and most likely had a dick for Tom Cruise’s Needs…bringing up the important question “CAN TRANNIES HAVE BABIES”….sure…if they ADOPT like Nicole Kidman did… Either way – GREAT ROBOT nipples… The post ROBOT NIPPLES OF THE DAY appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .


Katie Holmes is a Fucking Robot of the Day

Katie Holmes, the Robot who was built or held captive by Tom Cruise is out there showing off some cleavage…because now that she’s fucking black dudes like Jamie Fox, she feels like she’s got some soul to her hips, some sex appeal, like any fat girl you see with her half black kid on a flight to Jamaica to meet daddy…it’s like amongst the white folk they are just the fat chick no one wants, not that Katie Holmes is fat, but you know what I mean she would have been put out to pasture if she was a living and breathing entity, but her case she’d be sold off for parts or scrap metal…but her she is with titties out and a “look at me I’m hot and people like to fuck me” attitude… I guess it is some machine learning…in the android simulation flesh…. You know after having your soul tampered with by Tom Cruise for so long, it’s probably nice to feel as close to alive as your robot self can. TO SEE THE REST OF the PICS CLICK HERE The post Katie Holmes is a Fucking Robot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katie Holmes is a Fucking Robot of the Day

Nicole Kidman Legs in Instyle of the Day

Nicole Kidman’s ROBOT legs were in a magazine – because I guess she’s super famous and promoting some bullshit she acts in – as that is what she is programmed to do and will remain doing until someone hacks her software or forgets to plug her in to charge her battery… That means that after the apocalypse, when all humanity is on some ship circling the earth they destroyed thanks to TRUMP, Nicole Kidman, the Tom Cruise wife-bot, and mother to his adopted kids, since you can’t breed robots yet….the technology just isn’t there, not even in secret Scientology labs…. But after the apocalypse, she’ll just be cycling in circles or in front of her mirror….reading scripts over and over…or trying to clap like she’s at the award shows…wigging the fuck out…because that’s what robots do… The whole thing is super weird… The post Nicole Kidman Legs in Instyle of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicole Kidman Legs in Instyle of the Day

Kristen Stewart Lesbian Tits in a Movie of the Day

Kristen Stewart is topless in a movie, because she’s a Lesbian, or maybe because she’s trying to have more substance or depth…who knows or cares…what matters is the little Lesbian tits…and really…her ass…from her recent photoshoot isn’t all that bad at all…..so I’m kinda digging this version of lesbian…. I have nothing more to say about uninteresting trash from twilight looking for redemption – other than she fucks Victoria’s Secret models…so we got some similar interests…making her better… The post Kristen Stewart Lesbian Tits in a Movie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kristen Stewart Lesbian Tits in a Movie of the Day

Kristen Stewart Lesbian Tits in a Movie of the Day

Kristen Stewart is topless in a movie, because she’s a Lesbian, or maybe because she’s trying to have more substance or depth…who knows or cares…what matters is the little Lesbian tits…and really…her ass…from her recent photoshoot isn’t all that bad at all…..so I’m kinda digging this version of lesbian…. I have nothing more to say about uninteresting trash from twilight looking for redemption – other than she fucks Victoria’s Secret models…so we got some similar interests…making her better… The post Kristen Stewart Lesbian Tits in a Movie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kristen Stewart Lesbian Tits in a Movie of the Day

Josephine Skriver in a Bra Top of the Day

Josephine Skriver the robot – or genetically modified – created in a lab by a homosexual biologist and a lesbian egg….where they could tweak the DNA to make the girl into something spectacular…and either sell her to Victoria’s Secret or maybe they were funded by Victoria’s Secret….and now she’s an it girl… An it girl who looks amazing, who speaks to sexuality, homos and gender equality shit…because of her creators she calls dead…like some Edward Scissorhand shit… She’s in a hot slutty top….wherever she is…with bodyguards because she’s that important…she’s a prototype…they can’t destroy or let get hurt…they have too much technology invested in this hotness… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Josephine Skriver in a Bra Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Josephine Skriver in a Bra Top of the Day