Tag Archives: saddam-hussein

The Perfect HuffPo Entry: Liberal Condescension and Anti-Reagan Revisionism

Believe it or not, the Huffington Post has actually performed a public service. In publishing author Mark Juddery’s “ The 8 Most Overrated People In History: You’ll Never Believe Who Made The List,” the official blog of liberal Hollywood reminds us in one brief web slideshow how the left is both condescending and intellectually dishonest. Condescending because in repeating some (by now) well known corrections to famous stories Juddery seems to think he’s bringing the iconoclastic truth to the blinkered public. Intellectually dishonest because in running down President Ronald Reagan with a list of failings that might have been culled from any 1988 edition of The New York Times, he reminds us where many liberals really stood during the latter part of the Cold War, and how they stoutly refused to accept (Soviet) defeat. Juddery’s list of overrated people comes from his book, “The 50 Most Overrated Things in History.” It must be a real page-turner if it these shocking revelations are typical: there was no real King Arthur; in landing on Hispaniola, Columbus thought he’d reached India; there’s no record that Lady Godiva ever rode naked through Coventry. Anyone with a decent education and a minimal amount of common sense can only shrug and wonder who paid Juddery to write this. And anyone who has a nodding relationship with the History Channel probably knows that Thomas Edison was a sharp businessman (“classic Dickensian employer,” in Juddery’s words) who employed hundreds of researchers and scientists working in his name. Saving the best for last, Juddery dismisses the legacy of Ronald Reagan with nasty disdain. To call Reagan great, Juddery contends, is to “ignore the Iran-Contra scandal, the huge budget deficits, his environment ignorance, his do-nothing reaction to the looming AIDS epidemic, his courting of Saddam Hussein, and numerous other blunders.” As for ending the Cold War, Juddery rehashes the leftist caricatures of Reagan the dangerous war-monger. “[O]thers have suggested that Reagan’s arms build-up was a cunning ploy to bankrupt the USSR, which is a relief, because I always thought it was a cunning ploy to risk everyone’s life.” Reagan used embarrassing rhetoric like “evil empire” and “was very uncooperative in peace talks” with “the reformer Mikhail Gorbachev,” until “facing scandal and low approval ratings, he was willing to do anything – even something crazy like helping to save the world.” Luckily, Juddery’s Reagan shares more than hype with King Arthur, since neither of them were real.

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The Perfect HuffPo Entry: Liberal Condescension and Anti-Reagan Revisionism

Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 "Big Fabrication"

“(Reuters) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday called the September 11 attacks on the United States a “big fabrication” that was used to justify the U.S. war on terrorism, the official IRNA news agency reported. Ahmadinejad, who often rails against the West and Israel, made the comment in a meeting with Intelligence Ministry personnel. Ahmadinejad described the destruction of the twin towers in New York on September 11, 2001 as a “complicated intelligence scenario and act,” IRNA reported. He added: “The September 11 incident was a big fabrication as a pretext for the campaign against terrorism and a prelude for staging an invasion against Afghanistan.” He did not elaborate. In January, Ahmadinejad termed the September 11 attacks “suspicious” and accused the West of seeking to dominate the Middle East.” more at link… Ahmadinejad=crazy like a fox? Its funny how, Iran, a country that hasn't invaded another country in over 200 years is evil, yet the US military has the country surrounded in Iraq and Afghanistan (all started after 9/11 conveniently). The US is currently dropping drone bombs on villages at 3 times the rate of the Bush administration. Iran's major conflicts occurred internally when the CIA funded coups attempted to overthrow their gov't and when the US armed Saddam Hussein, our former ally in the 80s, to go to war with Iran in the 80s. Even today, the CIA uses Jundallah, a front terror group to carry out attacks on the Iranian National Guard. Translation note: Ahmadinejad never called for Israel “to be wiped off the map,” actually, the line goes more like, “the Occupation regime must end.” Similar translation errors have been exploited, such as the “Death to America” chant that Dick Cheney used so well build up support for war. The real translation is “Down with America,” a little different and less inflammatory. Don't believe the hype, they're going to provocateur an event to instigate war with Iran. It has to be something that makes it look like the US is in the right, justifying the war, when most likely, it'll be a staged-false flag terror attack, just like 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, the Maine, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Reichstag…I can go back to Roman times if you want b/c it ain't new. added by: rodstradamus

Marines end seven year role in Iraq

BAGHDAD – The U.S. Marine Corps wrapped nearly seven years in Iraq Saturday, handing over duties to the Army and signaling the beginning of an accelerated withdrawal of American troops as the U.S. turns its focus away from the waning Iraqi war to a growing one in Afghanistan.

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Marines end seven year role in Iraq

Man buried in Haiti rubble uses iPhone to treat wounds, survive


Man buried in Haiti rubble uses iPhone to treat wounds, survive

Blair knew Iraq invasion would increase terrorism

LONDON — Former prime minister Tony Blair knew that invading Iraq in 2003 could increase the threat from Islamic extremism but pressed ahead nonetheless, a former top civil servant said Wednesday.

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Blair knew Iraq invasion would increase terrorism

Sarah Palin Autographs an Iraqi Dinar

Sarah Palin autographed an Iraqi dinar with the image of Saddam Hussein on it for a military sergeant during her book signing in Fort Bragg, North Carolina…” (Saddam loved shooting animals as well) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Memorial Set for Ryan Jenkins

Filed under: Ryan Jenkins , Jasmine Fiore Nearly five weeks after he hanged himself in the Thunderbird Motel in British Columbia, friends and family will remember murder suspect Ryan Jenkins in a private memorial.TMZ has obtained the invitation sent out by Ryan’s father, Dan Jenkins, … Permalink

Memorial Set for Ryan Jenkins

Randy Quaid — Hussein in the Membrane

Filed under: We’re Just Sayin’ Here’s Randy Quaid’s mug shot after he was arrested for allegedly stiffing a swanky hotel (left) — and former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein after he was captured by US forces (right).One of these guys was nationally lampooned.We’re just … Permalink

Continued here:
Randy Quaid — Hussein in the Membrane