Police in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey said on Monday they had arrested a female assassin implicated in 20 murders for the feared Zetas drug cartel. IBTimes
Barry Bonds is currently on trial for perjury for lying in court about his use of performance enhancing drugs a.k.a “steroids.” Bonds was indicted in 2007. Barry faces five charges in total including four charges of perjury and one charge of obstruction of justice. Bonds’ ex-beau Kimberly Bell testified against him in court yesterday. It is reported that this was in her testimony: “The former mistress of embattled home run champion Barry Bonds gave an explicit testimony today, stating that the ball player’s body changed shape and his mood shifted during their relationship – all evidence that prosecutors are saying is a result of steroid abuse. An often tearful Kimberly Bell told the U.S. District Court in San Francisco that Bonds threatened ‘to cut my head off and leave me in a ditch,’ and that during their nine-year relationship he suffered from impotence, hair loss and acne, which are all known side effects of steroid use. She also said that Bonds threatened to ‘tear out my breast implants because he had paid for them.’ Bell told the court that Bonds admitted to her that he was using steroids when she asked him about an injury to his elbow. ‘He said it was because of the steroids, because it somehow caused the muscle and tendons to grow faster than the joint could handle, it sort of blew out,’ Bell said on Monday. Bonds’ testicles took an ‘unusual shape’ according to Bell, who added that the former San Francisco Giants star’s sexual performance declined over their relationship and that he ‘had trouble keeping an erection.’ She added that Bonds grew and shaved off chest hair and developed acne on his back. ‘He was just increasingly aggressive, irritable, agitated, very impatient – almost violent. It was emotional and verbal to at one point physical,’ Bell told the court Monday. A model who posed nude in Playboy magazine in November 2007, Bell was called as a witness for the prosecution.” [SOURCE-DailyMail.Co.Uk] 8 Medical Tests Every Woman Needs To Get 5 Ways To Stay In The Gym
After weeks of heated debate over plans for an Islamic community center near Ground Zero – the site of the 9/11 attacks on New York – it seems Muslim leaders will soon back down, agreeing to move to a new site. The decision follows a high-profile campaign against the project that included advertisements on New York buses showing images of the burning Twin Towers, an iconic landmark razed when al-Qaida terrorists flew packed passenger planes into them in 2001. The New York Republican party is also said to be planning a hostile television campaign. After weeks of heated debate over plans for an Islamic community center near Ground Zero – the site of the 9/11 attacks on New York – it seems Muslim leaders will soon back down, agreeing to move to a new site. The decision follows a high-profile campaign against the project that included advertisements on New York buses showing images of the burning Twin Towers, an iconic landmark razed when al-Qaida terrorists flew packed passenger planes into them in 2001. The New York Republican party is also said to be planning a hostile television campaign. Sources in New York said on Monday that Muslim religious and business leaders will announce plans to abandon the project in the next few days. http://biggovernment.com/publius/2010/08/16/muslim-leaders-abandon-plans-for-gro… added by: congoboy
Some 864,000 pounds (390 tonnes) of ground beef produced by a California meat packer is being recalled for fear of potentially deadly E.coli bacterium tainting, U.S. officials said on Monday. The beef was produced by Huntington Meat Packing Inc of Montebello, California, and shipped mainly to California outlets, the U.S.
More than 10,000 twinkling paper lanterns were released into the night sky from a beach in Indonesia, setting a world record, officials said on Monday. added by: poojam 3 comments
Reuters – Admitted thief Bernard Madoff was moved from his New York jail cell on Monday and was traveling to federal prison, a U.S. prison official said.
Reuters – The top U.S. military commander urged rival factions in Iraq’s disputed city of Kirkuk, the heart of a bitter feud over land and oil, to reconcile ahead of the coming U.S. military withdrawal
Reuters – Jobs in the healthcare and environmental sectors are growing at a faster rate than those of the U.S. economy as a whole, President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers will say a report to be released on Monday.