Tag Archives: told-the-court

Dylann Roof Facing New Competency Hearing Ahead Of Charleston Church Sentencing

SMH…. Dylann Roof To Face New Competency Hearing Dylann Roof will have a new competency hearing ahead of his sentencing. The murderer who was convicted on all 33 counts in relation to that 2015 Charleston church shooting, will undergo a second hearing to determine if he’s competent to stand trial at his sentencing. Roof, who wants to represent himself during sentencing, was found guilty of nine counts of hate crimes resulting in death, three counts of hate crimes involving an attempt to kill, nine counts of obstructing the exercise of religion resulting in death, three counts of that charge with an attempt to kill, and nine counts of using a firearm to commit murder during a crime of violence. Jurors will decide if he deserves the death penalty or life in prison. USA Today reports: Standby counsel for Dylann Roof, 22, filed a motion under seal Thursday asking Judge Richard Gergel of U.S. District Court in Charleston determine whether the defendant is competent to proceed with the sentencing phase. Gergel granted that motion and scheduled the competency hearing for Monday, a federal holiday, with jurors expected to reconvene for the sentencing phase Tuesday. The motion came one day after a hearing in which Roof again said he would represent himself during the sentencing. He told the court he planned to offer an opening statement but will not call witnesses or submit evidence in his defense […] With sentencing set to begin in five days, Roof again has dismissed the lawyers, a move that prevents them from submitting evidence that he suffers from a mental defect. Evaluations and testimony from mental health experts in the sentencing phase often are considered key factors that might persuade jurors to vote for a life sentence over execution. In court filings, Roof has indicated he will not call mental health experts, reversing a course his lawyers had planned earlier. Hopefully, this murderous trash is ruled competent before his sentencing in January.

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Dylann Roof Facing New Competency Hearing Ahead Of Charleston Church Sentencing

A Nigerian Woman Wants To Divorce Her Husband After Only One Week, And You’ll Never Guess Why…

Nigerian Wife Asks To Divorce Husband After One Week Because… A Nigerian woman has been married to her husband for only one week and is already running to the courts to get their union legally dissolved. The reason… his massive man-meat . Even though she was married once before and has given birth to three children… Aisha Dannupawa says she’s totally incapable of handling what her new husband Ali Maizinari is handing out in the bedroom . As she told the court, the very first time the two were intimate, she knew this was going to be an issue…but she completely tapped out later in the week once she realized that not even painkillers can ease the situation out. Via Nigeria’s Tribune : She told the court that “when he came, we had sex but the experience was a nightmare. Instead of enjoying the sex, it turned out to be something else because his penis was too big,” she told the court. She also told the court that after the experience, she took some medication, which was given to her by her mother. “I told my mother the experience but she told me to endure and that with time, I will be able to cope. She then gave me some drugs,’’ she added. According to her, “two days later when he came to visit me, we had sex again, but the experience was too much to bear. It was then I knew that I could not continue with the marriage because of the size of his penis.” The husband, Maizinari, did not deny what his wife said. He told the court that he was willing to divorce her but that she should pay back the dowry and all that he spent on her during the courtship. When he was asked to state the amount, Maizinari disclosed that what he expected from her was N60,000. In case you’re curious, that’s about $263.00. Sounds like she better figure out a way to take that peen or pay up…

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A Nigerian Woman Wants To Divorce Her Husband After Only One Week, And You’ll Never Guess Why…

Smash Overload: Man Divorces Wife Over Her “Excessive And Insatiable” Desire For His Man-Meat

Wait…that’s a PROBLEM in a marriage? Man Divorces Wife For Wanting Too Much Sex We’ve heard of husbands getting in their feelings over not getting it enough …but how many kick their wife out for chopping him down on the daily? Via HuffPost : We’ve heard of people divorcing over a sexless marriage, but divorcing over too much sex? You don’t hear that one every day. Apparently, one man was recently granted a divorce by a Mumbai family court because he could no longer deal with his wife’s “excessive and insatiable desire for sex.” According to The Times Of India, the sex-fatigued husband first approached the court in January, claiming that his wife was “aggressive, stubborn and autocratic” and that she’d be harassing him for sex since they married in April 2012. The man told the court his wife forced medication on him to boast his sexual stamina and threatened to hook up with other men if she remained unfulfilled. Things got so bad, the husband had to be hospitalized for an uneasy stomach at one point. In the end, the wife failed to appear before the court, so the divorce was granted. (Meanwhile, we couldn’t be happier for the poor, put-upon husband. May he go on to have as little — or as much — non-chore-like, consensual sex as he’d like.) Not enough sex…too much sex…can’t keep these dudes happy, can you?

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Smash Overload: Man Divorces Wife Over Her “Excessive And Insatiable” Desire For His Man-Meat

Steubenville Rape Trial: Two Football Players Guilty in Assault on Girl

Two Steubenville (Oh.) High School football players accused of raping an allegedly drunk 16-year-old girl were found guilty by an Ohio judge on Sunday. Judge Thomas Lipps announced his decision after reviewing evidence against Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, who were tried as juveniles. The victim was not in the courtroom when the ruling was read. Steubenville High School Students Joke About Rape (Leaked) Mays and Richmond were tried before Lipps, a visiting judge, without a jury. Mays was also found guilty of disseminating a nude photo of a minor. “Human compassion is not taught by a teacher, a coach or a parent. It is a God-given gift instilled in all of us,” the victim’s mother said after court. “You displayed not only a lack of compassion, but a lack of any moral code.” The woman said her daughter will persevere and move on, adding that she has pity for Mays and Richmond, who will both face tough sentences. Mays was sentenced to a minimum of two years in a juvenile correctional facility. Richmond was sentenced to a minimum of one year. Both could stay there until age 21. The Department of Youth services will rule whether the two boys will be detained longer, Lipps said, adding it will depend on their behavior and rehabilitation. Mays and Richmond will be credited for time served before the trial. The ruling brings an end to a trial that has gained national attention for its lurid text messages, cell phone pictures and videos, and social media posts. A scandalous YouTube video in which Steubenvlle students joked about the rape of the girl (above) also gained national attention last summer. According to prosecutors, each of them penetrated the victim’s vagina with his fingers, an act that constitutes rape under Ohio law if it is not consensual. Attorneys for the two boys had said they were not guilty. At the heart of the case was the question of whether the victim was too drunk to understand what was happening to her and to consent to the acts. Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said more charges in the case could be forthcoming. He intends to call a grand jury to hear more evidence. “We cannot bring finality to this case without convening a grand jury,” he said, noting that there were 16 people who had refused to talk to investigators. He said the accuser was also re-victimized through social media. During closing statements on Saturday, attorneys for the two boys argued the state failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that their clients raped the girl. They also said that an avalanche of cell pictures and videos and social media posts, as well as national media coverage ahead of the trial, tainted testimony. The judge evidently disagreed. The girl testified Saturday that she remembered drinking at a big party that night and then holding Mays’ hand as she left with him, Richmond and others. The next thing she remembers, she told the court, is waking up naked on a couch in an unfamiliar house, unable to find her clothes or belongings. The girl told the court she had a flashback memory of throwing up in a street somewhere sometime after she left the first party. The victim was the 28th and final witness in a trial that has shone an unwelcome spotlight on Steubenville H.S. and its “Big Red” football program. Critics have accused community leaders and players themselves of trying to paper over rampant misconduct by members of the highly regarded team. The case has attracted the attention of bloggers and even the hacking group Anonymous, but the lead prosecutor dismissed all of the hype, saying: “This case is about a 16-year-old girl who was taken advantage of, toyed with and humiliated. And it’s time people who did this to her are held responsible.”

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Steubenville Rape Trial: Two Football Players Guilty in Assault on Girl

New Aaliyah “Quit Hatin’” [Audio]

New Aaliyah ? A previously unreleased track just hit the streets, produced by Knotch and Dre Sinatra. Check it out below: What do you think?

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New Aaliyah “Quit Hatin’” [Audio]

Boo-Thang Bedtime: Seattle Woman Beats The Brakes Off Her Unconscious Boyfriend With Infant Daughter Strapped To Her Chest!

Homie got Pacquiao’ed Seattle Mom Beats Boyfriend Unconscious With Baby Strapped To Her Via SeattlePI A Seattle woman accused of beating her boyfriend into unconsciousness while their child was strapped to her chest has been charged with assault. King County prosecutors contend Sharee N. Seminole attacked her newborn baby’s father following an argument at their Seattle home on Jan. 6. Seminole, 25, is also alleged to have bitten a firefighter and threatened to kill a police officer while fighting them – with her infant daughter still attached to her – during her arrest. At 5:40 p.m. the day of her arrest, Seminole and the man were standing near the intersection of 25th Avenue South and South Jackson Street when Seminole yelled at her boyfriend. The couple’s 2-week-old baby was in a carrier strapped to Seminole at the time. Here’s the play-by-play of the fade. Weighing in at 270 pounds, Seminole was able to throw her boyfriend to the ground, a Seattle detective told the court, recounting witness statements. Several residents witnessed the incident. Seminole then began kicking the man in the chest, Senior Deputy Prosecutor Stephanie F. Guthrie told the court. Seminole, the prosecutor went on, “continued to scream at the victim and then began stomping on his face.” The defendant stomped on the man’s face at least eight times, knocking him out while seriously injuring his face, Guthrie alleged. Confronted by a witness, Seminole asked “You know how many times he’s kicked me?” before breaking off her attack, the detective said in court documents. Seminole left the scene before police arrived. According to charging documents, she was arrested after leaving a nearby convenience store, where she’d bought a bag of Funyuns. LMFAO! What the hell does Funyuns have to do with ANYTHING?! This girthy heffa wasn’t done there though, her reign of terror continued when the cops showed up. Writing the court, the detective said Seminole was belligerent when confronted by officers. Her speech slurred, Seminole refused to cooperate with police and struggled with officers even though her newborn daughter was still strapped to her chest. “Two officers started to escort her to a patrol car but she immediately stiffened and grabbed the baby carrier,” the detective told the court. “Fearing for the safety of the baby, officers tried to free the baby but Seminole put up a huge fight.” Seminole then bit a firefighter and attempted to kick another during the arrest, the detective continued. Later, after being placed in a holding cell, Seminole is alleged to have mouthed “I’m gonna kill you” to a police officer. Isn’t the kush legal in Seattle now? Maybe Big Bertha need to sit her azz down and take a toke or two. Image via ShutterStock

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Boo-Thang Bedtime: Seattle Woman Beats The Brakes Off Her Unconscious Boyfriend With Infant Daughter Strapped To Her Chest!

Darth Vader’s Wife: Punched in the Head!

A British citizen was arrested recently after punching another man’s wife in the face. A man whose name was legally changed to Darth Vader years ago. Obviously. Ikbal Hare threw a punch at Vader, who is of no relation to the iconic Star Wars character pictured above, after he suspected him of romancing Hare’s wife. He missed and connected with Mrs. Vader, according to the Wolverhampton Crown Court. Hare ran off, but was captured days later. The Force was not strong with him, apparently. In court today, he pleaded guilty to the attack and must spend 18 months on probation and go to anger management. He will also perform 200 hours of unpaid work. Prosecutor Tim Sapwell told the court yesterday that Mrs. Vader first asked her husband about the allegation, which he vehemently denied before confronting Hare. “There was a scuffle involving the two men and Mrs Vader tried to get between them, he said. “The defendant struck her but there is evidence that, in fact, he had been trying to hit Darth Vader.” Mr. Vader is understood to have changed his name to raise money for charity.

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Darth Vader’s Wife: Punched in the Head!

Nice Try: Kris “The Dumped Hump” Humphries’ Lawyer Tries To Serve Kanye West A Secret Subpeona Hidden Inside A Department Store Gift Box

Hahahahahaha Kris Humphries Lawyers Attempt To Serve Kanye West A Subpeona In A Nordstrom’s Box According to TMZ reports : Kris Humphries’ lawyer engineered a sneak attack by trying to serve a subpoena on Kanye West by putting it in a Nordstrom box and sending it to Kim Kardashian’s house. Kim’s lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser, told the judge in the divorce case about the ploy during a hearing that is still going on. Wasser groused to the judge … Kim has already racked up $250,000 in attorney’s fees, yet it’s unclear exactly what Kris wants out of this. Wasser said she’s heard the reports that Kris and his lawyers want to put reality TV on trial, and there seems to be evidence to back that up. Wasser noted that Kris has served Kris Jenner with a subpoena and NBC Universal and Bunim/Murray, which produces the Kardashian reality shows. Wasser said she’s perplexed as to why Kris Humphries thinks the marriage was a fraud — because he went in eyes wide open. Kris Humphries’ lawyer, Marshall Waller told the court he wants to prove the marriage was a fraud, which Kim wanted solely to benefit her reality show. He says he wants to be armed with information about the show before taking Kim’s deposition. Kim’s lawyer, Laura Wasser followed up by asking why it’s so important for Kris to get an annulment. Waller did not answer. Wasser then said she intends to get Kris to pay every penny of Kim’s attorney’s fees. On her way out of court, Wasser said, “We’re just moving forward. My client just wants to be divorced.” What type of Mission Impossible isht is Kris on??? SMH Image via WENN

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Nice Try: Kris “The Dumped Hump” Humphries’ Lawyer Tries To Serve Kanye West A Secret Subpeona Hidden Inside A Department Store Gift Box

Jesus Take The Wheel: NYPD Cop Sentenced To 75-To-Life For Sexually Assaulting A Teacher At Gunpoint!

What the hell is this piece of isht smiling for??? Ex-NYPD Cops Sentenced To 75 Years For Sexually Assaulting Woman At Gunpoint Former cop Michael Pena, convicted of terrorizing and sexually assaulting a Manhattan school teacher at gunpoint, will be 103 years old when he gets his first shot at parole. Pena, 27, got hit Monday with a 75-year-to-life sentence which means that he will likely die in prison. The sentence brought a rare smile to the face of the 25-year-old victim, who was outraged when the same jury that convicted Pena of sexual assault deadlocked on whether he actually raped her. “That day was supposed to be a new beginning for me,” the nervous victim told the court in a high-pitched voice before Pena was sentenced. “My life has been shattered.” She said Pena destroyed forever her sense of security and independence. “This has impacted every single aspect of my life,” she said. “He used his weapon and basically destructed my life with the choice he made that day.” The soon-to-be inmate offered a half-a$$ed apology after the verdict was handed down. “I’m deeply sorry for my conduct last August and the pain it caused.” Pena paused for a moment and then resumed speaking. “I deserve my punishment,” he said. “I will always carry the shame and burden of my actions. I have no explanation for what happened that day.” With cops like these, who needs criminals?? Source

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Jesus Take The Wheel: NYPD Cop Sentenced To 75-To-Life For Sexually Assaulting A Teacher At Gunpoint!

You Can’t Be Serious: Woman Dies After Drinking 3 Gallons Of Coca-Cola A Day

WTF !?!?!?!? A New Zealand mother of eight has died after drinking 10 liters of Coca-Cola a day, a coroner’s investigation heard. Natasha Harris, 30, suffered a cardiac arrest that her partner believes was brought on by her massive soft drink intake. Harris, from the southern city of Invercargill, was vomiting six times a week in the months leading up to her sudden death in February 2010, but she attributed it to stress. The mom would become moody, irritable and have no energy without her daily dose of Coke, but the family did not suspect her habit was to blame, the Otago Daily Times reported. Her partner, Chris Hodgkinson, told Otago-Southland coroner David Crerar Wednesday that Harris guzzled at least 10 liters a day. “The first thing she would do in the morning was have a drink of Coke and the last thing she would do in the day was have a drink of Coke by her bed,” he said. “I never thought about it. It’s just a soft drink, just like drinking water. I didn’t think a soft drink was going to kill her.” Pathologist Dr. Dan Mornin told the court it was likely Harris had severe hypokalemia — a lack of potassium in the blood — brought on by her excessive consumption of soda. He said she died from cardiac arrhythmia, and that her soft drink habit, along with poor nutrition and too much caffeine, contributed to her death. Crerar has yet to determine a cause of death. In a statement to The Southland Times newspaper, a Coca-Cola representative said that “grossly excessive ingestion of any food product, including water” could be harmful. “We believe that all foods and beverages can have a place in a balanced and sensible diet combined with an active lifestyle,” the statement added. DAYUM! She literally OD’d from Coke… the drink that is. Source More On Bossip! Dirty Dog Diaries: MORE Women Come Forward Telling Royce That Her New Boo-Thang Dezmon Briscoe Been Tryna Chop Them Down Too! Single And Ready To Mingle: The 10 Best Cities To Meet New People And Get Freaky! Cheaper To Chop Her: Men (And Women) That Got Caught Trying To Pay For That Poon Ain’t That A B–?! Dirty Dogs That Faced Bad Karma For Their Dirty Dog Ways

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You Can’t Be Serious: Woman Dies After Drinking 3 Gallons Of Coca-Cola A Day