Tag Archives: sally hawkins

Movie Nudity Report: This Weekend’s Actresses & Their Best Nude Roles

Another weekend with no nudity at the multiplex—though that’s sure to change the last two weekends of this month—but the stars of this weekend’s films have done some great nudity in their careers! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

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Movie Nudity Report: This Weekend’s Actresses & Their Best Nude Roles

Movie Nudity Report: This Weekend’s Actresses & Their Best Nude Roles

Another weekend with no nudity at the multiplex—though that’s sure to change the last two weekends of this month—but the stars of this weekend’s films have done some great nudity in their careers! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

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Movie Nudity Report: This Weekend’s Actresses & Their Best Nude Roles

Movie Nudity Report: Mr. Turner & The Nudity of Mike Leigh’s Films

Another critically acclaimed film with a lot of Oscar buzz is in limited release this weekend, and you might want to check it out, as it features a pretty skinsational nude scene! Hit the jump for more pics and info…

Originally posted here:
Movie Nudity Report: Mr. Turner & The Nudity of Mike Leigh’s Films

TRAILER: Let’s Have Quirky Teenage Sex in a Whimsical Pool of Tears in Submarine

Our own Christopher Rosen (who I affectionately call “Crose” or “Croze” or “Croseanne Cash,” in case you were wondering) reviewed the UK trailer for the cute-ass Sundance fave Submarine before, and since then, it’s gotten cuter. In this new-ass American trailer for Richard Ayoade’s directorial debut, romantic kiddies enjoy quirky sex with each other and remain tolerable while doing so. Put on your hip Serge Gainsbourg-theme condom and hump along.

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TRAILER: Let’s Have Quirky Teenage Sex in a Whimsical Pool of Tears in Submarine

Nielsen: DVR Users ‘Watch’ Commercials More Than You’d Think, But Not Really

Harry Cranes of the world, prepare to have your mind blown. While conventional wisdom states that no one with a DVR would ever sit through commercials, Neilsen reports that DVR users aged 18-49 are watching more commercials than ever before. Further, commercial viewing on “younger-skewing” shows like Gossip Girl and Glee rises some 50 percent when the broadcast is watched within three days of recording. The catch? The word “watch” has a very wide definition.

See the rest here:
Nielsen: DVR Users ‘Watch’ Commercials More Than You’d Think, But Not Really

Mike Leigh Discusses Another Year and Why He Will Never Make a Superhero Movie

Mike Leigh has a reputation among press for not withholding his displeasure when confronted with a line of questioning he doesn’t particularly care for. So our interview began with that slight pang of trepidation, only to give way to the reality that Leigh — the six-time Oscar-nominated filmmaker known for such talky, trenchant English surveys as Life is Sweet , Secrets and Lies , Naked , Happy-Go-Lucky and next week’s critically acclaimed (as usual) Another Year — is willing to talk about most any subject if he finds that subject interesting. Up to and including, say, the almost ridiculous notion of a Mike Leigh-helmed superhero movie.

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Mike Leigh Discusses Another Year and Why He Will Never Make a Superhero Movie

Sally Hawkins Discusses Made in Dagenham and Her Oscar Snub

You might think Sally Hawkins got nominated for an Oscar after winning the Golden Globe for Mike Leigh’s Happy-Go-Lucky in 2009, but you would be wrong. Despite a winning lead performance and the backing of both critics and the Hollywood Foreign Press, Hawkins was a bridesmaid in the Best Actress race that winter. Of course, being snubbed once by Oscar doesn’t mean Hawkins is ready to pack it up; she’s back on the awards circuit this fall for her performance as a striking (and striking) autoworker in Made in Dagenham .

Excerpt from:
Sally Hawkins Discusses Made in Dagenham and Her Oscar Snub

Oscar Index: Does True Grit Have the Horses For Awards Season?

Another week, another prowl through the sweltering maze of hyperbole and hypothesis that is Oscar season. Put on Take off your thinking cap — it’s time to speculate with the best of them (informedly so, sort of, but still)! On to the Index!

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Oscar Index: Does True Grit Have the Horses For Awards Season?

Oscar Index: King’s Speech Will Be Heard; Jacki Weaver in Peril?

Welcome back to another week of Movieline’s Oscar Index, a comprehensive survey of hype, hubris and other standard-issue awards-season happenings. This week it’s The King’s Speech ‘s turn in the spotlight — but the competition isn’t so far behind. Let’s break it down.

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Oscar Index: King’s Speech Will Be Heard; Jacki Weaver in Peril?

Michaele Salahi Reveals She Has Multiple Sclerosis

Real Housewives of D.C. White House crasher (and Movieline interview subject ) Michaele Salahi appeared on Fox & Friends this morning and announced she’s been battling multiple sclerosis for 17 years. Alongside her husband Tareq, Salahi explained why she only opened up about the illness now: “No one wants to be seen as sickly… And I didn’t want to be pitied.” I imagine this quote will fend off worldwide Salahi pity for, oh, ten minutes. [ Reality Tea ]

Read the rest here:
Michaele Salahi Reveals She Has Multiple Sclerosis