After ten years and two kids together, Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts have reportedly called it quits. According to Star magazine, the couple separated back in November, but have been keeping it under wraps for the sake of their kids. “Simply put, Naomi and Liev grew apart,” the insider. “And they’ve decided it’s best for everyone to go their separate ways.” The source adds that Schreiber and Watts’ number one concern is the health and happiness of their two sons: “They’re trying to keep things as amicable as possible for the boys. Their main focus right now is making sure their sons are okay.” Several media outlets noted that Watts did not attend the 2016 Golden Globes with Schreiber (who was nominated for his work on the Showtime series Ray Donovan ), but reps for the couple claimed she was busy with a work commitment. If they’re really over, then it seems Liev and Naomi are taking a page from Gwyneth Paltrow’s book and ripping the Band-Aid off slowly. The actors recently vacationed in Sydney together with their boys, and they were spotted together in New York City just last month. We’d say that’s ample evidence that they’re still together, but breaking up without really breaking up is all the rage in Hollywood these days. View Slideshow: 13 Famous Couples We Never Thought Would Last This Long
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Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts: Is It Over?!