I know some of you guys probably think I’m just some cranky loser with nothing better to do than sit in my mom’s basement and make fun of do-nothing hotties and chubby wannabes all day, and OK, you’re not wrong. But I can be nice sometimes too. For instance, here’s Romee Strijd , AKA one of the hottest Victoria’s Secret supermodels in the world, with some pants-meltingly hot new pictures. See? I actually contributed something positive to society for once. You’re welcome.
Selena Gomez is some real fucking bullshit…but I do like that she’s actually had a Kidney Transplant, even if she was destined to die, but too rich to die, which in and of itself is unfair…but at least she had that Kidney Transplant so that we know her disease is actually real…prior to that, I just assumed she was angling it to get sympathy from people, like she did with her She’s been cast for this campaign with COACH, paid a lot of fucking money she likely doesn’t actually deserve, but that she gets thanks to a series of events, or lies, from a mother who whored her to Disney as a kid, to having a lot of followers on social media after sucking Zuckerberg dick to getting sympathy from all for a disease and now an Organ transplant…it’s just a good management team, PR Team, and hustle, while she sits back and lets it all happen….. All you need is thatbasic marketing team that go for the easy solution, thanks to laziness…with lots of budget who are like “let’s choose Selena Gomez”…when no one ever actually cares about Selena Gomez…..except maybe the people she houses for their organs like a crazy person she likely is…she was raised in Hollywood you know. The post Selena Gomez New Face For Coach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Selma Hayek was at a film festival, because she’s a famous Mexican actress who made it in America based on her talents alone, I mean that and her ability to be sexually harassed until she has to rat out her pervert aggressors after the money has long been in the bank, because these tits, that she’s very liberal with, and has been her whole career because she knew they were key tools in Mattering…..are seductive…but as we’ve learned…just cuz a ho is a ho is a ho – doesn’t mean we’re allowed to offer them career advancement for sex…even after they accept…but decide 10 years later it was a bad choice cuz it’s too far gone to go back on and take away from her.. All these people – nuts. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Selma Hayek – Massive Tits – For a Film Festival of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
The weirdest Elsa Hosk fact you’ll find on her wikipedia is: Though the media often notes her striking physical resemblance and nominal correlation to Queen Elsa from Disney’s 2013 film Frozen, she has denied the character was made in her image. Which makes sense considering she was a virtual nobody in 2013…I mean, I guess she was a Victoria’s Secret girl, or just starting out as one, since Victoria’s Secret is really all she’s done, except apparently a few GUESS? Campaigns… The second weirdest fact you’ll find on her wikipedia is that she was a professional basketball player in Sweden, before deciding to be a model…which I guess is the natural thing a fit and tall girl would do… I just assumed she was a nude model, doing nude shoots, which has always been my angle on her, nude model turned VS model thanks to photogs she shot nude with, to encourage women to shoot naked pics, to one day be VS models too but I think she’s actually like a Candice Swanepoel, only existent because of Victoria’s Secret…they have a way of recruiting the pussy like masterful pimps… I like her fit as fuck, skinny as fuck body….it’s good while in Costa Rica being a hippie surfer…and I like the skinny as fuck half naked as fuck body and I’d like to thank Victoria’s Secret for keeping up this unrealistic ideal of women, in an era where the fat and the weak whiners are trying to ruin that dream. The post Elsa Hosk Skinny in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
I could spend all day watching this GIF of Elsa Hosk smacking her booty on repeat, but I’ve got a site to run and I’m a professional. (Stop laughing.) So first I’m going to make sure to get this post of all the latest hotness from the Victoria’s Secret hottie up, and then I’m going to get back to drooling all over my keyboard. Enjoy.
I swear, kids today don’t realize how good they have it. Used to be, back when I was just a Little Tuna, I’d have to wait all month just to steal the Victoria’s Secret catalogue. Now, hotties like Sarah Hyland post pictures of themselves in lingerie to Snapchat and/or Instagram basically 24/7. The future is a wonderful thing.
Aneta Pajak is a Polish model….and like a bowl of GOULASH she’s hot…. She’s 5 foot 9 with a 23 inch waist….and she’s a lingerie model for Love and Lemons..which is likely funded by Victoria’s Secret, attempting to not be Victorias’ Secret, you know for the fashioable LA people who don’t want to feel like midrange mall people from the midwest…because that’s how marketing works…but even if it’s not Victoria’s Secret owned, it’s all the same shit…same photos of tall skinny bitches in lingerie…and it’s alright….the world needs more panty pics…I don’t see enough of that all day everyday….from girls who are variations of this girl…HUMANOIDS everywhere… The post Aneta Pajak for Love and Lemons of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Elsa Hosk is some Candice Swanepoel replacement, for when Candice was off making babies, becuase she is the same age as Candice and because all these girls were created in some lab, and this one was based on Candice DNA or some shit… Before winning the Victoria’s Secret lottery, she was nude modelling for low level shoots, and I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, get naked, people may notice, and give you high profile work, assuming she wasn’t created in the lab like I think she was… This is her trying on some shit. She was in some lingerie for the VS SHow.. SHE WAS WORKING OUT: SHE WAS IN TIGHT PANTS – WITH CAMELTOE TO SEE HER IN MORE TIGHT PANTS – WITH CAMELTOE CLICK HERE The post Elsa Hosk Victoria’s Secret Fitting of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Elsa Hosk is some Candice Swanepoel replacement, for when Candice was off making babies, becuase she is the same age as Candice and because all these girls were created in some lab, and this one was based on Candice DNA or some shit… Before winning the Victoria’s Secret lottery, she was nude modelling for low level shoots, and I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, get naked, people may notice, and give you high profile work, assuming she wasn’t created in the lab like I think she was… This is her trying on some shit. She was in some lingerie for the VS SHow.. SHE WAS WORKING OUT: SHE WAS IN TIGHT PANTS – WITH CAMELTOE TO SEE HER IN MORE TIGHT PANTS – WITH CAMELTOE CLICK HERE The post Elsa Hosk Victoria’s Secret Fitting of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Jasmine Tookes is Victoria’s Secret’s answer to social consciousness, inclusiveness…I think they call it AFFIRMATIVE ACTION…because the black / colored people are a real demographic, they buy the products and they should have someone so far removed from their existence, but who is of color to represent them as their ambassador in lingerie…even though she’s American… They company wants to appear like they care, like they are diverse, it is so important in this era, and it is important, but they are just doing it for the PR so they don’t get slaughtered. That’s not to say Victoria’s Secret hasn’t had black women in the past, they have, because they just book hot skinny bitches with tits…as they should…regardless of color…but now all companies have to book based on keeping up appearances so it’s not sincere or genuine..but rather just marketing. That doesn’t take away from her big tits on her skinny frame..thank god for that. Here she is working out…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jasmine Tookes Victoria’s Secret Model of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .