Tag Archives: security-forces

Random Ridiculousness: Photo Of U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Tongue Kissing Emblem Honoring Prisoners Of War Sparks Outrage

Photo Of Air Force Sergeant Tongue Kissing POW Emblem Sparks Outrage Really, lady??? According to NY Daily News: Now that is a picture of disrespect. A photo showing an airman tongue-kissing a Prisoner of War-Missing in Action symbol has gone viral, angering veterans. The picture — of Staff Sgt. Cherish Byers, of the 92nd Security Forces Squadron at Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane, Washington — has been posted on several Facebook pages, prompting an angry online response. Marine Corps veteran Michael Kelley wrote of his “blind fury and disgust”, while another, Tara Marie Murray, said: “Let me put this out there seeing as I’m Air Force veteran…no matter what uniform she was wearing this is disrespectful anyway.” The picture shows Byers wearing her senior airman’s rank insignia. Although it was taken almost three years ago, it has only now gone viral. The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, James Cody told the Air Force Times, “it’s a concern any time someone shows disrespect for prisoners of war and those missing in action. “They deserve our utmost respect and we must always remember their sacrifice and the legacy they’ve left for us as men and women serving our nation.” The statement added, “I want to make it clear that this is not a reflection of airmen who wear this uniform; it is a case of poor judgment of one airman…to say we are disappointed would be an understatement.” An investigation has been launched into the incident, reported the Air Force Times. SMH. Facebook

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Random Ridiculousness: Photo Of U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Tongue Kissing Emblem Honoring Prisoners Of War Sparks Outrage

Elsewhere In The World: 4 Foreigners Arrested In Libya For Trying To Spread Christianity

These folks are lucky they were only arrested for trying to spread Christianity in Libya … isht like that will get a fool murked in them Benghazi streets!!!!! According to NBC News: Four foreigners have been arrested in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi on suspicion of being Christian missionaries and printing books about Christianity, a security official said on Saturday. “They were arrested on Tuesday at a publishing house where they were printing thousands of books that called for conversion to Christianity,” security official Hussein Bin Hmeid said. “Proselytizing is forbidden in Libya. We are a 100 percent Muslim country and this kind of action affects our national security.” Hmeid said the government-affiliated security apparatus called the Preventative Security, for which he is a spokesman, had arrested an Egyptian, a South African, a Korean and a Swede who was travelling on a U.S. passport. “We are still holding interrogations and will hand them over to the Libyan intelligence authorities in a couple of days,” Hmeid said, without giving further details. The Preventative Security apparatus is a parallel security body created during the 2011 war that ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi and made up of several rebel brigades that fought in the conflict. Libya’s central government has yet to impose its authority on a myriad of armed groups that have yet to lay down their arms, and with skeletal national security forces, often relies on them for security. Bet they won’t try that mess again!!! Eff around and get blown up!!!

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Elsewhere In The World: 4 Foreigners Arrested In Libya For Trying To Spread Christianity

DR Congo police ban election rallies


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Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have blocked President Joseph Kabila ‘s main rival at an airport in Kinshasa. The authorities stopped Etienne Tshisekedi from staging an election rally after at least three people died in violence across DRC’s capital city during campaign rallies. The violence broke out when security forces used tear gas and live fire to disperse those attending campaign… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Cult of the Dead Fish Discovery Date : 27/11/2011 09:12 Number of articles : 2

DR Congo police ban election rallies

Security Forces Arrest Two Teens For Murder of Fogel Family In Israel


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On the eve of Passover, the Israeli security services announced the arrest of two teenagers from a nearby village for Read more » Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : IndyPosted Discovery Date : 17/04/2011 12:47 Number of articles : 2

Security Forces Arrest Two Teens For Murder of Fogel Family In Israel

Security Forces Shoot Man at Point-Blank Range in Bahrain


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This YouTube video shows a protester in Bahrain being shot multiple times at point-blank range by security forces. Warning: this video is extremely graphic. One commentator wonders whether it’s ” a Tiananmen Square Moment .” And although Saudi forces have entered Bahrain to help suppress the protests, the security forces in this video appear to be from Bahrain. As the New York Times reports, this murder… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Weekly Standard Blog Discovery Date : 16/03/2011 16:12 Number of articles : 2

Security Forces Shoot Man at Point-Blank Range in Bahrain

Police launch "brutal" operation in Bahrain, 4 protesters killed


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(Euronews) It was the early hours of the morning in Bahrain when the security forces launched a major operation to clear a camp of protesters in the capital, Manama. Men, women and children ran for their lives. Witnesses say it was a brutal assault. Most people were asleep when the police arrived in force, armed with tear gas and rubber bullets. The opposition say three people have been killed. Dozens… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Eye On The World Discovery Date : 17/02/2011 14:00 Number of articles : 3

Police launch "brutal" operation in Bahrain, 4 protesters killed

Mexico Fires 10% Of It’s Police Force

Mexico fires 3,200 police officers for incompetence, corruption Mexico busted on Monday an alleged brutal drug kingpin nicknamed “the Barbie” who is blamed for a vicious turf war that has included bodies hanged from bridges. The arrest of Edgar Valdez Villarreal, who had a $4 million bounty on his head, capped a year-long intelligence operation. Valdez – the third major druglord brought down by Mexico's security forces in less than a year – was charged in May with distributing thousands of pounds of cocaine from Mexico to the eastern U.S. from 2004 to 2006. Mexican authorities have said Valdez was battling for control of the Beltran Leyva cartel since its leader, Arturo Beltran Leyva, was killed in a December shootout with marines in Cuernavaca, a city just south of Mexico City. The bust came as Mexico fired 3,200 police officers for incompetence or corruption Monday, a day after another border town mayor was assassinated – the second in two weeks. Another 1,020 federal officers face discipline because they failed a test that aims to identify who might take a drug lord's bribe. The dramatic firing of 10% of Mexico's cops came as the three-year-old border drug war escalated to bloody new levels of violence. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/08/30/2010-08-30_mexico_fires_3200_po… added by: ibrake4rappers13

Egypt Pumps Poison Gas Into Gaza Tunnels, Kills 4 People

By RIZEK ABDEL JAWAD , Associated Press GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Egyptian forces pumped gas into a cross-border tunnel used to smuggle goods into the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, killing four Palestinians, Hamas officials said. Egypt has been under pressure to seal off the hundreds of tunnels that are a key economic lifeline for the blockaded Palestinian territory but which are also used to bring in weapons for the Islamic militant group. Israel and Egypt have kept Gaza’s official border crossings closed since Hamas seized control of the coastal strip in 2007 from forces loyal to Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who now only governs in the West Bank. A Hamas security official in charge of the tunnel area along the border said the Egyptians filled the passage with some type of crowd dispersal gas. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to give his name. The Hamas Interior Ministry later said in a statement the gas used to try to clear the tunnel was poisonous. Besides those killed, six people were injured, it said. “The Interior Ministry confirms that the citizens’ cause of death was the Egyptian security forces spraying poison gasses into one of the tunnels,” the statement said without elaborating. A doctor at a hospital in the Gaza border town of Rafah, Hamdan Abu Latifa, said the dead smugglers suffocated. An Egyptian border security official refused to comment Wednesday. Egyptian security forces have sprayed gas into tunnels before, according to Hamas officials and tunnel operators. But Wednesday’s incident was the first time people have died as a result, they said. A Hamas official demanded an explanation. “This is a terrible crime committed by Egyptian security against simple Palestinian workers who were trying to earn their daily bread,” Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum to The Associated Press. “It was a killing in cold blood. Hamas and all the Palestinian people condemn it strongly.” http://www.gpexaminer.com/?p=107 added by: gpexaminer

Chechen Rebel Leader “Doku Umarov” Was Behind In Russia Twin Suicide Bombings

Doku Umarov, Chechen rebel leader has said his group was behind the attacks on Wednesday for the twin suicide bombings on the Moscow subway and threatened more attacks in the Russian heartland, according to the Reuters reports Thursday. He said they were carried out to avenge the killings of “poor Chechens” by Russian security forces in February and warned Russia to prepare for more. In a video message posted on a Chechen rebel website, he said he had personally ordered the operation. Doku Umarov had ordered the twin suicide bombing in Moscow to “destroy infidels.”> > Read More Chechen Rebel Leader “Doku Umarov” Was Behind In Russia Twin Suicide Bombings is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Is Iran on the verge of a popular explosion?

Three days of street protests followed Montazeri’s eventful funeral. Their length and intensity evoked the summer’s daily protests that were only suppressed after the government killed at least 11 demonstrators on one day in late June. But the past several days have witnessed an unprecedented widening in the scope of protests across the country.

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Is Iran on the verge of a popular explosion?