This itchbay must got a death wish. And now we’re wondering what Naomi did to this dude for him to be going for her jugular like these with these broads. It was bad enough when it was a lookalike , now it’s a model she basically helped come up off “The Face”? Oh hell naw, the swirl has definitely gone wrong. Via Page Six reports : In a clear example of biting the hand that feeds you, aspiring model and “The Face” contestant Luo Zilin was photographed kissing and canoodling Naomi Campbell’s ex-boyfriend, Vladimir Doronin, while vacationing in sunny Ibiza. The 25-year-old former Miss Universe China 2011 was hand-picked to be on Team Naomi in the first season of the Oxygen modeling competition and the six-foot tall stunner finished as runner up. It’s unclear if the 43-year-old British supermodel is aware of the new relationship. Only two weeks ago, Luo tweeted at her former mentor, “@NaomiCampbell wish you have a great birthday! Xoxo.” Hopefully Luo hasn’t triggered Campbell’s legendary temper. A source told the Daily Mail, “’It’s fair to say that Luo and Vlad met through Naomi, it’s really unprofessional of Luo and it’s not great behavior on Vlad’s behalf.” Page Six exclusively revealed that Campbell and the Russian billionaire put their five-year relationship on a break early last month. Shortly after the split, Doronin was spotted getting cozy on his yacht with bikini babe and Naomi-lookalike, Jazzma Kendrick. SMH. This guy truly ain’t isht. And Luo Zilin ain’t any better. When Naomi starts throwing phones and slapping drivers again we know exactly who to blame! More photos from Luo and Vlad’s trip to Ibiza on the flip, along with some of her Twitter pics… Continue reading →
“A” is for ain’t isht ! Sesame Street Star Fathers Secret Love Child “Sesame Street” actor Roscoe Orman didn’t cheat only once on jilted longtime partner Sharon Orman , she claims. Sharon tells us how she shockingly learned that Roscoe fathered a secret love child with another woman while she was pregnant with their now 27-year-old son, Miles. Via NY Post reports: Sharon and Roscoe were never legally married, but lived together for 40 years and have four children. Roscoe, who played affable father figure Gordon for 30 years on “Sesame Street,” left Sharon in 2010 for Kimberley Lamarque, whom he married in December. Sharon last week exclusively told Page Six that Roscoe has left her “destitute” after moving on with Lamarque. She’s been evicted from their Montclair, NJ townhouse, and has filed a complaint in Superior Court of New Jersey for spousal support, arguing that the couple lived as man and wife for four decades. Now, Sharon tells us she received a paternity suit in the mail 27 years ago, when she was pregnant with Miles, who also appeared on “Sesame Street” with his father. “I was pregnant with my third kid. We were ecstatic,” Sharon said. “Then a paternity suit arrived in the mail. I’m pregnant, and another woman in a different state is pregnant at the same time.” Court records show complaints for child support against Roscoe filed in courts in New Jersey and Washington state on behalf of a Deborah Hill. The Post reported in 1988 that Roscoe was required to pay $5,000 in back child support for their daughter, Kalah, and $200 a month to Hill, a Beaverton, Ore., masseuse whom Roscoe met while in town for a “Sesame Street” appearance. Sharon told us that Roscoe paid Hill, who was on welfare after getting pregnant, child support until Kalah was 18, and put her through college. Meanwhile, Roscoe and Sharon had another daughter and stayed together in New Jersey. When asked why she didn’t leave Roscoe then, Sharon told us: “I wasn’t going to jump up and leave my family.” A lawyer for Roscoe didn’t get back to us.
Wait, the blonde one — is that a — man? SMH. Uncle Rush was spotted heading into Bootsy Bellows in LaLaLand with three women who didn’t look quite like his usual type. BDR got the “Not it!” body language like he wants no parts. Quit tryin’ to front like you don’t switch it up when Hana Nitsche ain’t around. The two brownskinned ladies actually look decent, but the blonde jawn they are running with — sheesh — some folks just take isht too far! GSIMedia
Miley “lil freakazoid” Cyrus speaks out on her twerk team shenanigans … Via OMG Yahoo!: Miley Cyrus stopped by KIIS FM’s “On Air With Ryan Seacrest” on Friday morning, but the 20-year-old didn’t chat about her current relationship status (in fact, Liam Hemsworth’s name wasn’t brought up once). Instead, Cyrus explained her “twerking” video that went viral this week. “I’m getting so many people writing to me about it,” she said. “It’s weird I’ve twerked for 6 million people. You can’t really explain (twerking),” Cyrus added. “It’s something that comes naturally. It’s a lot of booty action. The video shows Cyrus in a unicorn “onesie,” poppin’ her booty to the beat of J Dash and Flo Rida’s “WOP.” “I had a photo shoot earlier that day and so I didn’t really want to get dressed, so I wore the unicorn onesie and my friend was like, ‘Everyone is gone, we have the backdrop and the lighting.’ So I started dancing and said, ‘Here’s my phone will you record it real quick.’” Liam Hemsworth’s alleged bride-to-be (she is wearing her engagement ring again) joked this is the first thing people aren’t hating on her for recently. “If I could walk out — I could sing, like, at the Grammys and I will always be bashed and always have haters. I haven’t really seen one bad comment about the twerk video,” Cyrus laughed. “This is the first thing — I’m like, ‘I can’t sing, I can’t act, I’m dumb, I’m a hillbilly, but I can twerk so whatever.’” CLICK HERE if you missed Miley’s “twerking in a Unicorn onesie” video…. Photo: Twitter
Reunited and the cakes feel so good! Remember the good old days when Colin Farrell and Nicole Narain were making freaky home flicks together? Well Colin was spotted at the Roosevelt Hotel in L.A. catching up with a very shapely brown-skinned banger for coffee. We weren’t able to see her face, but the bawwwwwwdy (and the body language) has Nicole written all over it. What do you think? Does Colin want that old thang back? Check out more flicks on the flipper.
Guessing that Carnival will not be making #1 or #2 on the list of luxury cruise ships anytime soon after this fiasco. Via NYPost reports : A broken towline halted the disabled Carnival Triumph this afternoon, as it inched toward shore near Mobile, Ala. Frantic crew members on the lead tug boat replaced the broken line in about about an hour — before currents could push the ship back to sea. A voice over the ship’s public address system urged passengers to go back in their rooms. But most travelers outside on the decks, craving fresh air over the stink inside, didn’t budge. The cruise had been going 1 mph and set to dock tonight — in hopes to a mercifully ending this nightmarish journey for 4,000 people trapped on the floating bio-hazard. The line snap has pushed the ship’s scheduled arrival to no earlier than 10:30 p.m. CST. Once Triumph docks, passengers will still be far from home free. With just one elevator on board working, it’ll take more than four hours for all passengers to get off the boat, said Carnival senior VP Terry Thornton. The cruise line has assembled a small army of 200 employees help passengers get off the boat in Mobile. The company also plans in place in case another tow line snaps in the next several hours. “[But] were not anticipating any additional difficulties,” Thornton said. The cruise — which began a week ago today in Galveston — went horribly wrong on Sunday when flames erupted in the engine room. That blaze killed power and knocked out almost all the ship’s plumbing. “Pipes are busting, I know the sewer is backing up, and water is in the cabins, and it’s just a nightmare,” passenger Jamie Baker told NBC’s “Today” show this morning in a telephone interview from aboard the ship. “It’s just a nightmare.” She and other passengers described hours-long lines for food — meals that were often no more than slices of tomato or onion on bread — and putrid sanitary conditions. With so few toilets on board flushing, many passengers were forced to relieve themselves into plastic bags. Some travelers didn’t even bother using bags. “There’s poop and urine all along the floor,” said passenger and Houston resident Renee Shanar. “The floor is flooded with sewer water … and we had to poop in bags.” Passenger Julie Morgan described the smell on board: “It’s a mixture of sewage and rotting food.” “Let’s just say I have a pair of slippers I will not be bringing home with me,” Morgan told CNN. Baker compared her trip to a post-hurricane experience. “Like Katrina in the Dome, except it’s afloat,” Baker said. The passengers’ stay in Alabama will be short. They have the option of boarding buses directly to Galveston or Houston, or to New Orleans where they can rest in a hotel before taking a charter flight to Houston. Carnival is picking up all these travel costs. Carnival Cruise Lines yesterday canceled a dozen more planned voyages aboard the Triumph and acknowledged that the crippled ship had been plagued by other mechanical problems in the weeks before the engine-room blaze. The National Transportation Safety Board has opened an investigation into the cause. “We know it has been a longer journey back than we anticipated at the beginning of the week under very challenging circumstances,” Carnival President and CEO Gary Cahill said. “We are very sorry for what our guests have had to endure.” Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen acknowledged the Triumph’s recent mechanical woes, explaining that there was an electrical problem with the ship’s alternator on the previous voyage. Repairs were completed Feb. 2. Testing of the repaired part was successful and “there is no evidence at this time of any relationship between this previous issue and the fire that occurred on Feb. 10.” Communication with passengers on the Triumph has been limited to brief windows when other cruise ships with working cellular towers have rendezvoused to deliver supplies, but some relatives have reported being told of uncomfortable and unsanitary conditions. Robert Giordano, of the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, said he last spoke to his wife, Shannon, on Monday. She told him she waited in line for three hours to get a hot dog and that conditions on the ship were terrible. “They’re having to urinate in the shower. They’ve passed out plastic bags to go to the bathroom,” Giordano said. “There was fecal matter all over the floor.” Passengers are supposed to get a full refund and discounts on future cruises, and Carnival announced they would also each get an additional $500 in compensation. Sounds disgusting. Is $500 and a refund enough for being delayed all them days with no food or place to drop a deuce? Don’t know about y’all but we don’t even like to take a #2 in a strange place — much less a plastic bag! Shutterstock /
When the ‘Mean Girls’ checks stop coming in… Linsday Lohan Moves Back Into Her Mother’s Home Via RadarOnline reports: Lindsay Lohan has been forced to move into mom Dina‘s home in Long Island, New York, as she is “flat-out broke” and unable to afford to rent an apartment on her own in Los Angeles, is exclusively reporting. “Lindsay is being forced to live at home with Dina because she can’t afford any other options at the moment,” a source tells Radar. “Lindsay is flat-out broke and can’t even afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment in North Hollywood. “There’s simply no way she would pass a credit check right now, and even if she could she wouldn’t be able to muster up a security deposit, let alone meet the rent every month. “Lindsay’s been telling everyone that she moved to New York because she was sick of Los Angeles. But that’s just not true, she would love to move back west, but she can’t afford to! In the past, Lindsay has managed to rope in another person to co-sign on leases because her bad credit means she can’t get approved in her name alone. However, she couldn’t find anyone willing to do that now as she has burned so many of her friends and associates.” Meanwhile, although it might well be economically attractive to be living at home rent free with mom, the situation does have its, very obvious, drawbacks! “Dina seriously cramps Lindsay’s style because she always wants to go out partying with her,” the source says. “It’s embarrassing for Lindsay and she often dodges her mom’s calls when she’s out. Lindsay is constantly on the prowl these days to snag a new wealthy pal who has an apartment or vacation home she can move into…. rent free of course!”” She will never recover from this. Her looks and once promising career are gone. Broke, uninsurable, with insurmountable debt, a bad reputation, ruined credit and zero prospects; that’s not an uphill battle, it is a war waged and lost. We almost feel sorry for her. Almost.
Curtis knows how to give a good interview. 50 visited Howard Stern to promote his new Formula 50 book and Howard asks the rap mogul about the role Ciara played in his breakup with Chelsea , interracial dating, sharing groupies amongst his entourage, and why he got shot. 50 also talks about working with Michael Jackson and why he hates The Game. Sounds like 50 is definitely trying to pin his shooting on Ja Rule and that street cred is the only thing keeping him from admitting he was in love with Chelsea Handler. Either that or he just knows how to evade a question in a way that keeps people talking about him! WENN
This broad had to be slizzard! In case you missed it, Chelsea Handler got more than a lil bit out of pocket with T.I. on her “Chelsea Lately” show last night. Not only did she tell him it’d been awhile since she had a black guy, she made jokes about his criminal past, dissed R.Kelly, questioned if he’d had any outside kids recently and referred to him as “Girl” and “B**ch”… We gotta give it up to him for keeping his cool. We mighta had to smack a beyotch!