Tag Archives: sofia richie

Scott Disick: Hooking Up With Teen Models Was SO Rough!

In the preview for the upcoming episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians , Scott Disick and Kim Kardashian have a heart-to-heart about Scott's … activities. Basically, Scott spends some time whining about his time spent having sex with teen models, and how “unfulfilling” that was. Considering that Scott Disick is now seriously dating one of those teen models , we'd say that the new sneak peek video below has not aged well since it was filmed. What will Sofia Richie think? There's a new episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians coming out on Sunday, folks. (It's also Kris Jenner's birthday — November 5th! Long live the queen!) So, we all remember Scott Disick's misadventures during the spring and summer of 2017. His long downward spiral eventually put him in the hospital. Of Scott's many, many activities, he was mostly associated with two things in 2017: Booze and Bella Thorne . Neither of those are inherently bad things, but Scott seemed determined to self-destruct, and they were his weapon of choice. Scott's seemingly mellowed since then and isn't acting out quite as much, but at the time there were genuine fears that he might die. What some people may have forgotten is that, way back when, Scott Disick was spotted with Sofia Richie . At Cannes. This is going to be important as you listen to what Scott Disick has to say about what he thought about the young women there. This Keeping Up With The Kardashians sneak peek shows Scott and Kim having a heart-to-heart about his various flings. Kim describes what it looked like to her, the Kardashian clan, and the rest of the world when Scott was living it up at Cannes: “It just looked like it was some big soap opera going on. It was a fun show.” Scott tries to refute that: “Look at it in my perspective. She was on vacation with one man, a whole trip.” He's referring, of course, to Kourtney and Younes. Scott continues:  “That looks like a happier scenario than me, jumping around, trying to find happiness and these girls are not fulfilling that.” One, he seems to be putting it forward that boozing it up and having sex with various 19-year-old models was really some sort of chore and that he deserve sympathy for that. That's how it comes across. Scott then laments: “I’m just not happy with anybody.” Kim might deserve some sort of award for listening to him complain about that with a straight face. Scott then tries to explain to the confessional that his activities this year look bad because he's a man and he's a bit younger than Kourtney (just by several years) and so his coping mechanisms are a little different. That's an excuse easily ridiculed by a classic Tumblr meme: Some people?? Bang teen models and damage their livers?? To cope!??! Again, his sexual activity and even the drinking would have been mostly fine if he weren't a dad, embarrassing his whole family and endangering his own life — which would in turn impact his children. Kim gave Scott some advice: “I think it’s beyond the girls at this point. I think if you found someone that you were happy with, I think Kourtney would be happy for you, but she sees you out and really drinking and really going through it” Scott appeared shocked at that news, even though this was fairly obvious to most people, right? It does seem like Scott has taken that advice, as things are getting serious with Sofia Richie . But how will she respond to hearing him say that she wasn't fulfilling and didn't make him happy? We have a sneaking suspicion that this was filmed before the two of them connected this fall. Will this be their end?

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Scott Disick: Hooking Up With Teen Models Was SO Rough!

Kourtney Kardashian Flaunts Her Butt on the Beach!

Suns out, buns out! Kourtney Kardashian's such a peach. At least, she has one. And she let that spectacular butt out to play at the beach. In the video below, you'll see her sport an itty bitty bikini while she shows Scott Disick what he can never have again! In this video, which Kourtney elected to share because she loves her followers almost as much as she loves strutting her stuff on the beach for the world to see, Kourtney makes a delighted dash for the water. Her bikini is so miniscule that it does effectively nothing to obscure her legendary Kardashian booty. If anything, her bikini bottoms lovingly frame her cheeks for added emphasis. The fact that she's running, well … it adds to the effect. The camera moves a little as Kourtney runs, but keep in mind that recording a video on your phone is different from recording on a camcorder back in the day was — people tend to hold out their phones further. And everybody moves a little when they walk or run, so the person recording Kourtney was unintentionally wiggling back and forth. It happens. it doesn't diminish how great this magnificent MILF looks as she charges into the ocean water. The question is — is this just for the benefit of Kourtney's fans? It's almost impossible to see this and not think of Kourtney Kardashian's infamous ex, Scott Disick. All summer, Scott's epic bender has been impossible to ignore. Scott Disick might have freaked out about Kourtney dating earlier this year, but he pretty much spent the entire summer buried in a bottle or a 19-year-old model. And no, we don't just mean Bella Thorne — though she seemed the most willing to increase her visibility by being associated with him. She kept coming back for second helpings of Scott's … publicity . (We wonder how Bella Thorne's possible new girlfriend thinks of how Bella spent the summer — but she probably understands how the PR game works) Kris Jenner said to Kourtney that Kourtney always wants what she can't have. Kourtney shot that down at the time, but now?  And now, of course, Scott Disick is dating Sofia Richie . Very publicly. Like, they might even be a serious, committed relationship — unlike the other 19-year-old hotties whom Scott has left in his wake. (We'll see) Kourtney is apparently fine with Scott dating Sofia , because it's a sign that Scott is moving on. (Or maybe because Sofia is a stabilizing influence, though that shouldn't be a girlfriend's job — least of all the job of a teenager) But even though Kourtney might say that she's fine with it, we're reminded of what Kris Jenner says. Especially when we watch this video. Kourtney has to know that Scott isn't over her, and that he'll see that video. If Kourtney always wants what she can't have, will Scott — with his new girlfriend and his newfound stability — suddenly become irresistible to her again? Is that why she's flaunting what she's got? But there's a simpler explanation. Kourtney loves the beach. She even went to the beach when she visited Egypt, which is not what most people think of doing when they're visiting the site that contains the remains of one of the greatest civilizations that the world has ever seen. Kourtney is also not shy about showing off her savory peach. Maybe she's doing it just for herself and, for a brief moment, Scott Disick was the furthest thing from her mind. It's a short video, after all:

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Kourtney Kardashian Flaunts Her Butt on the Beach!

Skin Links 8.1.17

Sofia Richie’s tropical vacation photos TMZ Ilvy Kokomo proves the revolution will be naked Fleshbot Ashley Hart topless sunbathing on vacation Taxi Driver Movie Danniella Westbrook topless in the surf The Nip Slip Pamela Anderson topless for PeTA Drunken Stepfather Miss Bumbum Girls in boy shorts (header image) Egotastic Ceci Minazzoli topless in the bedroom Egotastic All Stars Kelsey Berneray and her huge tracts of land Boobie Blog Elizabeth Olsen too real for this world WWTDD … read more

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Skin Links 8.1.17

Scott Disick Preps Ultimate Act of Revenge: A Kardashian Tell-All!

Sure, the Bible already has two testaments, but does the Lord in those stories ever take revenge on his ex by hooking up with Bella Thorne ? We didn’t think so. That’s why the world needs the gospel according to Scott Disick. As you may know, Disick is going through a bit of a tough time lately. After learning that baby mama  Kourtney Kardashian is dating Younes Bendjima , Disick appears to have full-blown lost it. Disick traveled to Cannes and began cavorting around town with Thorne, Sofia Richie, and other barely-legal semi-stars. It may seem that Disick’s motives in drinking Cannes dry and partying with starlets is self-evident, but apparently there’s more to the story. Disick wants revenge on Kourtney, and he thought publicly groping teens was the way to go about it. Fortunately, it seems he’s now learned the error of his ways. Scott hasn’t gotten over his desire for petty revenge, mind you. He’s just realized there are better ways to go about it. According to In Touch , Scott is writing a tell-all designed to take down the Kard clan. “He’s getting up to do a complete takedown of the Kardashians,” said the magazine’s insider. “[Scott’s] been compiling a 10-year dossier on the family.” Yes, Disick has a dossier. And it apparently it’s full of bombshells that will make the Comey hearing look like three boring hours of crap we already knew: “It includes the dirty tactics Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and mom Kris Jenner use against their enemies, how scripted the drama on Keeping Up With the Kardashians really is, and the women’s innermost secrets,” says the insider. Keeping Up With the Kardashians  is scripted ?! We assume Disick also has a chapter about wetness of water and the Pope’s suspicious devotion to Catholicism. But in all seriousness, the time is right for another Kard clan tell-all. Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir sold surprisingly well, and Scott is probably even more pissed off at the family that made him famous. Plus, we might finally get to find out if Disick really hooked up with Kendall . Or Kylie. Or Khloe. Hell, at this point it’s been rumored that Scott banged just about every Kardashian except Rob, And frankly, we can’t wait to hear about it. View Slideshow: The Good, The Bad, The Lord: 23 Times Scott Disick Owned Reality TV

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Scott Disick Preps Ultimate Act of Revenge: A Kardashian Tell-All!

Sofia Richie and Some Instagram Ratchet Slut Groupies in Bikinis of the Day

Sofia Richie is Lionel’s legit daughter… She’s putting his hit making money to good use by renting out a Yacht and inviting trashy instagram girls who take the bootleg Kim Kardashian style pics, or would that be Kylie style pics, you know in bikini, showing off fat ass, photoshopped to shit, that people seem to fucking love and find hot…but that I hate and find basic, boring, and usually attention not warranted… You know, not the hottest in the room, the loudest, sluttiest, who has all the followers… Well, I guess all these insta like lovers found each other…and together they YACHT likea bunch of YACHTISTIC people…only looking like they were pulled out of the strip club…but ended up on Monaco…weird. I don’t fucking get it, but the other asses in bikinis looking chubby and face injected are Chantal Jeffries and Jocelyn Chew…I call them girls who fuck black rappers….who found them on IG… It’s a weird fucking world we live in, where the half naked posing on Instagram is everything…I don’t get it…because all I see is failed strippers and street hookers made by you and SKINNY tea sponsors – despite them not even being skinny.. NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE…but yachts, great photo opp for an Insta Pic…right… They all look the fucking same…same god complex cosmetic surgeon I guess…”YOU MUST ALL LOOK LIKE THIS…LIKE A KARDASHIAN”….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Sofia Richie and Some Instagram Ratchet Slut Groupies in Bikinis of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Richie and Some Instagram Ratchet Slut Groupies in Bikinis of the Day

Sofia Richie is a Model Now By The Way of the Day

Sofia Richie is the underage, exhibitionist, who is now a model according to fashion magazines, because they fucking love rich kids, spoiled LA kids, raised by their celebrity or in Sofia Richie’s case singing icon of a father….or maybe they like her adopted sister that paved the way as a bratty rich kid when the world was obsessed with these idiots who did nothing…on Nicole went onto be a fashion business and Sofia Richie can take over where she left up as the chubby, Bieber fucking, waste of space on a trust fund that people throw money at like the dancing monkey she wants to be…for no reason other than her parents…. Hello, it’s not you I’m looking for, but you dad’s got hit songs, let’s get you in this photoshoot regardless because it’s less work than cultivating new talent or ideas…OK. The post Sofia Richie is a Model Now By The Way of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Richie is a Model Now By The Way of the Day

Sofia Richie Ratchet Rich Kid Tits of the Day

Sofia Richie is one of these new generation rich kid from LA fame whores, who is very current, very relevant, hangs out with all the right people, because they all hang out together, as they run the same scam of living the expensive life, being hired by companies to promote shit, in a rich kids of instagram…from some elitist class of garbage…very expensive garbage… So she’s the bio daughter of Lionel Richie, a creeper in his own right, sister of adopted Nicole Richie, also a fucking brat….but now an established business person…..she hangs with Hadids, Jenners, Baldwins…fucking Peltz and fucking all these other idiots…and now she wears see through tops since it’s the style of the time…the nipples are ratchet enough, edgy enough, high concept enough for them to help promote their bullshit selves… It’s like why do school, or work, or build up a talent, when you can get paid to fuckign selfie cuz you’re daddy was an 80s love song icon…and your friends are as vapid as you…Garbage… The post Sofia Richie Ratchet Rich Kid Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Richie Ratchet Rich Kid Tits of the Day

Sofia Richie is Out There Getting it Done of the Day

Sofia Richie is the trashy, slutty, mini Nicole Richie who actually has biological parents she takes her name from – which probably makes her more spoiled than her adopted sister – because every parent prefers their bio child – especially later in life, when not touring, and involved in their upbrining – but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have daddy issues, or rich girl problems – because they all do….it just means that she gets to go to bed thinking “at least I’m not adopted like my annoying sister, who isn’t even my sister, she’s more my inheritance thief, I hate her”… It seems like she’s doing what 18 year olds in the LA scene – and really any scene – but in the LA scene it is way more irritating because they are rich and rubbing shoulders with the famous people they’ve always been around… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Sofia Richie is Out There Getting it Done of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Richie is Out There Getting it Done of the Day

Sofia Richie is Out There Getting it Done of the Day

Sofia Richie is the trashy, slutty, mini Nicole Richie who actually has biological parents she takes her name from – which probably makes her more spoiled than her adopted sister – because every parent prefers their bio child – especially later in life, when not touring, and involved in their upbrining – but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have daddy issues, or rich girl problems – because they all do….it just means that she gets to go to bed thinking “at least I’m not adopted like my annoying sister, who isn’t even my sister, she’s more my inheritance thief, I hate her”… It seems like she’s doing what 18 year olds in the LA scene – and really any scene – but in the LA scene it is way more irritating because they are rich and rubbing shoulders with the famous people they’ve always been around… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Sofia Richie is Out There Getting it Done of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sofia Richie is Out There Getting it Done of the Day

Selena Gomez and The Weeknd: Spotted Kissing and Cuddling!

Selena Gomez has apparently been working for The Weeknd. By which we mean the following: The singer has been working her tongue in and around the mouth of fellow singer The Weeknd, as evidenced by new photos that make it clear these stars are a lot more than friends. Oh, yes, folks: these two are hooking up! They are knocking boots! They are talking long walks along the beach at sunset! They are doing all kinds of romantic stuff! We presume, at least, based on pictures shared on Us Weekly, E! News and other reliable outlets. The musicians were spotted on a romantic dinner date at Los Angeles hotspot Giorgio Baldi last night, with an insider telling E! News that Gomez and The Weeknd were very clearly into each other. “They were there for three hours! Just the two of them,” the source tells E! of Selena and The Weeknd’s evening out. “They came out and were so happy.” According to this same witness, Gomez and The Weeknd sat in the back room of the establishment and had their own personal server. Afterwards, they engaged in some major public displays of affection, obviously proud of their romance and unafraid of anyone just walking by and seeing them swap spit. To back up E!’s description of the night, a source relayed similar information to Us Weekly. “They came out and they were so happy,” this tabloid writes, adding of the artists: “They were hugging and kissing. … Selena was all over him, hugging, kissing [him]. She looked amazing and so incredibly happy and in love.” The singers allegedly headed to Gomez’s house after their date. We wonder what they did there… View Slideshow: Selena Gomez Magazine Covers: Which Look is Best? The Weeknd most recently dated Bella Hadid, splitting from the model in November. Gomez, of course, is best known in the relationship department for having been off and on (and then off… and on… and then off again…) with Justin Bieber for years. But a turning point appears to have taken place over the summer after Selena inserted herself in Bieber’s then-relationship with Sofia Richie. She commented on an Instagram post in which Bieber asked fans to stop harassing Richie, leading to Justin deleting his account and turning his back on his ex. Largely in response, Gomez eventually checked into a rehab facility and took a break from the spotlight to focus on her mental health. But she’s doing a lot better now ! “I recently took 90 days off. During that time I did not have my cellphone,” she explained in Thrive Global’s questionnaire, adding late last year: “It was the most refreshing, calming, rejuvenating feeling. Now I rarely pick up my phone, and only limited people have access to me.” But The Weeknd is clearly one of the people on that list. And maybe the most important one at the moment. As for where this romance is going? It’s hard to say at the moment. A separate source tells E! News that Selena and The Weeknd together is “something new” and that “it’s nothing serious right now.”

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Selena Gomez and The Weeknd: Spotted Kissing and Cuddling!