Tag Archives: soviet

CNN’s Spitzer Twice Refers to START Treaty as Being With the Soviet Union

It seems that Eliot Spitzer's mind is still in the 1980s, as he twice stated on Thursday's Parker-Sptizer on CNN that the new START Treaty was with the Soviet Union. Spitzer trumpeted “the all-important START Treaty, that will finally cement a nuclear disarmament agreement with the Soviet Union ,” and then noted that the treaty would deal with the ” nuclear warheads that are pointed by the Soviet Union at us ” . The former New York governor and co-host Kathleen Parker led their 8 pm Eastern hour program with the current affairs of the lame-duck Congress. Spitzer highlighted the recent Gallup poll that found that only 13 percent of American approve of the job the legislative body is doing, and bemoaned how “for the past couple of hours, they have been spending your tax dollars in a debate about- and I don't know how else to say this- how they're going to debate.” After Parker replied that the House debate was specifically about extending the current tax rates, her CNN co-host focused his attention on the Senate and made his first gaffe about the START Treaty. Parker must not have caught his error, as she didn't correct him: [ Video embedded below the page break ] read more

CNN’s Spitzer Twice Refers to START Treaty as Being With the Soviet Union

Elizabeth Edwards Eulogy and Funeral (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The funeral of Elizabeth Edwards was held on Saturday in Raleigh, N.C. Her daughter eulogized her as did several good friends. PHOTOS, VIDEO) added by: gmc1

11 reasons why the threat from Al Qaeda is not real

“All governments lie.” You can add to that great quote “and all newspapers lie, too.” -American journalist I. F. Stone. Knowing the truth matters in a democracy because without the truth citizens can’t make informed decisions about government policies that impact their lives. It is not possible to consciously answer fundamental societal questions like “should we go to war?” without a firm grasp of all the facts at hand. When independent journalists fail to provide the simple and straightforward facts to the public, they become complicit in government murder and fraud, and deserve even more ridicule than dishonest government officials and government-owned journalists. 11 Reasons Why The Threat From Al-Qaeda is Not Real Al-Qaeda is either one of these things, or it is a combination of them: a) a completely fake threat; the organization does not exist, b) an organization that exists in small numbers but was created by the CIA to serve a corrupt U.S. foreign policy, and remains a U.S. intelligence asset in the manufactured global war on terrorism, or c) a small organization that exists independently of the U.S. government but its strength and influence in the Middle East is exaggerated by radical policymakers and officials in Washington. Out of all three statements the first and second deserve the most serious attention because they are supported by the evidence listed below. #1. Radical American cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki, who was ordered to be assassinated by President Obama, met with top military officials at the Pentagon months after the 9/11 attacks. #2. CIA Director Leon Panetta revealed in June 2010 on ABC’s This Week that there are less than 100 Al-Qaeda members in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region. #3. The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), one of the world’s leading security think tanks, published a report this year which said that the threat of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban is exaggerated by Western policymakers. #4. Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in an interview to the Los Angeles Times’s Patt Morrison in October 2010 that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist. #5. The U.S. government created, and funded Islamic fundamentalism in the 1980s to be used to draw the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and bleed it to death in a costly and unwinnable war. #6. Robin Cook, who served as a British MP for 22 years and as Foreign Secretary from 1997 to 2001, wrote an article for the Guardian in July 2005, a month before his death, called “The struggle against terrorism cannot be won by military means.” #7. A BBC article from July 2004 called “Al-Qaeda’s origins and links” reveals that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA agent in the 1980s. #8. J. Michael Springmann, a 20 year foreign service official, and a former Consulate officer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, has publicly stated for many years that the CIA brought over Muslim radicals to the United States for secret terrorist training. #9. Germany’s Der Spiegel’s published an article by Siegesmund von Ilsemann called “Arming the Middle East: The Checkered History of American Weapons Deals” in June 2007. The article backed up the reporting done by the BBC, and elsewhere that the United States government “supplied Afghan freedom fighters in the 1980s with money and arms for their struggle against occupying Soviet troops. One of the best customers for the CIA back then was Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden.” This account is only half-true. The CIA funded and trained a network of Muslim fighters not to liberate Afghanistan from corrupt Soviet influence, but to create havoc and instigate a Soviet invasion so that it would drain itself of blood and treasure. Once the objective of bringing down the Soviet Union was achieved, the stage was set for the United States and the West to invade Afghanistan and take advantage of the country’s vast resources, from oil to heroin. #10. Selig Harrison, a current member of the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, a former senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and an expert on South Asia, said in March 2001 at a conference called “Terrorism and Regional Security: Managing the Challenges in Asia,” that the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI helped create the backward and tyrannical Taliban. #11. The September 11, 2001 attacks, which serve as the basis for America’s wars in the Middle East, were committed by the United States government with assistance from the government of Israel. This is an indisputable fact added by: maasanova

Mila Kunis Height Bio

Biography for Mila Kunis Height 5#39; 3″ (1.60 m) Born Milena Markivna Kunis/Milena Markovna Kunis August 14, 1983 (1983-08-14) Chernivtsi, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union Occupation Actress, voice artist Years active 1994–present Partner Macaulay Culkin (2002–present) Milena “Mila” Kunis ( /ˈmiːlə ˈkuːnɪs/; born Milena Markivna Kunis (Ukrainian: Мілена Марківна Куніс)/Milena Markovna Kunis (Russian: Милена Маркοвна Кунис)[1] on August 14, 1983)[2] is an American actress. Her television work

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Mila Kunis Height Bio

Steven Chu: China Giving U.S. a Clean Technology "Sputnik Moment"

Photos: Wikipedia, Public domain. Investing Now for a Better Future In a speech at the National Press Club, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu made the case for more R&D in the U.S., especially in the energy sector (“the 2010 federal budget is $3.6 trillion, of which 0.14 percent went for research and development related to energy”). Dr. Chu explains why this is essential for both economic development and to meet environmental challenges, and he compares China’s progress in clean technologies and energy to the wake up call that was the launch of the Sputnik satellite by the Soviet Union…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
Steven Chu: China Giving U.S. a Clean Technology "Sputnik Moment"

10 Skills Needed to Thrive in a Post-Collapse World

Some experts see the perfect storm emerging for a dramatic collapse of Western civilization claiming we've reached environmental, economic, and geopolitical tipping points. Clearly, some skills will be far more valuable than others if this societal breakdown occurs. Sorry bankers, lawyers, and accountants, there won't be a need for you in a post-collapse world. Before we quantify the skill sets that will be viable, it is important to define the severity of a “post-collapse” scenario. When taken as a whole, together these tipping points could potentially converge to create a post-apocalyptic Mad Max-type world for the vast majority of humanity. However, given the advanced technology that we possess today, it is unlikely to ever become quite that primitive ever again. Surely there will be pockets of energy and food independence no matter what possible scenario unfolds, but the vast majority may be left to fend for themselves. It would take a serious cataclysmic earth event like a super volcano, a meteor impact, major electromagnetic pulse event, or dramatic pole shift to effect the entirety of humanity. Man-made events like nuclear war, environmental damage, or total economic collapse, no matter how devastating, will be somewhat isolated and contained to specific areas and populations. Incidentally, every nation or territory that has experienced these man-made catastrophes has roared back to life in less than one generation. The only example of nuclear survival was in Japan, while the largest recent big economic collapse was the break-up of the Soviet Union. In both cases those countries went through a very tough period, but ultimately they persevered. For sake of this article, let's assume that some level of devastation is caused by each type of tipping point in the United States. Our ever escalating wars finally reach our shores by way of long-range nuclear missiles, total economic collapse occurs rendering the dollar worthless, and we would likely have less electricity and water than Iraq did after Bush's “shock and awe” campaign. Gasoline and oil supplies would likely be down to a trickle, halting all supply lines of food and other goods to big box stores. Factory farming will be impossible without cheap oil products readily available. The suffering will be dramatic. The only question will become, how do the citizens react? Both the USSR and early 1950s Japan were far more agrarian, and far less dependent on big box stores than America currently is. American dependence on long supply lines, interconnected yet vulnerable electric grid, and pharmaceutical-based healthcare may lead to a more severe breakdown of society than witnessed in those countries. Although, innovative technology for alternative energy and agriculture practices will play a part in surviving; but they can only help the few with the knowledge, means, and stability to use them. And stability will be in low supply for some time, resulting in only small groups with relative comfort — those who planned for the worse. However, as an optimist, I believe that after the initial chaos Americans will rediscover solidarity for one-another, much like they did after 9/11, but this time it will be more sustained out of absolute necessity. Many articles have been written about how to survive the coming collapse, or what is needed to survive, but not many articles have been written about what skills will have value in a post-collapse world. Imagine fulfilling human necessity without consistent fuel or electricity, large-scale food production, or fully-stocked pharmacies and hospitals. The only form of wealth in a collapsed civilization is the knowledge and skills to produce something of human value. Here are 10 invaluable skills that will likely help you sustain yourself in a hand-made local world: Read More: http://globalpoliticalawakening.blogspot.com/2010/11/10-skills-needed-to-thrive-… added by: GLOBALPOLITICAL

Jon Stewart Smacks Down Fox News For Fear-Mongering About ‘Muslims In Space’ (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart watched in awe last night as the gang at Fox News slammed President Barack Obama for what Stewart called their fear of “Muslims in space.” As TPM previously reported, conservatives have been fear-mongering about a new initiative in the space program to promote outreach to Muslim nations. “What kind of presidential asshole would use the space program to build a bridge to peace?” Stewart asked, before showing a clip of President Ronald Reagan talking about using the space program to work with the Soviet Union. “Liberal fartbag,” said Stewart. “That guy had a pre-Cold War mentality when it came to NASA.” added by: TimALoftis

DSM-V – Psychiatry Enters Dangerous Territory – Inventing Disorders Again

Written by Bruce Walker Thursday, 20 May 2010 15:40 The new fourth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association may define several new psychiatric disorders. Some of these do not sound like varieties of mental illness at all, but rather opinions and attitudes. What would “oppositional defiant disorder,” for example, represent? According to the new edition of the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, this would include those who have “negativistic, defiant, disobedient and hostile behavior toward authority figures.” Other varieties of newly created mental illnesses included being antisocial, arrogant, or cynical. Those familiar with psychiatry in the Soviet Union will cringe at this sort of neo-psychiatry. Authority, for example, may often be wrong in a society. The right to contend with authority has long been considered a primary right of a free people. Soviet psychiatrists, however, institutionalized and “treated” those who defied Soviet authority, which was considered, per se, a variety of mental illness. Cynicism is often the most sensible attitude of those who find government and politics to be a cesspool of corruption. The presumption that society and government are functioning properly, which is implicit in these new psychiatric “disorders,” looks very Orwellian. Only the dullest mind, or the most sheepish people, can look at our tax code, our school system, our immigration policies, and our foreign policy and see only goodness and wisdom. Psychiatric opinions can have a dramatic impact upon court rulings. Laws are often built around those opinions: the right to bear arms, for example, is denied to those who have a history of mental illness. What if that mental illness is defined as a profound distrust of government in America? Then government would have the right to disarm those who saw something very wrong in our political system. Many parents already worry about the over-medication of children, who may well be the first group diagnosed under these new standards. Eccentric children have often been the greatest men in history. Mozart, for example, was hyperactive (by today’s standards) and approached music differently than conventional composers did. Did he have a mental illness? Or was he rather, as the Pope who knew him said, “Amadeus” — Beloved of God? How about Capablanca, the greatest child chess prodigy in history? Was he mentally ill? Both of those men led relatively conventional lives, but what about men like Newton and Beethoven, who were considered to be misanthropic. Was this mental illness, which must be treated with therapy and drugs? Or was it, rather, the expected response of geniuses living among men of much weaker minds? Treating such unique men with drugs and therapy might deprive mankind of its greatest innovators and analysts. The politics of collectivism permeates every aspect of modern life. Individuality, uniqueness, privacy, and separation are inherent rights of free men. These are also anathema to collectivism, which views us all as interchangeable parts of a vast, impersonal, statist machine. Psychiatry which does not account for the particular nature of each of us is not medicine and it is not science: it is simply collectivism lathered on something called medical science. http://www.thenewamerican.com/index.php/usnews/health-care/3586-psychiatry-enter… added by: PepsiJuror

Russian Plumber Doesn’t Know Why People Stare at Him On the Street

In Soviet Russia, it actually is lupus. [ Ed. note : Those dreamy eyes!] View

Belavezha Accords requested search by biased Glenn Beck and Fox

Belavezha Accords is nothing but some hyped up american history event that Fox news is using as a peg to distract people from the important issues at hand like Health Care reform for everyone. Glen Beck as always gives out a dramatic rant about his love for the United States of America but somehow manages to make the US worse by creating idiotic audiences who think Glenn Beck knows something. Fox News claims to have balanced news reports but anyone with half a brain can tell that they are biased. This Belavezha Accords that they want you to look up is just a hoax. Just something to add drama. They are trying to compare the United States to the Soviet Union and how the US is slowly going to a communist route. This is of course completely false as health care reform is merely about giving universal access to a basic necessity of like such as medicine, doctors, hospitals and life saving treatments. belavezha accords is just another fancy thing that may make you think they know, but they don’t. Please, do your own research and see what the Fox News network is trying to make you do. Find your own facts. Belavezha Accords requested search by biased Glenn Beck and Fox is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading