Tag Archives: steve scalise

James T. Hodgkinson: Identified as Alexandria Shooter; What Do We Know About Him?

James T. Hodgkinson has been identified as the man who opened fire with a semiautomatic weapon on Wednesday morning in Alexandria, Virginia. As previously reported, the incident took place around 7 a.m. on a baseball field where Republican Congressmen were taking batting and fielding practice. Five people were reportedly injured in the attack, most prominent among then Representative Steve Scalise from Louisiana . He’s been listed in stable condition and his office confirmed that Scalise was in “good spirits” upon wheeled in for surgery at a local hospital. Rand Paul was among those present during the attack and described the baseball field as a “killing field” during an interview on Morning Joe . He said the death toll would have been unimaginable if not for the swift actions of Capitol Police. Added Congressman Mo Brooks, who estimates that Hodgkinson fired at minimum 50 rounds before authorities took him out. “I see a rifle… I hear another blam… at the same time I heard Steve Scalise scream. He was shot… It sure as heck wasn’t an accident. He was going after elected officials.” It has since been confirmed that Hodgkinson asked someone close to the baseball field whether the man playing on it were Republicans or Democrats. As of 9:45 a.m. EST, Steve Scalise was in stable condition and entering surgery following a heinous attack orchestrated by James T. Hodgkinson. “We may have our differences, but we do well, in times like these, to remember that everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country,” President Trump said in a statement, adding: “We can all agree that we are blessed to be Americans, that our children deserve to grow up in a nation of safety and peace, and that we are strongest when we are unified and when we work together for the common good.” “Please take a moment today to cherish those you love, and always remember those who serve and keep us safe. God bless them all, God bless you, and God Bless America.” The President also confirmed that James T. Hodgkinson is dead from the injuries he sustained upon exchanging gunfire with officers. This is what we know about James T. Hodgkinson: – He was a 66-year old resident of Belleville, Illinois. – He belonged to a number of anti-Republican groups, including one called “Terminate the Republican Party.” – He was a licensed home inspector from 1994 to 1997 and also from 2003 through 2016. – Two days ago, Hodgkinson shared an angry tweet about President Trump on Facebook. It reads as follows: I Want to Say Mr. President, for being an ass hole you are Truly the Biggest Ass Hole We Have Ever Had in the Oval Office. –  He has been arrested or cited for such offenses such as: Failing to obtain electrical permits, damaging a motor vehicle, resisting a peace officer, eluding police, criminal damage to property, driving under the influence and assorted traffic violations. Hodgkinson also volunteered for the Presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016. Upon learning this piece of information, Sanders released the following statement: “I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: “Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms.” Law enforcement officials say there’s no reason to believe the assailant had ties to international terrorism. Two firearms, a rifle and a handgun, were recovered from the scene, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives say. The shooting also wounded two members of a dignitary protection unit of the U.S. Capitol Police,. along with two members of the Capitol Police. All are in good condition.

Continued here:
James T. Hodgkinson: Identified as Alexandria Shooter; What Do We Know About Him?

Porsha Williams Says Comments Made During NeNe Leakes & Claudia Jordan’s RHOA Blowout ‘Stung Each Lady’

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Porsha Williams Says Comments Made During NeNe Leakes & Claudia Jordan’s RHOA Blowout ‘Stung Each Lady’

Bolitics: Racist GOP Goon Steve Scalise Once Opposed Bill That Would Apologize For Slavery – “Why Should I Apologize For Something I Wasn’t A Part Of?”

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise Once Voted Against Bill That Would Apologize For Slavery via Huffington Post House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) voted against a bill that would have apologized for slavery to African-Americans when he was in the Louisiana Legislature, according to a 1996 New Orleans Times-Picayune article first reported on by The Hill. The representative, who has been a target of civil rights groups after it was revealed last month that he spoke at a 2002 white supremacist conference, was one of two House and Governmental Affairs Committee members who voted down the bill. “Why are you asking me to apologize for something I didn’t do and had no part of?” Scalise asked, according to the paper at the time. “I am not going to apologize for what somebody else did.” The bill passed out of committee on a unanimous vote once it was amended to express “regret” instead. Scalise’s office didn’t immediately return a request for comment about the vote. The 1996 measure was noted on Twitter by Lamar White Jr., the blogger who broke the news that Scalise spoke before the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, a group founded by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, in 2002. Scalise has apologized and said he didn’t realize what kind of group he was speaking to at the time. Million Hoodies Movement for Justice, a national racial justice organization, planned a protest for Tuesday outside a Scalise fundraiser on Capitol Hill. And civil rights groups have asked Scalise to meet with them to explain his EURO appearance, though as of Monday, they had not heard back from him. WENN

The rest is here:
Bolitics: Racist GOP Goon Steve Scalise Once Opposed Bill That Would Apologize For Slavery – “Why Should I Apologize For Something I Wasn’t A Part Of?”

Republican Says Obama2011™ Signing Statement is Unconstitutional; Obama2008™ Agrees


Originally posted here:

**Written by Doug Powers When I read that Obama was going to sign a bill that contained a provision to defund czars, I thought that seemed just a little too easy to be true (as it turns out, so did John Boehner). That’s because it was too easy — and Rep. Steve Scalise said that Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Michelle Malkin Discovery Date : 17/04/2011 01:10 Number of articles : 2

Republican Says Obama2011™ Signing Statement is Unconstitutional; Obama2008™ Agrees

Chris Matthews: If Titanic Sank Today GOP Wouldn’t Support Requiring More Life Rafts on Ships

Chris Matthews said Friday that if the Titanic sank today, Republicans wouldn’t support requiring the shipping lines to have more life rafts and life preservers on their vessels. In an at times heated discussion about energy policy with Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) and Steve Scalise (R-La.), the “Hardball” host continually bashed the GOP. “The smartest move for your party is to screw things up for the next couple of years, right through November, get the country completely bollixed up, and they will vote Republican out of desperation, and you will have more power,” said Matthews. “Is that the strategy of the Republican Party this year?” When Scalise refuted this claim, Matthews added, “If the Titanic sank today, you know what the Republicans would be saying? Don`t be telling the shipping lines they need more life rafts or life preservers.” Scalise marvelously responded, “If the Titanic sank today, I`m sure the president would try to blame it on George Bush. And we have seen where that has gotten us” (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):  CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Here`s Mitch McConnell`s position, which I think is not a position. He said: “What I believe most of my members, if not all of them, will not be interested in is seizing on the oil spill in the Gulf and using that as a rationale, if you will, for passing a national energy tax referred to down here at the White House as cap and trade.” Now, that`s a negative position. What is the positive position in terms of moving forward? And do you support some kind of negotiation with the Democrats, which never seems to get done in this presidency? You guys — McConnell from day one has said you guys` platform is no. That`s your platform. REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D), FLORIDA: That`s right. MATTHEWS: That`s what… (CROSSTALK) REP. STEVE SCALISE (R-LA), ENERGY & COMMERCE CMT: Well… MATTHEWS: Is he right? Is McConnell right? The smartest move for your party is to screw things up for the next couple of years, right through November, get the country completely bollixed up, and they will vote Republican out of desperation, and you will have more power? Is that the strategy of the Republican Party this year? Because McConnell says it is. MATTHEWS: What I see here… (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: What do I see? If the Titanic sank today, you know what the Republicans would be saying? Don`t be telling the shipping lines they need more life rafts or life preservers. Don`t get involved with industry telling them what to do. At some point, the government has to intervene, because the private sector is not doing the job. The private sector is what we`re seeing on that live bug every night on television. By the way, Congressman, that`s the work of the private sector without regulation. That`s what it looks like without being taxed heavily. Actually, what we’re seeing in the Gulf of Mexico right now indeed IS the result of an over-regulated industry. If our oil companies were allowed to drill in Alaska AND set up more rigs closer to the coast, they wouldn’t be drilling in mile-deep seas. For some reason folks like Matthews just don’t get that! But I digress:  SCALISE: Well, but the federal government is the regulator, Chris. (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: Your oil patch people have been getting away for centuries without paying taxes. You have had the biggest tax breaks in the world because you have controlled the Ways and Means Committee. You have controlled the Finance Committees and the regulating committees to the point there is no regulation of safety. This is either astonishing stupidity or an out and out lie. The Democrats have controlled both chambers of Congress — and therefore the Ways and Means Committee as well as the Finance Committees – since January 2007! That’s approaching three and a half years. In fact, Democrats have mostly controlled Congress since oil exploration began in this country. As such, any suggestion to the contrary is absurd. Fortunately, Scalise had the best line of the night:  MATTHEWS: You have had your way. So, that works. And we`re seeing it every night on the air. (CROSSTALK) SCALISE: If the Titanic sank today, I`m sure the president would try to blame it on George Bush. And we have seen where that has gotten us. (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: Well, that`s not useful. Actually, it’s quite useful — and spot on! Bravo, Congressman! Bravo! 

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Chris Matthews: If Titanic Sank Today GOP Wouldn’t Support Requiring More Life Rafts on Ships