McDonald’s customers can be a very picky bunch. Based on a handful of stories we’ve heard over the years, these patrons are not always loving it when it comes to their service. Remember that Florida Man who attacked an employee over the store’s new straw policy ? Or the folks who actually filed a lawsuit because they were forced to pay for cheese on their burger ? With the fast food pun fully intended, there have been quite a few whoppers relayed over the Internet is just the past several months alone. But the one down below may take the hot cake… Simply put, a woman was arrested last Friday after going behind the counter at a McDonald’s restaurant in Norwich, Connecticut and slapping a manager in the face because the customer’s order “was made wrong.” Did we mention this manager was pregnant at the time of the attack? Because she was most definitely pregnant. According to The Smoking Gun, police charged 21-year-old Shannelle Hanson with breach of peace and third-degree assault, taking her into custody after she overreacted to the aforementioned mistaken order. Investigators say that Hanson purchased a McChicken Sandwich around 8:20 p.m. at the drive-thru window two miles from her home… … but she wasn’t satisfied with what she received. She allegedly got out of her car and walked into the restaurant, declaring that “her food was made wrong,” based on a customer who spoke with the cops. Hanson subequently “requested a refund” and “then went behind the counter,” according to a Norwich Police Department arrest report. The McDonald’s manager, whose name was not released and who is 29 weeks pregnant, told the police that she was “slapped in the face and pushed by Hanson.” A male employee said that when he attempted to separate Hanson and his manager, who was situated near the french fry station, Hanson “slapped him in the face and pushed him.” This happened after she was given a full refund, too. In a written statement, the manager said that Hanson was made aware she was pregnant and responded to this information by telling those around her “she had bail money and didn’t care I was pregnant. She hoped I lost my child.” YIKES. After being taken into custody, Hanson told police she was upset that “there was nothing on” her McChicken Sandwich, which typically comes with shredded lettuce and mayonnaise. Hanson admitted to cops that she tossed money in the manager’s face, but claims the pregnant victim “stepped to me and we were face to face.” The manager, Hanson alleges, asked, “What are you going to do?” Hanson added: “I do not know who threw the first punch.” Charged with breach of peace and assaulting a pregnant woman (both misdemeanors), Hanson was released from custody on a $5,000 bond and is due in court on June 13.
McDonald’s customers can be a very picky bunch. Based on a handful of stories we’ve heard over the years, these patrons are not always loving it when it comes to their service. Remember that Florida Man who attacked an employee over the store’s new straw policy ? Or the folks who actually filed a lawsuit because they were forced to pay for cheese on their burger ? With the fast food pun fully intended, there have been quite a few whoppers relayed over the Internet is just the past several months alone. But the one down below may take the hot cake… Simply put, a woman was arrested last Friday after going behind the counter at a McDonald’s restaurant in Norwich, Connecticut and slapping a manager in the face because the customer’s order “was made wrong.” Did we mention this manager was pregnant at the time of the attack? Because she was most definitely pregnant. According to The Smoking Gun, police charged 21-year-old Shannelle Hanson with breach of peace and third-degree assault, taking her into custody after she overreacted to the aforementioned mistaken order. Investigators say that Hanson purchased a McChicken Sandwich around 8:20 p.m. at the drive-thru window two miles from her home… … but she wasn’t satisfied with what she received. She allegedly got out of her car and walked into the restaurant, declaring that “her food was made wrong,” based on a customer who spoke with the cops. Hanson subequently “requested a refund” and “then went behind the counter,” according to a Norwich Police Department arrest report. The McDonald’s manager, whose name was not released and who is 29 weeks pregnant, told the police that she was “slapped in the face and pushed by Hanson.” A male employee said that when he attempted to separate Hanson and his manager, who was situated near the french fry station, Hanson “slapped him in the face and pushed him.” This happened after she was given a full refund, too. In a written statement, the manager said that Hanson was made aware she was pregnant and responded to this information by telling those around her “she had bail money and didn’t care I was pregnant. She hoped I lost my child.” YIKES. After being taken into custody, Hanson told police she was upset that “there was nothing on” her McChicken Sandwich, which typically comes with shredded lettuce and mayonnaise. Hanson admitted to cops that she tossed money in the manager’s face, but claims the pregnant victim “stepped to me and we were face to face.” The manager, Hanson alleges, asked, “What are you going to do?” Hanson added: “I do not know who threw the first punch.” Charged with breach of peace and assaulting a pregnant woman (both misdemeanors), Hanson was released from custody on a $5,000 bond and is due in court on June 13.
Madonna has never hesitated to call out her critics and body shamers , but this time, it’s a little different. In a new profile for the New York Times , she drew attention after describing her negative experiences with Harvey Weinstein. But now, on social media, Madonna is blasting the article and its author, calling both a tool of the patriarchy . Before we get into Madonna’s furious response to the article, the article itself is worth mentioning. The New York Times did a profile on Madonna, titled: “Madonna at Sixty.” The subtitle explained that it was a detailed look at Madonna’s view of “aging, inspiration, and why she refuses to cede control.” Within the profile, Madonna discusses how Harvey Weinstein “crossed lines and boundaries” with her. This allegedly went down during the making of her 1991 documentary, “Truth or Dare.” Madonna mentions that Weinstein had been “incredibly sexually flirtatious and forward with me when we were working together.” “I was aware that he did the same with a lot of other women that I knew in the business,” Madonna admits. Madonna is quoted as having operated under a mindset that Harvey Weinstein’s power made his behavior necessary to tolerate. “‘He’s so successful and his movies do so well and everybody wants to work with him,'” Madonna recalls feeling. “‘So you have to put up with it.'” We’ve heard that horrifying mentality from so many people. Terrible that it went on for decades. But her quotes regarding Weinstein may be the one thing that didn’t make Madonna furious about the article. Taking to her Instagram, the music legend put the New York Times on blast. She specifically excoriated the article’s author, a woman named Vanessa Grigoriadis. “To say that I was disappointed in the article would be an understatement,” Madonna writes. She goes on to accuse the article and newspaper of ageism, sexism, and of betraying her trust. “It seems,” Madonna reflects. “You can’t fix society.” She has certainly tried to do so over her career, but it seems that she is despairing that society has so much further to go. “And,” she continues, laying into society and “its endless need to diminish, disparage or degrade that which they know is good.” Madonna observes: “Especially strong independent women.” Women like herself, she means. “The journalist who wrote this article spent days and hours and months with me,” Madonna writes. “And,” she notes, the writer “was invited into a world which many people dont get to see,” “But,” Madonna laments, the journalist “chose to focus on trivial and superficial matters such as the ethnicity of my stand in or the fabric of my curtains.” “And,” she points out. “Never ending comments about my age.” Madonna asserts, probably correctly, that this is something “which would never have been mentioned had I been a MAN!” “Women have a really hard time being the champions of other women,” Madonna expresses in despair. She says that this is true “even if. they are posing as intellectual feminists.” Everyone has blindspots, even within the feminist community. Madonna clearly has major regrets about this profile. “I’m sorry i spent 5 minutes with her,” Madonna writes. “It makes me feel raped,” Madonna writes. “And yes I’m allowed to use that analogy having been raped at the age of 19.” While we are deeply sorry for her horrific experience, most people feel that even rape survivors should be careful with their analogies. “Further proof that the venerable N.Y.T. Is one of the founding fathers of the Patriarchy,” she accuses. Patriarchal cultural forces are pernicious … and much, much older than the New York Times . Or the English language. Or writing itself. “And I say — DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY woven deep into the fabric of Society,” Madonna expresses. She concludes: “I will never stop fighting to eradicate it.” View Slideshow: Donald Trump Impeachment Party: Who’s Attending?
Madonna has never hesitated to call out her critics and body shamers , but this time, it’s a little different. In a new profile for the New York Times , she drew attention after describing her negative experiences with Harvey Weinstein. But now, on social media, Madonna is blasting the article and its author, calling both a tool of the patriarchy . Before we get into Madonna’s furious response to the article, the article itself is worth mentioning. The New York Times did a profile on Madonna, titled: “Madonna at Sixty.” The subtitle explained that it was a detailed look at Madonna’s view of “aging, inspiration, and why she refuses to cede control.” Within the profile, Madonna discusses how Harvey Weinstein “crossed lines and boundaries” with her. This allegedly went down during the making of her 1991 documentary, “Truth or Dare.” Madonna mentions that Weinstein had been “incredibly sexually flirtatious and forward with me when we were working together.” “I was aware that he did the same with a lot of other women that I knew in the business,” Madonna admits. Madonna is quoted as having operated under a mindset that Harvey Weinstein’s power made his behavior necessary to tolerate. “‘He’s so successful and his movies do so well and everybody wants to work with him,'” Madonna recalls feeling. “‘So you have to put up with it.'” We’ve heard that horrifying mentality from so many people. Terrible that it went on for decades. But her quotes regarding Weinstein may be the one thing that didn’t make Madonna furious about the article. Taking to her Instagram, the music legend put the New York Times on blast. She specifically excoriated the article’s author, a woman named Vanessa Grigoriadis. “To say that I was disappointed in the article would be an understatement,” Madonna writes. She goes on to accuse the article and newspaper of ageism, sexism, and of betraying her trust. “It seems,” Madonna reflects. “You can’t fix society.” She has certainly tried to do so over her career, but it seems that she is despairing that society has so much further to go. “And,” she continues, laying into society and “its endless need to diminish, disparage or degrade that which they know is good.” Madonna observes: “Especially strong independent women.” Women like herself, she means. “The journalist who wrote this article spent days and hours and months with me,” Madonna writes. “And,” she notes, the writer “was invited into a world which many people dont get to see,” “But,” Madonna laments, the journalist “chose to focus on trivial and superficial matters such as the ethnicity of my stand in or the fabric of my curtains.” “And,” she points out. “Never ending comments about my age.” Madonna asserts, probably correctly, that this is something “which would never have been mentioned had I been a MAN!” “Women have a really hard time being the champions of other women,” Madonna expresses in despair. She says that this is true “even if. they are posing as intellectual feminists.” Everyone has blindspots, even within the feminist community. Madonna clearly has major regrets about this profile. “I’m sorry i spent 5 minutes with her,” Madonna writes. “It makes me feel raped,” Madonna writes. “And yes I’m allowed to use that analogy having been raped at the age of 19.” While we are deeply sorry for her horrific experience, most people feel that even rape survivors should be careful with their analogies. “Further proof that the venerable N.Y.T. Is one of the founding fathers of the Patriarchy,” she accuses. Patriarchal cultural forces are pernicious … and much, much older than the New York Times . Or the English language. Or writing itself. “And I say — DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY woven deep into the fabric of Society,” Madonna expresses. She concludes: “I will never stop fighting to eradicate it.” View Slideshow: Donald Trump Impeachment Party: Who’s Attending?
Source: B. Roth/WENN for Tine Publicity / WENN A stunning revelation from Ellen DeGeneres. During an appearance on David Letterman’s My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, the 61-year-old talk show host opened up about being a sexual assault survivor. Join Our Text Club To Get The Latest Music, Entertainment, Contests And Breaking News On Your Phone. Text BALTIMORE to 24042 to join! She said her stepfather waited until her mother, Betty DeGeneres was out of town to touch her inappropriately, saying he needed to feel her breasts because he’d found a lump in her mother’s breasts and needed to check hers. This occurred when the Emmy award winner was around 15 to 16 years old. DeGeneres said she’s still angry with herself for not standing up to who she said was a “very bad man.” She’s telling her story now because it bothers her when women come forward about their sexual assault experiences and are shamed or blamed. She hopes opening up publicly will encourage other women to do the same. See Also: Baltimore Drummers A1 Chops Land Web Series With Ellen Degeneres “We [women] just don’t feel like we’re worthy, or we’re scared to have a voice, and we’re scared to say no … That’s the only reason I think it’s important to talk about it because there’s so many young girls and it doesn’t matter how old you are.” You can catch Ellen DeGeneres episode in full when season 2 of My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, becomes available for streaming on Netflix May 31st. Source: VIBE
Source: HBO/ Helen Sloan / HBO/ Helen Sloan G ame over. The battle for the Iron Throne has come to an end, and its occupant is the last person people predicted would be ruling Westeros. Last week, we saw Daenerys succumb to her daddy’s mad gene and reduce King’s Landing to ash finishing what he wanted to start when he screamed “burn them all” before Jamie drove his sword through his heart. The show’s series finale picks up right where we left off with everyone who’s not a member of the Unsullied or Dothraki realizing the coin flipped on the crazy Targaryen side. Tyrion Wants No Parts of A Daenerys Monarchy Source: HBO/ Helen Sloan / HBO/ Helen Sloan Daenerys’ hand is disgusted with his queen and rightfully so. The man just witnessed the now Mad Queen with the help of her dragon turn innocent men, women, and children into one giant pile of ash destroying King’s Landing in the process despite the ringing of the bell signaling surrender. Him, Jon and Davos are surveying the fallout and are taking in the burnt corpses and stunned survivors who somehow survived Drogon’s wrath and escaped being turned into extra crispy King’s Landing residents. Before he goes to face Dany, Tyrion decides to go to the Red Keep which now serves as the final resting place of the incestual duo of his sister Cersei and brother Jamie. Immediately he spots the one-handed knight’s golden hand in the rubble of the castle that fell on top of them. After he digs out their bodies, Tyrion breaks down as he realized that he sent his brother to his death by suggesting him and Cersei make their escape through the area only to see their route was blocked off. It’s also safe to assume that those tears weren’t for his crazy sister but also the fact he took a considerable risk freeing Jamie only to see the opportunity fail and now him possibly facing death by dragon fire. After mourning over Jamie, it’s time to face Westeros’ new Queen. At the moment she is basking in her glory and is thanking her two formidable armies, for helping her “free” aka cook the people of King’s Landing. With that new crazy look in her eyes, she tells Tyrion that she is aware he helped his brother escape. Tyrion calls out The Mother of Dragons for her violent actions before ultimately quitting as her loyal advisor. Dany thanks him for his service by having the pint-sized hand of the queen arrested for his treasonous acts. Looks like Tyrion will suffer the same fate as his best friend Varys who got turned into cigarette ashes after he snitched on him like Frank Lucas did in American Gangster . Jon Makes A Painful Decision Source: HBO/ Helen Sloan / HBO/ Helen Sloan The current King of The North cannot believe what he just witnessed. His auntie/boo thang aka the breaker of chains senselessly laid to waste an entire kingdom and killed children. Jon Snow is not about that Mad Targaryen life despite having the gene himself. Clearly, this dragon, who was raised by wolves, has compassion and cannot be corrupted by power. After walking up on Grey Worm executing Lannister soldiers under orders his beloved queen and listening to her delusional speech where she no longer sounds like the woman he fell in love with a look of concern can be seen on his face. Jon decides to have a conversation with the Tyrion after he is arrested. Tyrion makes his best case that despite the love they both have for Daenerys her crazy ass has to go not now, BUT RIGHT NOW. Tyrion begs for Jon to see that which each person Daenerys kills she becomes more of a tyrant and that his sisters could easily be next to be turned in barbecue chicken, but it looks like his case fell on deaf ears with Jon doubling down on his loyalty to her. With the ash from the battle coming down like snowfall, Jon finds his queen in the throne room admiring the Iron Throne which is now hers. He desperately tries to help her see the error of her ways, but she is too far gone and only wants to rule with Jon by her said. Realizing his queen has gone mad with power, he delivers the fatal blow while sharing one last kiss with Daenerys putting an end to her very short reign. Knowing something is wrong, her dragon son Drogon shows and is not too happy to see his mother dead. Jon initially believes he is about to catch the flamethrower for killing the Mother of Dragons, but instead Drogon takes his anger out on the throne his master died for. After he melts it down like a fake chain, the dragon takes Daenerys lifeless corpse and flies off into the unknown. It was a good run Dany, but you had to go, we hope you enjoy telling people to bend the knee in the afterlife. For his actions though, Jon is arrested by the Unsullied who, as expected, are not too happy to learn the fate of their leader. The Wheel Has Been Broken Source: HBO/ Helen Sloan / HBO/ Helen Sloan It would appear sometime has passed since Jon’s actions, and he is still a prisoner as well as Tyrion. He is taken to a meeting that consists of the most influential people in Westeros. Sansa, Ayara, Bran, Gendry Lord of Storm’s End, Yara Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, Edmure Tully of Riverun, Ser Davos, Ser Brienne of Tarth, Yohn Royce, Samwell Tarly and Robin Arryn Lord of the Vale who is all grown up now and not the spoiled brat who was entirely too old to be breastfed by his mother. They have come to determine the fate of Jon Snow and figure out the leadership situation. Grey Worm is adamant on not giving up either Tyrion nor Jon and wants them to pay for their crimes but as expected the Starks want their brother back. When it came time to decide who should lead, Edmure’s dumb ass gets up to, but before he can a make a ridiculous claim for the throne, Sansa tells her uncle to have a seat, Samwell suggests they all should lead, and they all laugh at that idea. They leave the decision up to Tyrion, and he suggests surprisingly that Bran would make a perfect King being that like his brother he had no desire for the crown. When asked if he wanted the job, Bran in his best Three-Eyed-Raven voice says he accepts the responsibility by saying the only reason he is at the meeting is to receive the crown. After being met with surprise, the group agrees except for Sansa initially who for some reason brings up the fact Bran can’t fill up any potential queen’s gut with his warging juice. Tyrion thinks that’s best and proposes that from now rulers of Westeros shall be chosen by the group and not come into power by birth, thus breaking the wheel like his former queen wanted. Who Survived The Great Game? Source: HBO/ Helen Sloan / HBO/ Helen Sloan Bran The Broken’s rule begins, but at the request of his sister Sansa, Winterfell will remain independent, so instead of ruling the Seven Kingdoms, he will only oversee six making Sansa Queen of The North. As for Jon, life comes full-circle for him and instead of having his head cut off he was sent back to the wall to become a member of the Night’s Watch forever. When he arrived back at Castle Black he was greeted by Tormund, the wildings and his loyal dire wolf Ghost whom he gives a warm embrace. So all of those folks who complained Jon didn’t pet him in the previous episode can relax now. They embark on another adventure beyond the wall as the finale closes. Sansa is now the running things in Winterfell and looks damn good in her royal fits and rocking her crown. Arya opted not to go back home and instead decided to explore what’s west of Westeros. As for the new ruler Bran The Broken, he takes Tyrion on as his Hand of The King, Samwell is appointed to Grand Maester, Ser Davos Master of Ships, Ser Brienne Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Podrick is a Knight in the newly formed Kingsguard and Ser Bronn is Master of Coin. Grey Worm took the remaining Unsullied to Naath to the birthplace of cuddle bae Missandei in a touching tribute. Last, but certainly not leas,t Drogon who is now officially the last remaining dragon is enjoying his freedom as was spotted last in the East. Bran says he will try to locate him to pinpoint his exact location. So after 8 seasons of watching the Stark seeds blossom under some rough conditions, we finally get to see them on top and flourishing. Ned, Catelyn, Robb, and Rickon are smiling down from the heavens. Who runs Westeros? STARKS.
Source: Thaddaeus McAdams / Getty Gregg Leakes Is In Remission NeNe Leakes is sharing good news on her hubby’s behalf. The RHOA star is letting fans know that her husband Gregg Leakes’ chemotherapy has been successful, so much so that he’s 100% cancer-free! “Look at God! We are over joyed to say, we saw the doctors for the results of Gregg’s Pet Scan he took last week! Test show, wait for It…..WE ARE CANCER FREE!!! Yes God!” NeNe captioned a pic of her healthy hubby. “Now i can go give Gregg a black eye since so many thinks he’s abused,” she shadily added. Now NeNe… View this post on Instagram Look at God! We are over joyed to say, we saw the doctors for the results of Gregg’s Pet Scan he took last week! Test show, wait for It…..WE ARE CANCER FREE!!! Yes God! Now i can go give Gregg a black eye since so many thinks he’s abused #fuckcancer #fuckopinions #cancersurvivor #pushthrucaretakers #lifeoftheleakes A post shared by Nene Leakes (@neneleakes) on May 13, 2019 at 9:58am PDT As previously reported Gregg was battling stage 3 colon cancer and at first, wanted to try alternative medicine. He changed his mind however and wrapped up chemo back in early April . Gregg also thanked NeNe on his own page. View this post on Instagram Won’t He do it …… Thank you Jesus & Praise God …… Thank you ALL for your Prayers for me and please continue to Pray during my journey.. I thank my wife @neneleakes for being there for me.. Sometimes it wasn’t easy.. A post shared by Gregg Leakes (@greggleakes) on May 13, 2019 at 12:16pm PDT Congratulations Gregg! View this post on Instagram Thank you to my Children, My Family and ALL of who supported me… A post shared by Gregg Leakes (@greggleakes) on May 13, 2019 at 12:18pm PDT
Source: Chicago Tribune / Getty Surviving R. Kelly: The Impact Airing On May 4th Deadline is reporting that Lifetime isn’t done with their R. Kelly exposé , they are airing a follow-up special. Reportedly, the special features footage from the docuseries, interviews with journalists, legal experts, non-profit organizations and psychologists to discuss the ongoing story surrounding R. Kelly. Viewers will also get an in-depth look at his now infamous interview with Gayle King and the women who are still living with him. Lifetime’s explosive docuseries Surviving R. Kelly, which chronicled sexual abuse allegations against singer Robert R. Kelly, changed the Kelly conversation. Now the network has set a two-hour follow-up special. Hosted by award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, Surviving R. Kelly: The Impact highlights the impact the documentary has had on our culture globally, how it has elevated the conversation on sexual violence and what it means to be a survivor. It’s set to premiere Saturday May 4 at 10 PM ET/PT on Lifetime. Will YOU be tuning in to this?
Sarah Double Kidney Transplant Hyland still got the moves motherfuckers…not that she ever had the moves…or if she did have the moves pre-kidney transplant, I wouldn’t be aware of it, cuz I have always been terrified of her…. Sure her swinging her pussy side to side, doing the “pussy dance” which is a social media event that happens when girls get in bikinis and need content for their social media…a slow hip shake gyrating from the pussy…like she’s Elvis….and it’s always encouraged. Sarah Hyland as an actress has always been creepy, underdeveloped, she looked 12 when she was 20, securing a weird fanbase, but a fanbase nonetheless….being on mainstream network television obviously helped her reach all those creepy fans, and cultivate more creepy fans who into underdeveloped adult women…for whatever reason… A survivor….living her best life…as many people who face death head-on do….and in doing that she’s become dramatically more into her social media audience, being a half naked sexual being, and doing things like pussy dances…which may or may not make you people happy. I am here to help make you people happy even though you’ve never done anything for me. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sarah Hyland Pussy Dance of the Day appeared first on .
I don’t know if Katherine Ryan’s fake tits are actually 35, she may be the 35 year old and her tits closer to 10 years old, which makes you a pedophile if you’re into them, they aren’t quite 18 yet. I had never heard of her, but apparently, she’s a famous Comedian in the UK. She is orginally from Canada, possibly my neighbor growing up, maybe we went to the same Maple Syrup Survivor School. I don’t remember her, because she likely didn’t have the tits back then… Her claim to fame was working at Hooters in Toronto, a Hooters I have never been to, because I generally avoid all Hooters…not because I don’t like the tits, but because I don’t like food poisoning…But like Jose Canseco, I appreciate the kind of whores who work at Hooters, with their tits out for tips…the way traditional gender roles are supposed to work…she got fired for writing “Club Sandwiches No Seals” on her tits…which isn’t original…but I guess a good story to tell people in a chapter of her bullshit memoir that should read as “I am a whore with ambition and an outgoing, easy going / easy personality, The end”…. She wasn’t made famous in Canada, because it’s hard to break through here, but she’s on Netflix, doing roasts, doing all kinds of things….that allows her to afford vacationing in Maldives…like she’s not a single mother….using that stripper money from them fake tits…that have paid for themselves a few times over because without the fake tits, would she even exist…I doubt it. The fake tits are definitely how she worked the comedy scene, comedians are losers who get excited by any tit giving them attention, so being a moderately hot chick who is easy and looks like the girls the comedians jerk off to, with moderate level of funny, the world can be your fucking oyster…. The post Katherine Ryan’s 35 Year Old Fake Tits of the Day appeared first on .