Tag Archives: survivors

Farrah Abraham Got Her Vagina Rejuvenated, Because of Course She Did

Is there nothing that Farrah Abraham won’t do for attention? Whether it’s getting super racist on reality television or using her latest breakup to stir up sympathy, Farrah seems to need attention whether it’s good or bad and it’s clear that she’ll cross any boundary to get it. In her latest ploy, she got some procedures on her butt and on her vagina … and shared the photos with the world. Remember the good old days, when if you wanted to make yourself younger and more beautiful, you just bathed in the blood of virgins? Technology has improved … or at least changed those techniques. Which is great news for virgins everywhere. Farrah Abraham has already availed herself of several cosmetic procedures. She got her first boob job when she was 19, remember. (We say first because it was not her last — just a couple of years ago, Farrah Abraham got her third boob job , because that’s a great sign that someone’s healthy) She’s also had rhinoplasty. To her credit, she hasn’t been especially secretive about her cosmetic procedures. This time, she got vaginal rejuvenation … and got her butt tightened. To be clear, by “butt tightened,” we mean that she got the skin of her butt tightened. She didn’t get, like, steroids injected into her anal muscles (which is probably not a real procedure) or whatever. (As far as we know) The skin procedure is apparently called “Exilis,” according to RadarOnline ‘s source — RadarOnline is also the place where Farrah Abraham shared her procedure photos . “The procedure heats up the skin with radio frequency to tighten the skin and tissue,” their insider says. “It goes deep and gets rid of cellulite to make everything tight and firm.” If you don’t even like the sensation of holding a hot to-go bag on your lap during a car ride, this procedure might not be for you. It sounds like the sort of thing that you could have on other areas of skin, but Farrah seems determined to make her ass as perfect as she can get it. (Aren’t we all?) And then came the vaginal rejuvenation, which sounds like an odd procedure to perform on a 26-year-old. “The procedure is performed with a wand that is inserted and moved back and forth for four minutes to tighten the walls of the uterus. It is beneficial for sex so you’re not wide. It also helps with moisture and lubrication.” Weird that it impacts the uterine walls, since there’s presumably no way that the wand is going past Farrah’s cervix. (Sorry; we’re many things but we’re not gynecologists) We’ll get to what are and are not factors in vaginal tightness in a moment, but that whole procedure sounds weird. Then, of course, comes the exterior vaginal rejuvenation. (Which, of course, doesn’t involve the vagina at all) “When the clitoris and outside lips are stretched out and long, it shrinks them and makes the vagina from the outside look youthful.” It’s normal for a clitoris to grow over time as you age, for the record. And while genitals may “sag” with age, some labia minora are just longer than others. But, hey, Farrah can make her genitals look however she likes. As for her bringing a camera into the room for the procedure … that’s almost unimaginably awkward. The photos don’t show any sexy angles or anything. You mostly just see Farrah smiling awkwardly while a young-looking technician, whose hands are hidden by a privacy cloth, appears to be manipulating the “wand” tool inside of Farrah. (We hope that her job pays enough) In a ludicrous claim made to HollywoodLife , Farrah’s ex, Simon Saran, says that he somehow deserves credit for Farrah getting that vaginal rejuvenation. “I don’t blame her, I’m very big. Wouldn’t be fair to the next guy.” So, you know how you put your hair up into a ponytail or a bun or something before sleep, but after what doesn’t feel like all that many uses, your hair ties start to loosen and they don’t grip your hair as well? Well vaginas work just like that. KIDDING! Vaginas aren’t hair ties, folks. The tightness of a vagina has to do with numerous factors, including biology and muscle tone and level of arousal. These are canals that can expel a literal entire baby and then shrink back to their previous size. Nobody human’s penis is going to wreck somebody’s hooha so bad that they just can’t recover. We don’t claim to have any special knowledge of Simon Saran’s penis in particular, but we’re always leery of men who seem to feel compelled to assure everyone that they’re especially well endowed. And by “leery of,” we mean that they are seldom to be believed. Pro tip for life: when someone boasts about something, that’s almost certainly an insecurity of theirs, whether it’s their wealth or dick size or how effective or otherwise their three-ring circus of a presidential administration has turned out to be. Now, Farrah Abraham has been through some genuine bad times. We’re all aware of her sad history of rape and abuse , and those monstrous acts can change you for the rest of your life. But as a celebrity — and, as we said, Farrah is 26 years old and, after doing a porn tape, is an adult celebrity in every sense of the word — Farrah has an obligation to think about the people whom she represents. That is: other survivors of rape and abuse. Farrah’s pattern of obnoxious statements and bad behavior don’t do anything to cast other survivors in a positive light. View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham: A Ridiculous, Sometimes X-Rated Life in GIFs

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Farrah Abraham Got Her Vagina Rejuvenated, Because of Course She Did

‘The Walking Dead’: Predictions For Tonight’s Episode ‘Claimed’

With all the survivors accounted for, it’s time to get back in the business of plot development and creative killing. By Kat Rosenfield

Continued here:
‘The Walking Dead’: Predictions For Tonight’s Episode ‘Claimed’

‘The Walking Dead’: Predictions For Tonight’s Episode ‘Claimed’

With all the survivors accounted for, it’s time to get back in the business of plot development and creative killing. By Kat Rosenfield

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‘The Walking Dead’: Predictions For Tonight’s Episode ‘Claimed’

‘Walking Dead’ Predictions: How Will Rick Explain The Carol Situation?

How will the survivors react to Carol’s exit on tonight’s ‘Walking Dead’? MTV News weighs in with our latest round of predictions. By Josh Wigler

Read the rest here:
‘Walking Dead’ Predictions: How Will Rick Explain The Carol Situation?

The Walking Dead Season 3 Trailer: We’re Taking Back What’s Ours!

The Walking Dead Season 3 trailer was released this weekend at Comic-Con 2012, and gives fans glimpses of new characters, locations and battles to come. With Michonne (Danai Gurira) and The Governor (David Morrisey) and the prison all front and center, the AMC sensation is coming back with a vengeance. After Rick proclaims “this prison is ours,” you know the showdown between the survivors and a prison full of zombies is going to be nothing short of epic. This four-minute taste of The Walking Dead Season 3 is worth every second. Check it out below, and remember people, three words: Fear the Living .

The Walking Dead Season 3 Trailer: We’re Taking Back What’s Ours!

The Walking Dead Season 3 trailer was released this weekend at Comic-Con 2012, and gives fans glimpses of new characters, locations and battles to come. With Michonne (Danai Gurira) and The Governor (David Morrisey) and the prison all front and center, the AMC sensation is coming back with a vengeance. After Rick proclaims “this prison is ours,” you know the showdown between the survivors and a prison full of zombies is going to be nothing short of epic. This four-minute taste of The Walking Dead Season 3 is worth every second. Check it out below, and remember people, three words: Fear the Living .

Vice President Biden Discusses Grief & Loss


Originally posted here:

Joe Biden addresses the 18th Annual TAPS (Tragedy Assistance for Survivors) National Military Survivor Seminar on Friday. He talked about losing his own wife and daughter and the process of grieving the loss of a loved one. This is touching. (via Metafilter ) Send messages to radiofox@gmail.com Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Miss C Recommends Discovery Date : 26/05/2012 03:38 Number of articles : 2

Vice President Biden Discusses Grief & Loss

‘Survivor: One World’: The Women Cop Out

‘There’s nothing that the women are getting right at this point,’ former ‘Survivor’ player Rob Cesternino says of the dysfunctional Salani tribe. By Josh Wigler Chelsea Meissner in the second episode of “Survivor: One World” Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS It’s a battle of the sexes on “Survivor: One World,” but over at the women’s camp, the conflict is no longer divided along gender lines alone. On this week’s “Survivor,” the women of the Salani tribe lost both the new do-it-yourself reward challenge as well as the crucial immunity challenge, which required navigating a giant balance beam with multiple human obstacles in the way. Was it a complicated challenge, or simply one that wasn’t conducive to the “assets” that Salani brings to the table? The question is open to interpretation, but the result is not: The men of Manono dominated once again, leaving the women to vote out 51-year-old former Los Angeles police officer Nina Acosta, who is technically the first person voted out of the game following last week’s “Survivor” history-making medical evacuation . Is it too late for the dysfunctional Salani tribe to pull it together? Did the team make the right choice in voting out Nina, a stronger player on the outside of an alliance, over 22-year-old Kat Edorsson, a weaker competitor than Nina but potentially more loyal to the women of Salani? MTV News tackles these questions and more alongside longtime “Survivor” commentator and two-time player Rob Cesternino , regularly described as “the smartest player to never win the game.” MTV : Man, Salani just does not have it together, Rob. They’ve lost three challenges in a row. They’ve already lost a teammate to a medical evacuation. They just voted another one out. It’s a tribe divided into two alliances, but you can barely even say that, because the people in these alliances don’t even want to be in alliances with each other. It’s a mess of a situation. Is there anything that they are getting right? Rob Cesternino : There is nothing that the women are getting right at this point. This is not exactly a strong start. [ Laughs ] Things don’t look good for their tribe. But this is the game of “Survivor,” and things could always turn around on them. Things are always worse than they appear after losing basically two challenges and having one of their players get medically evacuated. They could always come back and win a bunch of challenges. Unlikely, but still very possible. MTV : Going into Tribal Council, [producers] did their best to make you think that Kat might get voted out, but you really had to figure it was Nina going home. There are arguments for getting rid of each of them. With Nina, she’s on the outside — she’s not part of the numbers of the tribe’s core alliance, where Kat is. But on paper, Nina may be more valuable to this tribe than Kat in both the challenge and life-experience departments. What do you think? Did Salani get it right? Was the right person sent home? Cesternino : Whether they got it right or they got it wrong, the history of “Survivor” is always that when an alliance is faced with voting out a stronger member of the tribe who is not in their alliance, or the weaker tribe mate who is in their alliance, I think 99 percent of the time they’ll vote out the stronger person who isn’t in the alliance. That’s just the way it goes. You want to keep the numbers on your side. They could have kept Nina and kept their numerical advantage, but Survivors always keep the loyal person. It never goes the other way. MTV : It’s also hard to judge based on one challenge. Kat did not do well in that challenge, but who knows how she’ll do tomorrow? Cesternino : And it’s not so much that Kat is weak. It’s more that Kat is dumb. [ Laughs ] Her intelligence may not be as much of a factor in future challenges. Strength-wise, she’s probably on par with Nina. But on a common-sense level, she’s flatlined. I don’t know what Kat was thinking [during the immunity challenge]. She compared herself to [“Survivor: Nicaragua” winner] Fabio before the game began, and she’s perfectly playing that game. She’s not a threat, she’s well liked, she’s fun around camp. … It’s the kind of thing where nobody will ever suspect her. They’ll keep her around. But who’s to say she won’t win in the end? You reach a point with “Survivor” that you’re so not a threat that you are a threat. She’s exactly that. MTV : While we’re talking about Kat, it seems like a good time to bring up the immunity challenge she helped to bungle. We had only seen one challenge this season prior to this week’s episode, but that challenge was so hardcore that a contestant broke their arm in multiple places and was forced out of the game early. This week’s challenge wasn’t easy either. The women’s tribe had an impossible time getting started, but even the men had some trouble. Cesternino : In these men-versus-women seasons, production likes to throw out balance beams as the great equalizer. Though in the case of the challenge this week, it didn’t play out that way. While the men were able to get across the balance beam and take their time, I think that because of the, ah, “surgical enhancements” of several of the female players, there were just some turns that were not physically possible. [ Laughs ] I don’t know if production really thought that through when they tested the challenge. I don’t think they had any testers wearing size-F sports bras. MTV : Let’s talk about the do-it-yourself reward challenge. It’s not the first DIY challenge we’ve seen on “Survivor,” but we already know that “One World” is going to feature a whole lot more of these. You know, I really enjoy the “One World” twist, and I like the men-versus-women angle, but the jury’s out for me on these DIY challenges. What did you think? Cesternino : I have a feeling that (host) Jeff Probst’s agent was recording these do-it-yourself challenges to plan for Jeff’s next contract negotiation. [ Laughs ] Honestly, I don’t know that the Survivors hosting their very own challenge is really working for me. I understand that Jeff might need a day off, but get a Jeff Probst understudy to host the challenge. I’m not saying Jeff can’t have a day off, but the challenge needs a host. Just some guy. Get Smiley off the street. Even if it’s a disembodied voice narrating the challenges! [ Laughs ] I was just very confused watching a challenge without someone yelling, “Women! Looking good!” or “Women! Having all sorts of problems!” [ Laughs ] I can’t image after one DIY challenge that anyone’s feeling too good about this, but let’s give “Survivor” the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they can tweak this going forward. MTV : The Colton Chronicles continue this week. Colton is a man without a country: He doesn’t feel comfortable with the guys at Manono, he feels comfortable with the women at Salani, but they don’t feel comfortable with him. Colton breaks down a bit in this episode, but by the end, he’s developed an alliance with others on his tribe by showing them his secret immunity idol. You were down on Colton last week , Rob, but how do you feel about him after this week? Cesternino : I think Colton is still a hot mess. [ Laughs ] I don’t know what he’s doing. He’s completely spinning out. All the men are pissed at him, all the women are pissed at him. The only thing he has going for him is that hidden immunity idol. I don’t normally agree with players showing the hidden idol to everybody, but it seemed to turn the tides for Colton a little bit. He’s got this misfit alliance that he’s put together. I like that he’s finally associating with some of the men — he’s plotting within his tribe. It’s a step in the right direction. That being said, at the challenge, when he was complaining about Leif… he doesn’t like Leif! That’s a core member of his misfits alliance! I don’t know about Colton. But maybe he’s hit rock bottom, and he’s going in the right direction now. A touch of the crybabyitis, though. Episode two tends to be the breakdown episode for people. MTV : Once again, like last week, let’s end by looking at who’s playing the game right. Who do you like out there after two episodes? Cesternino : We didn’t see much of the men this week outside of Colton. But the women’s alliance, even though Sabrina calls herself the winner, it seems like the tandem of Kimberly and Chelsea are calling the shots. I really like that dynamic: They aren’t the people who identify themselves as leaders of the tribe, but a powerful two-person alliance where you can trust the other person … that’s the best possible scenario to be in on “Survivor.” I think Kimberly and Chelsea have that. As long as they don’t get separated by some shuffling of the deck, I think that those two could go very far in this game. What did you think of “Survivor” this week? Tell us in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @roundhoward!

See more here:
‘Survivor: One World’: The Women Cop Out

Elsewhere In The World: Swedish Man Survives Two Months In Snow-Buried Car

Wow. A Swedish man was being treated in hospital Sunday after being dug out alive from his snow-buried car in which he had survived for two months with no food, according to police and local media. The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday, emaciated and too weak to utter more than a few words. The BBC reported the temperature in the area had recently dropped to -22F (-30C). He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a car wreck until they dug their way to a window and saw movement inside. The man, who was laying in the back seat in a sleeping bag, said he had been in the car since December 19. “Just incredible that he’s alive considering that he had no food, but also since it’s been really cold for some time after Christmas,” a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens-Kuriren, which broke the news. The Daily Telegraph reported that the man appeared to have survived on melted snow. Amazing that he survived. Source , Reuters

See the rest here:
Elsewhere In The World: Swedish Man Survives Two Months In Snow-Buried Car

Plane Crash May Have Killed Ex-Senator Ted Stevens and Ex-NASA Cheif Sean O’Keefe

A plane crash in Alaska may have claimed the life of one of the state's former senators, as well as a former head of NASA. Former Republican U.S. Senator Ted Stevens was aboard a plane that crashed in Alaska, a congressional source told Reuters on Tuesday. The Associated Press also reports that former NASA Administrator, Sean O'Keefe, was on board. Nine people are believed to have been aboard in total, five of whom died, and Alaska National Guard spokesman Maj. Guy Hayes said. It is unclear if Stevens or O'Keefe are among the survivors. Hayes said The Air Force 11th Rescue Coordination Center, which is operated by the Alaska National Guardsmen, was called to the area about 20 miles north of Dillingham at about 7 p.m. Monday after a passing aircraft saw the downed plane. But severe weather has hampered search-and-rescue efforts. Several people who were in the area are at the sight of the crash, the Anchorage Daily News reports. “They're not out there alone right now. There's people that are providing support,” Hayes said. “From what I'm told, there are survivors on this aircraft. I don't know how many could be fatalities at this point.” Medical personnel are also at the scene, the Air National Guard said in a statement. Stevens served in Congress for 60 years and was its longest-serving Republican senator. He lost his bid for re-election in 2008. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_mg7D3kYysfw/Rq5eeIMACTI/AAAAAAAACu4/QLc2RBVNtxw/s400/t… http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2010/08/10/2010-08-10_former_sen_ted_st… added by: EmperorThan